Heroes IV - Town Hall, City Hall and New Necropolis Creature

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Should be a single version?

Poll ended at 28 Jan 2008, 03:20

Yes. Should be a single version
No. Shouldn't be a single version
I don't care
No votes
Total votes: 10


Heroes IV - Town Hall, City Hall and New Necropolis Creature

Unread postby BAD23ro » 29 Dec 2007, 03:20

Town Hall, City Hall and New Necropolis Creatures

This is just a poll and is about Town Hall, City Hall and New Necropolis Creatures.

Two months ago Omega created a Poll and asked people what they think about some changes for economy and I did the code with his friend for Town Hall, City Hall and increased the gold production up to 1500 gold.

Here is the old vote poll:

http://www.celestialheavens.com/forums/ ... php?t=7176

Here is the version for new necropolis creatures:

http://www.celestialheavens.com/forums/ ... php?t=7970



I can create a single version using the changes for City Hall and New Necropolis, but won't do it until will hear some opinions and therefore I created this Poll.

Poll is just for 30 days

The poll was just for 30 days and is enough for me :)

This is the poll from heroescommunity:


Will be 2 separated mods and will be added in Heroes IV - My mods
Last edited by BAD23ro on 29 Jan 2008, 04:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Akul » 29 Dec 2007, 13:19

Gold increase and Necropolis Complete mods shoudn't be in one version simply because not all would want to have both of theme. Releasing theme as seperate mods will satisfy both those who wish both mods and those who wish just one.

EDIT: Of course, that is just if you can use two mods together. If not, then you should release seperate mods and (you or somebody else) combine theme. since you are a maker, I guess you can give a list of changes to someone who has a lot of free time to just do what you have done, but in one file. Since this shall be harder as number of mods grow, you might want to make a program that would combine mods into one.
I am back and ready to... ready to... post things.


Unread postby BAD23ro » 29 Dec 2007, 18:11

Someone requested and perhaps I will do 2 versions, one with both changes and 2 versions separated.

So, players can choose :)

Personally, I don't care because I haven't played Heroes IV in the last 2 years. :)

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Unread postby Muszka » 31 Dec 2007, 06:07

I voted for single version, but it could be separated too, and than packed in the same archive.
Mostly I would like to see them in the equilibris.
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Unread postby BAD23ro » 02 Jan 2008, 04:01

Muszka wrote:I voted for single version, but it could be separated too, and than packed in the same archive.
Mostly I would like to see them in the equilibris.

Will be 2 versions :)

About to be integrated in the Equilibris, that will never happen...They won't accept extra changes.

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Unread postby Metathron » 04 Jan 2008, 12:19

I don't want the extra cash, but I might give the alternative creatures mod a try (even though I think zombies and mummies are inferior to imps and cerberi; also what will the growth of dark champions be? 2 would seem overpowered), so I voted for the second option.
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Unread postby BAD23ro » 04 Jan 2008, 12:56

Metathron wrote:I don't want the extra cash, but I might give the alternative creatures mod a try (even though I think zombies and mummies are inferior to imps and cerberi; also what will the growth of dark champions be? 2 would seem overpowered), so I voted for the second option.
Well, stats can be changed if are requested...

Also, the mod was made in 2 minutes because Akul requested....Final version can have some changes...

Don't worry...will be 2 mods: one with gold and pure necropolis creatures and second mod will have just necropolis creatures...

I'm trying to make all happy :)


Unread postby BAD23ro » 29 Jan 2008, 04:19

Can a moderator close this topic?

The poll was just for 30 days and is enough for me :)

This is the poll from heroescommunity:


Will be 2 separated mods and will be added in Heroes IV - My mods

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Unread postby Angelspit » 31 Jan 2008, 13:44

Closed at the author's request.

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