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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Jan 2008, 09:29

Elephants are mean drunks...

Another random thought: Somebody needs to champion the cause of fire elementalist and so oppose Elvin in each and every action he takes...who will take the challenge?
I already oppose everyone...
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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 16 Jan 2008, 13:48

ThunderTitan wrote:I already oppose everyone...
Then you aren't doing such a great job.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 16 Jan 2008, 14:07

Yeah Mister T, do even worse to everyone than you already do right now. Because your kinda a whimp lately...
You can either agree with me, or be wrong...

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Unread postby Elvin » 16 Jan 2008, 15:04

The elements complement each other in harmony, they do not oppose each other :tongue:
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 16 Jan 2008, 16:21

Ugh. Wednesdays are just brutal. Don't feel like doing anything at work and I barely have.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby Elvin » 16 Jan 2008, 16:26

Reminds me of tomorrow's presentation, numbs my mind just thinking about it. At least not much work is involved but learning the history of researchers is not THAT interesting.
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 16 Jan 2008, 16:28

Try the history of the Americans with Disabilities Act and federal circuits are eroding it with the application of mitigating measures. It wouldn't be so bad if there were more modern cases out there.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby Elvin » 16 Jan 2008, 17:00

Sounds worse than mine :)

Weird dreams series continues: A few days before the new year's eve the earth is getting signs of apocalypse. Earthquakes, even the sea opening a rift from which an unnatural darkness and is emitted along with...bats? Naturally the sky went dark too.
There is a spacious castle where men are supposed to take shelter and my closest friend decided to head there with her family. My folks did not want to move hoping nothing will happen so I had to leave them and join my friend. Then I saw what happened during the last day, random chores, exploring around, getting into a fight with a stranger that ended with him falling over a cliff and me trying to lift him up. Didn't get to see what happened afterwards.

That was creepy, I did not even get a chance to save the world! Hope that was not hinting at my doom after the upcoming exam period :D
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 16 Jan 2008, 17:09

Sounds like exam anxiety.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby Elvin » 16 Jan 2008, 17:33

But I'll still wake up right?
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 16 Jan 2008, 17:35

I hope so.

I'll tell you what's more of a drag than that dream. Having a damn almond chunk stuck in your esophagus. That downright sucks.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby Elvin » 16 Jan 2008, 17:44

Definitely a hated situation. Or a fishbone..
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Unread postby winterfate » 16 Jan 2008, 22:22

Ow! Sounds painful! :S
Omega wrote:Try the history of the Americans with Disabilities Act and federal circuits are eroding it with the application of mitigating measures. It wouldn't be so bad if there were more modern cases out there.
Sounds like exam anxiety.
Indeed. :)

I hate it when that happens. :S
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Unread postby Ceres » 17 Jan 2008, 03:32

Oh Elvin, while you are having weird dreams I think I just had the sweetest dream ever! My dream last night goes like this:

There was me sitting on the sands in a beach and there was you (Elvin, dunno why you ended up there :D) and there was this guy that I think I am falling inlove with. And we three were having some barbecue and talking about *gggzorrrk* Well, I think I can't mention what we were talking about here or else I... heh. Ok so the three of us just had a talk about that thing. But you are much closer to me than he was. I wonder why, maybe he's shy or something, no! Maybe I am the one who is shy :P

And there was part two which I feel so happy I had dreamed about it! Ok, it goes like this:

Well, I think I just attacked some kind of base (Yeah, this one is futuristic.), and I am alone vs many guys. Ofcourse, I am using some kind of gun which I can't determine what kind. Then afterwards there was another guy shooting from behind and he was like helping me and Dung! It was him! <3 <3 <3 and then we go killing spree but meh... there are so many enemies so he suggested that we just flee. So I agreed. And he saw this cool vehicle and we jumped there. He's the one driving and he was so adept in using it. And the vehicle adapts into it's environment, for example we need to cross into a huge river it turns boat like and when we reached the lands again it brings up the wheels again. And lastly, it can turn into airplane too! Wow... and that's how we escaped. That was so romantic. :-D

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Unread postby asandir » 17 Jan 2008, 05:31

well both of the jobs that I got interviews for I got job offers for as well, both paying a decent amount more than what i was getting and both reviewing that remuneration in 3-6 months ... both probably will add a few grand to the salary at that time, so good news all round

the job I really wanted I had the job offer given today at the second interview which was the technical interview, and I was told I was "technically deficient" yet still was offered the job since I had "talent and intelligence and a capacity to be excellent." All pretty good really, excepting my deficiencies :)

I was deficient since I have never actually used VMWare, NetApp, Novell OES, Groupwise or Lotus Notes before, so I have some learning to do

YAY for me!!! :D
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 17 Jan 2008, 06:33

I hate the faculty of letters. It's horribly terribly awfully disorganized. Plus, us translation students have TONS of exams: 17 this semester!!! Sure, they don't compare to medicine school exams (which are few, but big and fat), but they're A LOT. We have 4 exams next week, and yesterday this professor comes and tells us we can't sit his exam in February (as originally planned) because he has to go heck knows where. So we had to schedule it next week, on SATURDAY. Oh, and we also have enormous quantities of projects to prepare. Honestly, it's as if the professors believe students don't eat or sleep and that days are 30 hours long for them. :flame:

Rant over :D

Edit: Yay for Stefan! ;)
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Unread postby asandir » 17 Jan 2008, 07:08

ta tLD
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Jan 2008, 09:16

theLuckyDragon wrote:It's horribly terribly awfully disorganized.

At least it's not a management faculty that can't manage sh1t... of sweet irony.
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Unread postby Elvin » 17 Jan 2008, 09:30

Like sandy beaches :D Oh and if you see that guy again ask him where I can find one of those vehicles.

"talent and intelligence and a capacity to be excellent."
Congratulations mate, that says a lot :-D

I have occasionally had a case like this and it just isn't possible.. Not when I get books a few weeks before the exams anyway ;) Even if I was not tired with all these and loved studying I don't think I could finish all those and be successful so I restrict myself to studying about 5-6 what I'll be sure to pass.
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Unread postby Veldrynus » 17 Jan 2008, 09:33

theLuckyDragon wrote:I hate the faculty of letters. It's horribly terribly awfully disorganized. Plus, us translation students have TONS of exams: 17 this semester!!!
Well, I have "only" 15 (9 major exams). Of course, me the stupid idiot, I'm visiting two unis at the same time. My brain is slowly dying, and this is only the beginning. I hate that goddamn economics university! I HAAATE IT! Oh, God! Please destroy it! Please, make them suffer! Whaaaaaaa!!!
Veldryn 15:15 And Vel found a dirty old jawbone of a walrus and put forth his hand, and took it, and in his unholy rage, he slew thirty four thousand men and children therewith.

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