How do I use quick-spell in combat? (MM7)

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How do I use quick-spell in combat? (MM7)

Unread postby cruzader » 04 Dec 2007, 05:36

I don't understand quick-spell. I have firebolt selected as the quickspell for my sorc. This is confirmed by going to quick-ref screen. When I press S, the spell is casted but the quickspell selection screen appears as well. Then when I escape from that screen, the spell fires off. I want to be able to have my sorc casting firebolt when the rest of my party is attacking w/o having to go to turn-based. At the very least I want the spell to cast w/o pulling up that window. ??? thx

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Unread postby darknessfood » 04 Dec 2007, 09:18

Well, the only thing you need to do is to select a spell, then click on the Quikspell button. There shouldn't be any screen popping up....

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