Wow... that's some long post there SC. Kinda like some of mine couple of years ago (which FC was using as argument for ignoring my feedback back then...). Well, let’s try one of my own.
The problem with that
group - as I see below we start disclosing stuff - is that it doesn't have as main and overriding selection criteria "the best of the best". That actually becomes a minor one, as overridden by the other two: either site admins or important community members which are not uncomfortable to have around.
So the group becomes in the end not very useful. Those most displeased with H5 are not there to give the needed feedback. Site admins cannot say much to not fall in disgrace. The others cannot because they can be very easily asked to leave. So many are left with the choice between being yes-men supporters or closing their eyes from time to time. But that does have an impact on the quality of their feedback as well, due to the loss of motivation.
I beg the members of the
group to not take the following the wrong way, as at least on my side I like to still consider them as friends. But I cannot consider them as "community leaders" for at least 2 reasons:
Firstly because a good part of the community does not like H5 - or at least does not like the way Ubival handled the project from many points of view - and practically they are not represented in that group (I don't count those who share the opinion, but are afraid to state it clear enough to make their voice heard). If people like King Imp or Kareeah would have been there, I would have felt represented, but I have serious doubts about Fabrice ever inviting them for example.
Secondly, is their approach/understanding of the concept of “community leaders”. When I joined the mentioned group, I stopped being the Zam from the beta, who was fighting against the inquisitor, gore, half-naked chicks and so on in the game (as many of you might remember). And I refocused on issues that I knew were important for a larger part of the community: the bad story & character building, the voice acting, major bugs, balance, the hideous Treant, missing major improvements (RMG, map editor, hall of fame) etc. But suddenly I found myself almost alone in this position. When I tried to say sth, I was replied with sth like “who are we to act as community representatives” and “even here we cannot be anything but ourselves”. And I guess everybody shared that opinion, as noone took my side in the discussion.
On top of the above, Fabrice does not only need to learn to accept real negative feedback (as harsh as that may be). In order to have an “elite team” from the community side, he has to be able to match them with a really professional team on Ubival’s side. But after 2 years of wasted creative effort on community’s side, treated mainly with (insulting at times) ignorance on the other side, what would still motivate people? Who would still bother to properly scan the forums for of the best and most original ideas, when they all know only 10% will be considered, only 1% finally implemented, and even that maybe not as initially intended or coming with a bug?