Tote, Cyclops ability "Throw Goblin"

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Tote, Cyclops ability "Throw Goblin"

Unread postby Zepdog » 08 Nov 2007, 02:13

I was just wondering if anyone has been able to use the Cyclops' special ability of "Throw Goblin"? I put the goblins next to the Cyclops' (all upgrades too) and the section where the special use button on the lower right is doesn't light up. I have used regulare and upgraded goblins nad there is no change. I know it does work for the computer because the town that had the 400 and some odd Cyclopses used it against me (as the Necromancer) and took out 128 of my liches with one throw. Of course I didn't realize that there were over 400 cyclopses until that time and still ended up winning the battle (without using ghosts or puppetmaster). But I just really wanted to know how to use this ability, because I can't get it to work.

Also, I was in a battle on a later mission using the Orcs and the upgraded red griffins (when they returned from the dive attack) went onto the red Angles square and it looked like the Angles were on their back. Is this suppose to happen for a special attack coming up (I killed them before their next turn), or just a glitch? I did a screen shot but lost it somehow.

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Unread postby Wulfstan8182 » 08 Nov 2007, 03:32

i don't have TotE but what i've heard is that only the upgrades have this ability... i dunno... :S
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Unread postby Ya5MieL » 08 Nov 2007, 03:50

You dont click on special ability button, you just target the enemy, andif you have goblins nearby, cyclops will throw them instead of melee atacking.

Grifin Dive is bugged.

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Unread postby Dacarnix_ » 08 Nov 2007, 20:24

The special ability icon is for eating goblins to regain hit points.

The throw ability doesn't use the icon; just click the target.

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Unread postby Alabaster » 08 Nov 2007, 22:57

Your pointer will be an arrow like all shooters, assuming you have adjacent goblins.

Like all shooters, you wont have the arrow cursor if you have an adjacent enemy.

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