Seen any good movies lately?

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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Jan 2008, 14:58

Hell no. I'll be damned if I will.
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Unread postby darknessfood » 29 Jan 2008, 16:13

Well, can't go wrong with a Rambo movie.It'sjust Rambo getting pissed of and kill everybody without reloading a gun, if he doesn't posses a gun (rare case) he magicly finds it (sewer or whatever) and keeps on shooting until no heartbeat is spotted withing a 5 kilometer radius...
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Unread postby Elvin » 29 Jan 2008, 16:32

Well the new Rocky was actually good but I'm still hesitant about Rambo. Which other roles will he dig up afterwards?
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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Jan 2008, 17:06

The first Rambo movie wasn't bad, actually. It really brought up the whole thing with Vietnam veterans and their psychological traumas, as well as America's neglecting them after their return. That's one of the biggest political issues in the US in the seventies and eighties, and indeed it remains so today. President Bush spoke about increasing the Government's responsibility for war veterans in his State of the Union address yesterday, so it's still a topic very much alive.

The Rambo movies after that one just became silly; parodic, is another word for it. I remember reading a cartoon in which there was a movie commercial that reminded me of Rambo:

[quote]Dark voice: "He's alone; they are many. Can he defeat a whole army?"
TV viewer: "Yes."
Dark voice: "Pissed off, and armed. In theatres now. You have to see this movie."
TV viewer: "No."[/quote]
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 29 Jan 2008, 18:36

Demolition Man 2...
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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Jan 2008, 19:15

Yippeeee... There's another movie not completely screwed up by having such talents as Nigel Hawthorne and Sandra Bullock in central roles as well as Sting's doing the music and the screenplay's being based upon Huxley's "A brave new world"... and they've got to wreck it by making a sequel... :disagree:
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Unread postby Elvin » 03 Feb 2008, 00:55

Saw two movies lately, Spawn and Chronicles of Riddick. Both had some cool action, recommended. You have probably heard of Riddick but the name Vin Diesel should say a lot about the movie :D
Spawn is quite old but had interesting effects for its time, it's the typical been to hell and back antihero story. A lord of hell gives him the chance to see his wife and take his revenge if he accepts to lead hell's armies against heaven and gives him a suit with some nifty powers.
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Unread postby Kalah » 03 Feb 2008, 01:00

I watched "The Phantom" the other day... and I really really wish that movie had never been made. It was bad. B-A-D, bad. Zeta Jones is a very very beautiful delightful woman, whose presence does... absolutely nothing for it. She should have spent the summer of -96 working exclusively on the TV version of Titanic, not this piece of shit. And what's the thing with her character being named Sala? That's Diana's nickname, gorramit.

The idiocy of the main villain (Drax) doesn't bother me. Nor does the fact that the plot revolves around diabolical matters; the comics are full of that. The fact that the Phantom's ring (which was made by Nero, and not as part of a super-weapon, but as a key) in the movie is an anti-laser thing, doesn't stir me the least. And I'm not bothered at all that the archenemies of the Phantom, the Singh pirates, are given only a small role when they're involved at all, and that the movie makers somehow managed to get their symbol wrong. When the Phantom pays a cab driver in gems, they seem disturbingly plastic-like. No biggie. The Phantom's tight suit looks stupid. Nooo problem. But: The Phantom shows his face in public after becoming the Phantom? IDIOOOOOTS!!! This is nothing short of blasphemy.
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Unread postby ScarlettP » 03 Feb 2008, 16:04

So... dragging the thread kicking & screaming back on subject...

Anyone see Cloverfield? Sort of Godzilla meets Blair Witch.

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 03 Feb 2008, 18:03

Nope. But you got me curious...
arturchix wrote:I'm tired of pure good guys always beating the evil as **** bad guys, and Liam Neeson's performance was just excellent.
Same feeling. I'm also not into the ultimate evil (and sick) kinda guy - like Joker for example. I think Liam Neeson's character was great idea - and also a good choice for the actor.

IMO they chose the perfect storyline to picture Bruce Wayne's background, the events in his early years which made him become Batman. I like it that he came quite close to evil, to the point that joining Henri Ducard was quite tempting - and that he still had the strength and dare to turn against it.

Should Ducard have been an obvious ultimate evil, Bruce's choice to reject him would not have left much room for an inner conflict. He proved not only his character strength, but also his discernment. He refused to be a blind vigillante, who finds murder often the sollution of "erradicating" evil. He can see that there is good in some of the guys thought to be evil. But knowing Henri Ducard also taught him an important lesson: that evil can sometimes hide even behind the most noble intentions.
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Unread postby ByteBandit » 03 Feb 2008, 19:19

2 movies I want to see badly:

1. No Country for Old Men with Tommy Lee Jones.

2. There will be Blood with Daniel Day Lewis (This one looks really, really good.)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 03 Feb 2008, 21:33

Saw Wild Things again on TV yesterday... who said you can't have a pretty smart movie full of cheap erotica (Denise Richards "acting" aside).
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Unread postby Kalah » 03 Feb 2008, 22:37

Poor actors but damned saucy... :yummy:
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 04 Feb 2008, 15:14

Kevin, Neve and Bill are good enough actors imo... and Matt Dillon fitted his role well enough...
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 05 Feb 2008, 15:28

I was wondering how many of you have seen the Romanian movie "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days", last year's Palme d'Or winner and, in case you did, what your thoughts about it are.

I'm Romanian and I'm biased towards Romanian films -- in a weird way. That is, I can't help laughing at them no matter how serious they are. I just can't take them seriously. But I'm curious what non-Romanians think about this one.
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Unread postby Angelspit » 05 Feb 2008, 16:01

ThunderTitan wrote:Saw Wild Things again on TV yesterday... who said you can't have a pretty smart movie full of cheap erotica (Denise Richards "acting" aside).
Ah, the poor man's Basic Instinct. I'm sure the direct-to-video sequel is terrible.

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Unread postby Kalah » 05 Feb 2008, 18:05

A last attempt by an aging Sharon Stone to make a movie based upon her sex appeal... :|
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 06 Feb 2008, 13:50

Angelspit wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:Saw Wild Things again on TV yesterday... who said you can't have a pretty smart movie full of cheap erotica (Denise Richards "acting" aside).
Ah, the poor man's Basic Instinct. I'm sure the direct-to-video sequel is terrible.
Basic Instinct tried to be way too "cerebral" for my taste... not bad, but not something i'd watch twice.
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Unread postby Corribus » 06 Feb 2008, 17:19

Was forced into watching Nanny Diaries the other day. I actually enjoyed it, but mostly because I got to froth at the mouth over Scarlet J for two hours. :yummy:
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Unread postby parcaleste » 07 Feb 2008, 06:57

Elvin wrote:I watched I am Legend and I am mixed about it. On one hand it's interesting and exciting, has some tense moments but then it can leave you with a feeling of depression. If you like monster survival films you will probably like it but the focus is on the nature of humanity and how the protagonist feels.
Yup, I'm mixed too, because I liked the movie, but what I was about to like even more is it was some sort of a MUCH more by the book *sighs* Otherways if you look it like a "Zombie Survival" one - it rules :)

I saw you are discussing Rambo 4 here, so I assumed you'll like to see some info about the series:


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