Me&Signe just made a little fun map for one off-line tourney on Heroes League.
Aim of the map is very simple - to collect as much icicles as you can during 12 days. Number of heroes is limited to 3 (you start as Karli and you can recruit almost any 2 other heroes on day 1 on special tavern outside the town).
Map and starting save
Even if you are in no mood to participate in the tourney, may be just take a look at the map - designer of the map Signe put huge effort to make the landscape really beautiful...

If you want to participate in the tourney, you should send your end-day 12 save to Dead-line of the tourney is early morning of the February, 4.

P.S. The map is in Russian, but, as there are not so much text, it should be no major problem. In any case, if there are some problems with understanding anything, just let me know