Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 12 Dec 2007, 15:35
I don't care what anybody says: with multiple tests made, one on one, with equal numbers, the Ancient Behemoth IS overall the strongest Level 7 creature in Heroes 3.
In a duel between two Heroes with 0 att & 0 defense, 20 Archangels will beat 20 Ancient Behemoths because they attack first.
In a duel with Heroes with 2 att & 2 defense, the 20 Archangels will barely win.
In any duel with higher attack/defense stats (which WILL be the case if the game goes long enough that such high creature numbers are in play), the behemoths will win even if the Archangels attack first. The strongest the Might stats, the more it goes in favor of the behemoths. With duelling high level heroes, only the Titans stand a chance because they get 1 free, unretaliated attack.
Comparatively, the regular behemoth is a very poor creature. I upped its speed from 6 to 7 in my personal balance patch.