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Unread postby Mytical » 16 Feb 2008, 13:08

The Hexed.

I want to thank Winterfate, Genielord, Omegadestroyer, Ceres, Fiur, Azagal, binibik, Aculius, (if I forget anybody send me an HCM and I will add you) and many others for their help. From letting me bounce ideas off of them, to stats, to pictures, ect.


Faction: The Hexed

Hero Title: Gypsie or Exhiled

Flag Color: Black/Blood Red

Capitol: None (yet do to being nomadic)

Flag Symbol: Bloody claw squeezing a pentagram

Preferred stats: None (equal chance for all apon level up)

Preferred schools: Dark/Destructive

Worship: None and all (except the undead version of Asha and Urgash)

Edit : Please feel free to comment and make suggestions.


A band of simple gypsies roamed the lands for generations. These particular gypsies were wise and nobel, and often sheltered creatures that had been hexed in various ways. When the first wave of Demons crossed their path, most of their people were slaughtered. One of their members had delved into Necromancy, but after learning the dark arts had returned to live ammong them. Bardavious Winterheart had no desire to raise the dead, instead he used his dark arts to call every last creature that had been hexed to him.

He vowed that the demons would pay, and pay dearly. He realized however, that dark magic alone would not be enough. He sent a missive to one of the wizards, pledging to disclose the location of several necromancers for instruction in the magic of destruction. Thus a pact was born.

Bardavious studied long and hard, his followers grew in numbers daily. Some had survived Necromancers, some Infernal Minions, and others were just simply trying to deal with their Hex. Soon they had forged a small villiage, then a town, and finally a city. Mishapen creatures walked next to normal looking people as equals. Finally Bardavious was ready.

For what he had in mind, it would require a great sacrifice. One Bardavious was willing to make. Gathering all his immense dark and destructive powers, he placed a new Hex on the followers. Binding them to darkness, and the destruction of both the Infernal and Necromantic armies.

For years they bided in the dark, waiting, growing. Their desire and hatred growing inside of them, feeding the dark magics that consumed them. Soon they would rise up and take revenge on those who did them ill. Slavering jaws, rippling muscles, sharp fangs and claws. The stuff nightmares were born of. They would show the world what true nightmares were.

The heroes have the ability to target certain of their own creatures with dark spells. Due to being a little to eerily similar to Radar's my special will be changing. The ability to cast the spells on the creature will be one of the three 'racial perks'.

Dark Pact - Heroes can target own units with dark spells. Only the spells they are 'hexed' with however.

Nomadic - They are natural travelers. Gain an additional 10% distance they can travel per day, stackable with logistics. Obsticles also provide 10% less hinderence, stackable with pathfinding.

Black Rage - Grants 5% extra damage vs all races

Shape Shift - During combat the creatures in this army can alter their shape for a short period of time. This grants them extra power and the skill their Hero has determines how long it lasts and the benifits they get.

Basic - Teir 1-3 can shapeshift. All creatures gain +1 att +1 defense and +1 init for their first two turns.

Advanced - Teir 1-5 can Shapeshift. No change in length of time. All creatures get +2 att, +1 defense, +1 init, and +1 speed.

Expert. All creatures can shapeshift. All Creatures get +2 attack, +2 defense, +1 init, +1 speed, +1 hp.

Ultimate - Grants 2 extra turns to length of change. All Creatures get +4 attack, +4 defense, +2 init, +2 speed, +1 hp, and +1 damage.

When the creatures get a certain dark spell cast on them, they gain bonuses instead of the normal penalties. The creatures also suffer no effects of the dark spell cast on them, hindering dark magic casters (especially mass spells)

The town is meant as more an anti-dark, anti-destruction town then a dark/destruction town. Their skills and perks will reflect this.

They have no main or secondary stat. Every stat has an equal 25% chance of appearing on level up.

However they have 2 seperate paths they can choose. One is Gypsie, and one is Exiled. (Percentages may be way off, but)
Skill - Gypsie Exiled
Logistics 11 2
Dark 10 12
Destruction 8 12
Summoning 2 2
Light 2 2
Sorcery 2 2
War_Machines 8 11
Leadership 12 12
Attack 12 12
Defense 2 2
Shapeshift 8 8
Nomadic 7 7
Dark Rage 7 7
Dark Pact 8 8

Teir 1 -Malformed - These simple minded creatures are the product of a curse placed on their parents by some vengeful hag or dark sorceror. Their huge bodys are twisted and grotesque. They are simple and gentle most of the time, but when enraged gain inhuman strength. They do not know the meaning of the word fear. Fearless, Rage (whenever they loose half their starting number they get a +25% damage bonus) Immune to Frenzy and PM.. Hexed (Slow) - They are immune to the effects of Slow and gain +1 speed when it is cast on them.

