Seen any good movies lately?

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Unread postby Kalah » 14 Feb 2008, 19:33

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 14 Feb 2008, 20:21

Metathron wrote:I have seen zero Indiana Jones movies...

Have at me!

While we're at it, I haven't seen any of the Godfathers either...

Heheee, me neither :D I'm simply not interested.
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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Feb 2008, 20:29

No Indy..? :sad:
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Unread postby Angelspit » 14 Feb 2008, 20:31

Elvin wrote:Made me laugh, that's all I care about :) Hadn't heard about that though. Did you hear why? Sense of humour, the changes of the script, too flashy..?
From the (French) Wikipedia entry: badly written, not funny, weak plot, pointless cameos... People had great expectations because the previous movie was so good.

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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Feb 2008, 21:15

In these movies you don't expect a plot and as for the cameos they were pointless :)
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Unread postby Zamolxis » 15 Feb 2008, 22:57

Caradoc wrote:Charlie Wilson's War was terrific. Great script and Hanks at his best.
Just saw the movie and I can confirm that. Direction and music were also great.

Recommanded to those who want to see a good movie.

Recommanded to those who don't know much about about the war in Afghanistan (especially to those who think I'm refering to the one following the 9/11 attacks). ;)

Recommanded to those who want to see good performances from Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts (as expected), great performance from Philip Seymour Hoffman, ...and why not also from Amy Adams.

But also recommanded to those who do see the movie: don't think the "good guys" in the movie were as good as the movie portraits them. In most cases, their intentions & motivations in real life were a bit less honorable, so try to filter the historical facts from the propaganda (nevertheless, the movie remains a Must See).
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Unread postby Kalah » 15 Feb 2008, 23:09

I love The West Wing, and I'll definitely see Charlie Wilson's war, a movie said to be written in the same style as the show. In fact, I've already pre-ordered the DVD... :)
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Unread postby darknessfood » 15 Feb 2008, 23:50

Milla aka. the Slayer wrote:
Metathron wrote:I have seen zero Indiana Jones movies...

Have at me!

While we're at it, I haven't seen any of the Godfathers either...

Heheee, me neither :D I'm simply not interested.
Both of you :hail: . I HATE the godfather, there i said it!!!. Think it's WAY overrated, say it once, never again.Disturbing fact is that we have a special collectord box in the hous :disagree: , mother and sister think it'sthe best triology EVER.But i just think the whole dude's kissing hands as a token of respect weird, kinda gay if you ask me...
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Unread postby Kalah » 16 Feb 2008, 00:15

Pfffffttt!! :disagree:
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Unread postby darknessfood » 16 Feb 2008, 00:31

Sorry Kalah, some people just say it and didn't watch it. I actualy looked part 1 but it was just lame. Could NOT get into it, characters were anoying me, atmosphere was crap, whole Italian maffioso stuff just gets on my nerves. It's SO overacted, story was cliché, music was nice (if i were to be an Italian guy). AND dudes kissing hands of other dudes... :disagree:
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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 16 Feb 2008, 01:09

Seems to me everyone here's a bit homophobic ;|

I just never saw them and never plan to. I kinda made a crusade out of not watching the Godfather trilogy just to piss this guy off from work. He loooooved those three movies and I just loooved teasing him about how dull they looked and how I couldn't be less interested :D
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Unread postby darknessfood » 16 Feb 2008, 01:14

Want to piss him of, just say it's a crappy movie right in his face. Then he starts talking about how great it is, then just say it sucks BIG TIME. Then the Godfatherlovers tell you it's the best movie EVER, then you say. Nopes THAT was Lord of the Rings, now THATS a triology.
Or say you watched the movie, hell probably ask what you think about it, then say, i liked the part where the credits roll because IT'S OVER THEN!!!

Ow, and might i say that Godfatherlovers are worse then trekkies!
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Unread postby Kalah » 16 Feb 2008, 01:17

He's bashing Star Trek now.

*taking bids on the service of chopping df's head off*
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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 16 Feb 2008, 01:23

Be careful Kalah he might be a werewolf.

I can't say that I've seen the Godfather movies either, though Goodfellas was ok.

Lately I saw 'Volver' and thought it was excellent. It also made more sense than Almodovar's movies usually do.

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 16 Feb 2008, 01:26

I've been wanting to see that for very long now. Probably should just do it. I liked that Hablo Con ella (or however you spell it). That was a great movie :)
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Unread postby darknessfood » 16 Feb 2008, 01:30

Resevoir Doggs, now THAT was a great movie:)
Today me and my girl watched a bit of Shark Tale, good tv movie, nothing special.

And okay, let's continue on the star trek thing because Kalah likes it :D
Searched wikipedia for 2 minutes and there you got the movies. You think you have enough star trek movies (yeah, it's kinda on topic:)) already?

Star Trek: The Motion Picture December 7, 1979
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan June 4, 1982
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock June 1, 1984
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home November 26, 1986
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier June 9, 1989
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country December 6, 1991
Star Trek Generations November 18, 1994
Star Trek: First Contact November 22, 1996
Star Trek: Insurrection December 11, 1998
Star Trek Nemesis December 13, 2002
Star Trek May 8, 2009(!)

The bashing on star trek is not in my hands, more in the hands of Eddie Murphy A classic moment in History :proud:
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Unread postby Kalah » 16 Feb 2008, 02:09

There's nothing on about a new feature...?

Anyway, let's talk about that list; as you can see, it starts off nicely with a revolutionary movie as follow-up to the even more revolutionarty TV-series. It picks up with three more movies, all increasing slightly in quality. The second was better than the first, the third even better than the second, and the fourth the very best thus far. The fans were happy, and their expectations before the fifth were high. Disappointments higher. But they rescued it with the excellent Undiscovered Country.
The Generation shift is of course where I came in. I wasn't there to watch the original series, and so I never paid much attention to the early movies either (I have now, though). Once again, the first movie was good, and the following increased in quality. First Contact and Insurrection had the help of tremendous actors. Nemesis maintained a manageble status quo quality-wise, but many fans (myself included) believe the peak have yet to come. Since the quality "slump" can already be said to have happened, how are the chances a follow-up to Nemesis will not be the abysmal twin of Final Frontier?

I want more TnG-movies, is the point, because I... well, I just want them. Picard rules. Troi is hot. Data rocks. Even though he died. They'd better bring him back. Upgrade his twin, go back in time, whatever. We need Data.
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Unread postby darknessfood » 16 Feb 2008, 02:19

Well, if you like it just watch them. I'm just not a Star Trek person, something about it just doesn't get me sucked in so it stays on my mind. I like Star Wars, but Star Trek is not done for me. So i'mNOT bashing it AT ALL people :) .
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Unread postby Vlaad II » 16 Feb 2008, 03:22

darknessfood wrote:Well, if you like it just watch them. I'm just not a Star Trek person, something about it just doesn't get me sucked in so it stays on my mind. I like Star Wars, but Star Trek is not done for me. So i'mNOT bashing it AT ALL people :) .
Blasphemy. :beheading:

On topic, I thought "Atonement" was excellent.
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Unread postby asandir » 16 Feb 2008, 05:08

I saw The Condemned last night, quite enjoyed it
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