TheUndeadKing wrote:But they're not the same, come on. Druids are users of nature/earth/life magic and they are more neutral and independent. Monks on the other hand are merely religious devotees of the Haven faction, they're the servants of "Good". (not to mention they only benefit from life magic)
That's a nice story.
Seriously though, I fully agree with you in general, just not in this particular case. In both cases we have mid-tier shooters who look (and act) pretty much identical. What the developers did is merely take the HoMM II druid, put it in the knight's army and smack a different name on it, because as you say, a monk makes more sense in the context of a knight's castle. That's why it's the same unit in my mind, incomparably more similar than the HoMM I & II druid vs their HoMM V counterpart.
Anyhoo, I voted for the HoMM IV monk. The HoMM III, monks, look great, but I prefer to see a face since we're talking about "just" a monk, and not a mysterious practitioner of nature magic.

Jesus saves, Allah forgives, Cthulhu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.