Fearless, Rage, Immune to Frenzy/PM, Hexed (slow).

Twisted - Some malformed are so mistreated by others they become spiteful and hateful. Their body warps farther as their mind does. Soon they are only vaguely what they were once. They will always attack the nearest enemy without regard to their own safety, or orders for that matter. Fearless, Battle Rage (attack nearest unit always, 25% bonus when 1/4th or more of their starting number have been lost), Overpower, immune to Frenzy and PM. Any 1st or 2nd teir they fight their pure brute strength has a chance of overpowering. When this happen the enemy unit does 1/4 less damage, is entangled, and the twisted do an extra 1 point of damage per unit each attack.

Fearless, Battle Rage, Overpower, Immune to Frenzy/PM, Hexed (Slow)

Warped - Though twisted of body, they still have grown up to be gentle and helpful. More intelligent then most of their kin, but they have trouble controlling their strength. When angered they can cause massive ammounts of damage, but prefer to use their awesome strength to protect their friends. Battle Rage (when another friendly unit is killed they get a bonus to attack), Unchecked strength - activated ability (2x per combat) they do an additional 50% damage but move 50% farther back on the atb bar (do to remorse). Defensive Rage - Any unit that has just successfully hit (ie before that unit's next turn) an ally they do 25% more damage to (Stacks with Unchecked Strength).

Battle Rage, Unchecked Strength, Defensive Rage, Hexed (slow), Immune to Frenzy/PM

Teir 2-
Vandash - The forsaken and forgotten hexed child of a demon. Usually the pregnancy is forced on an unwilling participant. The child is abandoned early in life. For awhile they were refugees with the Stronghold, who understood their plight. While there they learned a lot from them. The Vandash look elvish for the most part, except with ashen skin, and are solitary creatures. They prefer keeping with their own kind and don't mingle much. However, they are steadfast friends, and demonic (pardon the pun) enemies. Hexing attack, they learned this from the Earth Daughters, Defend Ally - They can deflect 20% of any damage (even magical or ranged) meant for any adjacent ally to themselves. Immune to fire. Hexed (Weakness)- Gains +1 damage per unit when cast on them. Also immune to suffering but gets no bonus and it can't be cast on them. Very low attack, strong defense, medium hp, sort of slow.

Hexing attack, Defend Ally, Immune to fire, Hexed (weakness). Immune to Suffering.

Hindash - More Demon then mortal, but with hearts of gold. Unlike the Vandash they enjoy mingling with the rest of the Hexed. Very friendly and outgoing despite their appearence. Their skin is more reddish and a unholy mark (pentagram) is carved in their forehead. Still very elven in appearence however. They have taken defending their friends to a whole new level. Hexing attack, Defend Ally, Defense Strike (much like lizard bite but only triggers with a retaliation of a nearby ally). Hexed (weakness) Also immune to suffering.

Hexing attack, Defensive Strike, Defend Ally, Hexed (weakness), also immune to suffering.

Gorgash - This version has Huge bat wings (they can only use them short distances), but otherwise are identical to Hindash. Even more demon then the Hindash they are often cruel and sadistic. They revel in causing their enemies pain. Often avoided by the rest of the Hexed. Negative Morale (-1 to morale for all allied creatures in army), No retaliation, Double Attack, Glide (activated ability - flight 1x combat) Blood Frenzy. Anytime they defeat a stack they get the effect of a frenzy spell on them (attacking any nearby creature) and do 30% more damage (but loose no retaliate ability). They are almost as dangerous to allies as they are enemies. Hexed (weakness) - Immune to Suffering.

Negative Morale, No Retal, Double Attack, Glide, Blood Frenzy, Hexed (Weakness). Immune to Suffering.

