Monk Evolution

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Keepers of the faith...

H3 Monk
H3 Zealot
H4 Monk
H5 Inquisitor
H5 Zealot
Total votes: 79

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Oct 2007, 14:09

asandir wrote:I quite like the HV Priest actually
WH fan... :tongue:
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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 17 Oct 2007, 14:14

Metathron, I see your point.

Forget what I said about Heroes then, you're right they shouldn't be part of the Creature evolution.

I guess it simply means that H3 will be out of the druid poll.

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Unread postby Metathron » 17 Oct 2007, 18:05

TheUndeadKing wrote:But they're not the same, come on. Druids are users of nature/earth/life magic and they are more neutral and independent. Monks on the other hand are merely religious devotees of the Haven faction, they're the servants of "Good". (not to mention they only benefit from life magic)
That's a nice story. :D

Seriously though, I fully agree with you in general, just not in this particular case. In both cases we have mid-tier shooters who look (and act) pretty much identical. What the developers did is merely take the HoMM II druid, put it in the knight's army and smack a different name on it, because as you say, a monk makes more sense in the context of a knight's castle. That's why it's the same unit in my mind, incomparably more similar than the HoMM I & II druid vs their HoMM V counterpart.

Anyhoo, I voted for the HoMM IV monk. The HoMM III, monks, look great, but I prefer to see a face since we're talking about "just" a monk, and not a mysterious practitioner of nature magic. ;)
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Unread postby Orfinn » 17 Oct 2007, 19:06

H5 Zealot, their color contrast and white is intriguing. Looks fanatic. Love having them in army, hate fighting against them, though as hammered iron.

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Unread postby Cem » 17 Oct 2007, 19:40

h4 monks look like they are drunk
h3 zealot are the best for me especially their glowing faces

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Unread postby Angelspit » 17 Oct 2007, 19:42

Cem wrote:h4 monks look like they are drunk
Well, what do you want, fans are asking for some realism. :D

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Unread postby Wulfstan8182 » 10 Nov 2007, 22:38

voted for H3 upg. cuz they are the only good ones. the non. upg. monk for H3 just doesn't look magical. H4 one looks too evil and for H5, since when did monks start buying themselves a mace and hitting ppl with it they are just not monk'ish. :proud:
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Unread postby Lord of the Guns » 28 Feb 2009, 12:27

A humble monk from Heroes3 will do for me.
his counterparts in H4 looks almost no different to Erathian versions

For me... clergymen of the Church of Elrath looks a littlebit too luxurious and too outlandish for me. he calls for an orbital strike instead of using Goku style power :D

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Unread postby Corbon » 01 Mar 2009, 21:09

H3 Zealots.

The H5 Inquisitors look like Paladins for me.

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 02 Mar 2009, 09:09

H3 Zealots for me. There's something classic about those blue robes he wears. Stlylish outfit all the way! I prefer these guys over their drunken brothers from Heroes IV any time.

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Unread postby Storm-giant » 02 Mar 2009, 21:05

Voted HIII zealots, as well as the efreets, it's a closed vote between HIII&HIV ones. Heroes V are carppy in comparation, imo

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Unread postby Calmisto » 04 Feb 2011, 10:06

Why dose the H4 monk make me think of monty python? :D

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