ToTE Reviews

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ToTE Reviews

Unread postby Jay » 01 Dec 2007, 14:42

So I'm just curious, after however many weeks of playing Tribes of The East, what seems to be everyone's opinion? I'm still hashing through HV and HoF and (now that everything's working) am happy as a clam. Would it be worth my money to buy Tribes? I know it's a stand alone, but I'm more curious about what you guys think about the campaigns, the alternate upgrades and the Orcs blood rage ability...

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 01 Dec 2007, 14:48

:tsup: If you like those original games there is no reason you wouldn't like Tribes. There is more everything, artifacts, creature abilities, skill availability etc.

If problems like AI, and running speed, bother you then stay away. Those haven't changed.

All the fan maps for previous versions of the game work, you just need to enable the new spells in the map editor.

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Unread postby Nelgirith » 01 Dec 2007, 16:42

ToE is by far superior to HoF, the campaigns are quite interesting, especially Aranthir's one (the Dark Messiah intro).

Just for the new game features introduced by ToE, it's worth the buy. Orcs a well designed faction (more interesting than the dwarves imo), the artifact sets are also a nice addition and gives more strategic choices for duel presets.

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Unread postby Ar.Pi » 01 Dec 2007, 23:15

I'm on Campaign 2 mission 4 and this is the best expansion to H5!

The campaign is very interesting and well made. The voice over sounds very authentic and professional. Like said, there is more of everything!

All the things that made HoF and original a tedious experience, at times, are pretty much fixed. I mean Memory Mentor is god send! Finally you can get Ultimate abilities in campaign. The idea of leaving Set Artifacts for next mission is awesome too. Prerequisites were overhauled too in great effect.

Stronghold fanction is freakin sweet! Blood Rage is awesome. Its the most unique faction yet!
Alternative upgrades are just great! The possibilities have tripled. Lots of strategy added.

The only problem i see (playing only campaign so far) is that sometimes the AI takes a while to "think", but not a big deal. And of course have some balance issues but every heroes game had that :/

Really as far as expansions go this is a 9.5/10. Adds much more onto HoF.

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