Teir 3 - Bloodcursed - Humans born to a certain line which are ageless, but cursed to hunt down certain creatures for eternity. Should they ever rid the world of all of those creatures, the bloodline can finally rest. Favored Enemy - Vampire (+50% damage to vampire or upgrades but low damage otherwise), Melee penalty, Accuracy (reduces any penalties for range, obsticles, ect by half), Swift Retaliate (same as having preparation, they retaliate before being attacked), single minded (they will attack vampires (or their upgrades) only if even a single one is still on the battlefield). Hexed - (Confusion) acts like a cleanse spell affecting any negative effects only. Immune to blindness. Appearence - Humans who wear long brown trench coats, bandolas of woodenstakes accross chest. Brown hats.

Favored Enemy (Vampire), Melee Penalty, Accuracy, Swift Retaliate, Single minded, Hexed (confusion). Immune to blindness.

Demon Hunter - Brought back to life by those of the light to hunt down and destroy demons, these beings have little or no soul. All they live for is to hunt demons, and don't care who gets in their way. Favored Enemy - Succubi and upgrades. Peirce attack - Any unit within one square of a succubi that is also between the DH and the succubi recieves full damage (with penalties for range, ect considered) even if a friendly stack. No ranged retaliation (ie succubi and upgrades can not retaliate against them), melee penalty, Accuracy, Single Minded (they will attack succubi only (and upgrades)unless there is none left in battle). Really low damage, rest of stats average except high init. Only 5 shots. Hexed - Confusion. Immune to blindness. Appearence - Humans with long black trench coats, huge dragon symbol on necklace around neck, black hat.

No ranged retaliation, melee penalty, accuracy, Single Minded, pierce attack. Hexed (confusion) - Immune to blindness.

Heartseeker - These have no specific enemy (or the creatures they once sought are extinct), but have chosen to remain to protect the Hexed. Though excellent archers, they prefer melee attacks. Their acrobatic fighting style is a sight to see. Peirce Heart - Against any living creature they have a chance to do 30% more damage (affected by soldiers luck). Ranged, No melee Penalty, Accrobatic (when in melee combat they increase their defense by half the difference between their attackers attack and their defense - difference in tier x 2), true strike (always hit regardless of enemies abilities or spells on them). Hexed - Confusion. Immune to Blindness. Chainmail wearing humans (full body) with black cloaks.

Peirce Heart, Ranged, No melee penalty, Accrobatic, True Strike, Hexed (confusion). Immune to blindness.

Social (for all the above) - Loners (except ammoung other hexed), violent, mostly angry all the time.

Teir 4 - Mistdancers
Some of the people Hexed actually volunteer for it for various reasons. These sister of the mists have taken apon them the hex of the mists to help the rest of their town. Powerful casters and fighters, they are a force to be reconned with. Caster, Whirling attack, Mists. Whirling attack is a special activated abilities. Caster - Spells - Invisibility (other) cost 10 mana, Teleport, Magical Immunity. Spellpoints 15. Mists - Until they move they can not be targeted or hurt by ranged attacks or spells (even area of effect spells). Whilring attack - damage all enemies around the creature, first one hit gets a retaliation. Hexed (Decay) - Grants a lay on hand like ability (only cleansing no health recovery). Appearence - As the picture below. Social - Likes Solitude and prefers to wonder in the Mists. Not very talkative, herbavor.

Caster, whirling attack, Mists. Hexed (Decay)


(Just a note : Sorry for the long creature descriptions, including descriptions, social things, and abilities all in one).

Fogdancer - For some the mists are not enough concealment. The prefer the denser fogs. They are much darker and more viscious, their skin turned dark grey to match the fog. Dangerous to approach if an ally, but not advisable to approach at all if not. Caster, Whirling attack, Fog, Teleporter. Caster - spells - Invisibility (others), Teleport (others), Magic Immunity, Vampirism (self). Spellpoints 25. Fog - Invisible when first starting combat (until they move or attack). After take 10% less melee or ranged damage for rest of combat. Hexed - Decay. Social - solitary, viscious, best avoided.

