Unread postby Lepastur » 12 Apr 2008, 14:07
Oh, I guess this have nothing to do with TBS, shooters and other stories. HoMM is, and always have been, divided on two main streams:
1 - Single player
2 - Multiplayer
For number 1, we have an uneasy map editor and a poor IA, so there is a lack of maps and campaigns made by fans. And the few ones we may find aren't funny cos the IA, so the working time and effort spent on their making off isn't worthy.
And for number 2, an uneasy map editor again, an useless RMG, a poor sim turns system and balance plenty of flaws.
So, if both streams fails, the low success of the game shouldn't surprise to anyone, isn't it? Indeed, what amazes me it's the game is still running. The only hope I see for this game it's that the MOD community efforts could bring us a well balance for multi one day, because I guess all hope is lost about the editor, IA and sim turns.