Caster, Whirling attack, Fog, Teleporter, Hexed Decay


Forestdancer- At one time these beautiful maidens danced purely for the joy of it. One day after seeing the pain and misery brought on by the Inferno and Necromantic hordes they sought out the dragon of the earth. In exchange for remaining pure, and defending the forests, they were granted great powers. Caster, Regenerating Touch, Entangle, Hexed (Decay). They can place their hands on a living creature and cause it's wounds to regenerate (like the spell, at expert skill) 1x per combat. Caster - Wasp Swarm, Hive, Arcane Crystal (at expert), Blade Barrier, Summon Elemental (at advanced). Mana 20. Social - Gentle, Nurturing, Friendly

Caster, Regenerating touch, Entangle, Hexed (decay)


(History of the next two tiers) A warlock once cursed two lovers with a horrible curse. During the day one would be a tiger, during the night, the other a bear. It is said that this is how the first werebears and weretigers were formed. When the curse was finally lifted, and they could be together, they did not know that the blood of the tiger and blood of the bear still ran through their veins. Now whenever they or any of their decendants have children the females are always part tiger, and the males always are part bear. Depending on how many generations pass, depends on how much of a tiger or bear they are.

Teir 5 - Tigeria - After the 10th generation these warrior women have only some tiger blood in them. Prefering ranged combat over melee, they are dangerous regardless of how they fight. Cunning and swift, they are excellent preditors. They carry bows specially designed just for them. Ranged, No melee penalty, Swift retaliate, Claw Rake (chance of blinding enemy, effected by soldiers luck). Due to how quick they are they get two attacks and can retaliate before being attacked. Hexed - (Vulnerability) Causes them to do max damage.

Ranged, No Melee Penalty, Swift Retaliate, Claw Rake, Hexed (Vulnerability)

Vengeria - 5th generation. These poor souls have let the animal bloodlust take over their lives. They must feed constantly, and the fresher the better. They are appear to be exactly half woman, half tiger, but usually have blood dripping from their fangs. They wear only animal hides (no armor or such). They still can fight at a range, but prefer a more personal approach. Need to feed, Ranged, Ranged Penalty, No Melee Penalty, Claw Rake, Hunger.
Hunger gives them a chance to do an extra 3 damage per unit in the ENEMY stack (effected by Soldiers Luck). Need to feed - If these creatures do not do a melee attack to a living or infernal or undead creature every 3 attacks, they will attack the nearest of those without care of friend or foe. Hexed (Vulnerability) - Gives them a poisoned attack

Need to feed, Ranged, Ranged Penalty, No Melee Penalty, Claw Rake, Hunger, Hexed (Vulnerability)

Weretiger - 5th Generation. Having come to terms with their destiny, these creatures have mastered their animal instincts. Honing their skills they are viscious warriors, and deadly enemies. They are also half and half (tiger and woman) but wear chain mail. Ranged, No ranged Penalty, Two attacks (ranged only), Melee Penalty, Regeneration. Hexed (Vulnerability) removes Melee Penalty.

Ranged, No Ranged Penalty, Two Attacks (ranged only), Melee Penalty, Regeneration, Hexed (Vulnerability).

Teir 6 - Baursa - 10th generation. Resembling giant mountain men. Powerful and stoic these giants let their actions speak louder then their words. Hardened - Immune to fear, aura effects (any good or bad), or marks (mark of fire, mark of the wizard, ect), Throw enemy (Activated ability, does normal attack damage and pushed the target back 1 square. If another stack blocks their way, that stack takes 1 point of damage per unit in the 1st enemy stack, baursa's hp must be > 1st stacks hp). Hexed - Frenzy (gives +100% init for 1 turn).

Example of throw enemy : 1 Baursa throws 10 gremlins into another stack. The second stack takes 10 hp of damage from the 10 gremlins, but the gremlins do not move back. If no other stack blocks the gremlins then they are moved back 1 square.

Hardened, Throw Enemy, Hexed - Frenzy.

Ursan - 5th generation. At one time the giant mountain men and the bear were one creature. Rumored to be able to uproot full grown trees and use them as clubs, they caused fear in all who opposed them. Gentle for the most part, when their sisters the Tigeria (or their upgrades) were attacked they would loose a roar that would shake the very earth, and move heaven and earth to protect them. Bear Hug - entangle + 1/3 normal damage until broken (in adition to normal damage). Protective - if Tigeria (or upgrade) units are attacked by a melee attack, they will go the quickest route to them (on their turn) they have +2 speed for 1 turn also. Regenerate Passive (the first attack against them in combat they will not retaliate against). Hexed - Frenzy.

Bear Hug, Protective, Regenerate, Passive, hexed - frenzy

Werebear - Part Grizzly, Part man, All teeth and claws. More beast then man, these creatures thirst for blood. Controled by anger, driven by hate. Agressive Protection - Much like Protective, but they will stop and attack any creature (friend or foe) that stands between them and their sisters.

Paw Strike, Maul, Regenerate, Agressive Protection, hexed - Frenzy

Teir 7 - Wendigo - Some spirits are cursed to wonder for past mideeds. None can even come close in power to the mighty Wendigo, however. Descriptions of these creatures vary, because they can posses different bodies, but they are generaly twisted and animal like in appearence. Few survive to describe them anyhow. Immune to all dark magic except...Hexed (Puppet Master) Allows the unit to 'possess' an enemy unit making it work for the Wendigo's army. (Any damage done to this unit is split 50% to the possessed unit, 50% to the wendigo however). If that stack is destroyed Wendigo reappear and the damage they 'accumulated' while possessing the enemy occurs. Can not be targeted, damaged, or such while possessing another stack (though that stack can certainly be). Hexing attack, decay attack (always triggers decay, but also triggers another dark magic spell besides decay randomly). Can only possess 1x per combat however.

Hexing attack, decay attack, possession, Hexed (Puppet Master).

Whisper - A mere hint and rumor. That thing that you see out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing there. Mostly observers and watchers for those who would do a bad deed. When they catch somebody, they inhabit their body and then slowly drain and feed on the evil within. Whisp - only a vague outline of ..something. Stats equivalent to a high teir 6, but incorporal. When destroyed, there spirits enter their enemies bodys and start consuming them. The stack that has done the most damage to them (that is still remaining) starts taking 3pt of damage per whisper destroyed for 3 turns. After this, 100% of the damage done returns to the whisper and they regenerate that much.

Wisp, Incorporal, Cursed Death.

Devourer - The only physical manifestation of the Wendigo. Physically resembling a behemoth (of h3? fame) they have dark fur and firey eyes. They have cast off the spiritual realm for pure physical force. All stats are high for a teir 7. Devour - returns 10% of damage delt by the devourer to its health. Like a weak vampirism but any creature can be used. (Ie mechanical, elemental, undead still 'feed' the Devourer). Terror - Fear attack and -2 to morale for any creature within 1 hex of this creature.

Devour, Terror.

Special Buildings. Teir 1 - None
Teir 2 - Instead of fort - Forsaken Inn. Works as a fort, cost more then a normal fort, but has an advantage. Neutral (as in wolves, ect that are not part of any town) will help defend the town. Something like a guardpost, only teir varies depending on which creature dwellings you have built. Teir 1 neutrals for teir 1 creature dwellings, upgraded for upgraded, ect. Number is determained by town level. IE (town level x 1.5/teir level, rounded down). So there won't be very many.
Teir 3- Carnival. Provides defending army +2 to morale and provides an extra 200gold per day income.
Teir 4 - Festival - Increases population of teir 1 by 3 per week, and teir 2 by 1. Resource cost is reduced by 5% (gold only), cumulative per Festival.

Skills, perks.

Main Skil - First 'teir' perks
Second Teir perks
Third Teir Perks
Explination of heretofor unknown perks
Logistics - Scouting Navigation Pathfinding
Silent Stalker Landing Death March
None Sea Legs Aura of Swiftness
Landing - If you have any remaining movement points they are not lost when going onto or off of a ship. Further, apon getting off a ship your current movement points are multiplied by 1.5 for that day only.
Sea Legs - All units get +2 attack and +2 defense on the sea or for the remainder of any day when they disembark from a ship.

Destruction - MoF MoI MoS
Jinx Frostbite None

Jinx - 10% chance to reflect any destructive spell on random enemy (even AOE spells)
Frostbite - adds free slow effect for 4 turns.
BlueFire - Reduces all fire/flame/hellfire/mark of the damned damage by 50%(combines with any artifact that reduces fire damage 50% to make a 75% damage reduction total (and max)).

Dark - Like Haven.

Light - Like Sylvan

War_Machines - Like Stronghold except no goblin support (earthquake instead)

Leadership - Like Dungeon

Sorcery - Like Wizard

Enlightenment - Like Haven

Luck - Like Haven but Has Dark Luck (like dead mans luck only reduces luck by an extra point).

EDIT : Thanks to Daystar got some modified (and better pics) for the dancers!

Lol thanks to my revisiting this thread to see ways I can 'tweak' and improve it it has a very high view rate. Of course that is because me viewing it makes up like 1/4 of that :evil:.

To come : Racial Ultimate.

Ultimate : Mark of the Hex - Every destructive spell that affects one of your creatures, also hits one of the enemy creatures at random. Shapeshifting become permanent (during combat).

Edit : Reduced potentency of several creatures.
Last edited by Mytical on 26 Feb 2008, 14:06, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Feb 2008, 16:22

Too long for most people to read... might i suggest breaking it up over several posts?
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I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
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Unread postby Muszka » 16 Feb 2008, 19:56

Exceptionally orginal.
Ubival should see this.
Only one thing is unclear for me: what are your intentions with this?
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 16 Feb 2008, 21:11

It's for a town contest over at Heroes Community.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby Muszka » 17 Feb 2008, 05:22

I guess it's all fictive. Or is there a chance for something (let's say, the winner town) to be part of the game actually?
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Unread postby Mytical » 17 Feb 2008, 15:03

No, unfortunately not. I doubt it would win anyhow. Only the honor of being the winner is at stake. :D
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Unread postby Muszka » 17 Feb 2008, 15:57

It's great work anyway. All of it.
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Unread postby winterfate » 17 Feb 2008, 19:20

I totally agree!

Like I said over at HC...great work Misty! :D

I also have a faction entered in the contest...some of you may recognize it. ;)
I might post it here soon.
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 18 Feb 2008, 07:13

I'm not so pleased with it.
For once, technically spoken, it's basically like the orcs - the racial skill gives bonusses to creatures.
Secondly, shape-shifting can't be a racial skill in that it makes not much sense. The shape-shifting normally is taking place from human to animal form, with the animal having special abilities which generally can be classified as regeneration on one hand and silver-vulnerability on the other. The shape-shift as such would gain stats.
Now, these better stats and additional abilities are already reflected in the creature stats of for example the Weretigers.

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Unread postby Muszka » 18 Feb 2008, 13:58

Jolly Joker wrote:I'm not so pleased with it.
For once, technically spoken, it's basically like the orcs - the racial skill gives bonusses to creatures.
Secondly, shape-shifting can't be a racial skill in that it makes not much sense. The shape-shifting normally is taking place from human to animal form, with the animal having special abilities which generally can be classified as regeneration on one hand and silver-vulnerability on the other. The shape-shift as such would gain stats.
Now, these better stats and additional abilities are already reflected in the creature stats of for example the Weretigers.
Why do you want to spoil the fun everytime? Try one better yourself.
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Unread postby Angelspit » 18 Feb 2008, 14:18

Well, she asked for feedback, not for a standing ovation.

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Unread postby Kalah » 18 Feb 2008, 14:27

Yes, let's rubbish it. ;) Nah, it's pretty good. The background is complex (that's a good thing) as most of Mytical's proposals. I'd adjust the bonuses of this were to be made for H5, since most creatures have super powers... My biggest concern is that you're touching on the demonic. I'd keep the demons far away from this, since they already have their own town, otherwise we might end up with some kind of half-breed, like the demon/death mix problem in H4.
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Unread postby Muszka » 18 Feb 2008, 16:30

Though gypsies are dealing with demonic things, their witches have their power mainly from dark magic and cursing, thus summoning demonic powers and demons. So if Mytical wants gypsies, than I think Demonic is inevitable.
But as relying from description these demons are more on the good half, than on the bad, beside it would have such unique features than the dwarves or barbarians.
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 18 Feb 2008, 19:49

Muszka wrote:
Jolly Joker wrote:I'm not so pleased with it.
For once, technically spoken, it's basically like the orcs - the racial skill gives bonusses to creatures.
Secondly, shape-shifting can't be a racial skill in that it makes not much sense. The shape-shifting normally is taking place from human to animal form, with the animal having special abilities which generally can be classified as regeneration on one hand and silver-vulnerability on the other. The shape-shift as such would gain stats.
Now, these better stats and additional abilities are already reflected in the creature stats of for example the Weretigers.
Why do you want to spoil the fun everytime? Try one better yourself.
Yes, great comment. Reminds me of the comment that was quite popular a couple dozen years ago in Germany when you made a negative comment about the system: "If you don't like it here, you are welcome to go east (into the GDR).

Anyway, with shape-shifting it would be more logical if it worked like Gating, only instead of Gating it would be shape shifting. So Shifting would be a a hero skill (allowing shifting for tiers the same way than Gating), giving creatures the ability of shifting (which would cost an action and of course time), which would change the creatures into their Were-form.

The disadvantage her is of course that it would work like Gating.

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Unread postby theGryphon » 18 Feb 2008, 22:34

First of all, great set of ideas Mytical, I really like it. I think shape-shifting could definitely be a racial, but I'm with JJ here; it's implementation should be original. Just stat and visual changes is not original at all... Making it work like gating is a good idea actually but only if we didn't have gating already...

How about... OK, bear with me (pardon the pun)... Think about a town with no in-town upgrades... The racial lets a hero instantaneously upgrade the selected creatures in the tactical phase to either of the alternate upgrades, a process to be called "shape-shifting"... The skill level would determine the levels of creatures that can be upgraded during tactical phase, say basic for tiers 1-3, advanced for 4-5, expert for 6, and ultimate for 7... Shape-shifting can also be performed during the battle but by the creatures and this costs a turn... It does not cost resources but some energy (like dark energy I guess) which is accumulated by the heroes according to experience... I guess there may be town buildings that make shape-shifting less costly... After a won battle, only the energy from surviving creatures is recovered and the rest is lost; also all creatures go back to their basic forms... If a hero flees or surrenders all the energy is lost, possibly with some penalty even on unused energy... Well, the economics for this mystical energy can be tuned up for balance... My idea is to make this energy somewhat hard-to-recover, which would be the strategical challenge and trade-off for this town, which would possibly be the least resource-intensive among all... Overall, what's important is the originality of implementation, what do you think?

Again, I love the shape-shifting idea Mytical, and I love the background story! However, I must say that the creatures look somewhat unbalanced (read overpowered), especially tiers 4-5-6 :)
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Unread postby Muszka » 19 Feb 2008, 10:11

Jolly Joker wrote:Anyway, with shape-shifting it would be more logical if it worked like Gating, only instead of Gating it would be shape shifting. So Shifting would be a a hero skill (allowing shifting for tiers the same way than Gating), giving creatures the ability of shifting (which would cost an action and of course time), which would change the creatures into their Were-form.

The disadvantage her is of course that it would work like Gating.
Totally disagree. It doesn't works like Gating and shouldn't be.

To be effective enough, shifting should add some new abilites, like bloodrage.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 19 Feb 2008, 11:25

I believe JJ meant that the transformation into the "were-" form should work like Gating (you activate it, miss a turn or so, then you get all those bonuses etc.).
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 19 Feb 2008, 11:46


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Unread postby Pol » 19 Feb 2008, 12:09

It's insta transform, and the extraneous effect from it's are drops of gold which can be collected after battle. So in neutral battles you can really do your money. :devious:

I think he's called Binabik. And Aculias.

I'm seeing your are thinking graphically in describing this town. That's good but more textual form would be better. Gypsies aren't so big of hit in the town. For wandering race they would be fine. The effects, hmm, they appears to me to be a bit much showy for such humble and secret race. (Cryptogamous they should be. :-p )
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Unread postby Mytical » 19 Feb 2008, 13:29

Good feedback everybody. I will be updating this soon. Now, as to a few things. First, the transformation takes place when you first enter battle, and until a higher skill lasts only a couple of turns. So, the bonuses mainly help keep them alive until they can get into the mix of things. If it was activated, triggered that would be ok, but that could mean they were a bit more unbalenced then some claim they would be (ie when already in combat making them a lot more powerful).

Second, the unupgraded are the only ones who change to the upgraded forms (and it is random and not controlled by the hero). The upgraded get a boost in stats. The unupgraded get no extra stat bonus then what the upgraded forms would give them (IE only the ones that start out upgraded get the bonus stats listed).

As for the abilities, yes they are a bit much, but here is why. The stats of these creatures would be very low for the most part. The abilities and shapeshifting would help with that, but only as a balance. Note that stat wise they will get Att/Def/Knowledge/SP has an equal chance of occuring. So they should have their stats equally distributed and not strong in any one or two stats.

Still some very good points were raised here. Finding a balance will be tricky.

Edit : more complete listing, ect. Still looking for an ultimate, and have to reconsider the possession ability. (Maybe 50/50 damage). So that it is not too unbalanced.
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