H4CCG Convention Report

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Unread postby protecyon » 24 Aug 2005, 14:43

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby TheFoeHammer » 24 Aug 2005, 14:43

Gencon was an incredible experience for HOMM. I had played the game only briefly at Origins and was anxiously awaiting Gencon to get some playtime and hopefully pick up some early product. I arrived at about 5PM on Thursday to discover they were out of starters at Gamestation, but I managed to pick up two booster boxes and went up to my hotel room for some rapid inventory/deckbuilding for that night's preview tourney.

When I came down to play I was amazed at how many people were checking this game out, and at Jonathan's report of the clamoring he had during the day. It was then that I also discovered he would be bringing more starters to the dealer hall for Friday. So at 8AM I came down to play some more but at 9:45 I headed over to the dealer hall to get my starters. After I fought through the line of people waiting to get free dice from GameStation, I was able to pick up a case of 6 (1 for me and 5 for others that could not make it over to the hall). I was not alone, some others saw my HOMM CCG shirt and followed me. As Jonathan says, by 10AM all the remaining starters and boosters were gone.

I was impressed by the quality and colorfulness of the game and I think that is what draws people in. Those familiar with the computer game recognize the graphics right away and are drawn to it. Even people that were coming to check out other DGA Games switched gears when they saw this was available.

Jonathan and his crew have a great devotion. We were about to wrap up the table at 1AM on Friday when two casual browsers walked by and expressed interest in the game. So Jonathan and Mike pulled out the decks and the maps and gave another demo. Electric is the right word, Jonathan has put a lot of passion for HOMM into these games and it is contagious.

The game mirrors the mechanics of the computer game well with the added excitement of face to face play with your own collection. I am not a CCG player, I typically play miniatures games, board games and computer games, but this game is such a neat hybrid, I can't put it down. The rules are a little more complex to learn than some games, but certainly not as difficult as some CCGs I have demoed in the past. Once you learn the rules you will realize that the game has lots of diverse strategies and deck building concepts that will lead to unique play experiences every time.

Looking forward to general release so I can get more people to play with.

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Unread postby Psychobabble » 25 Aug 2005, 00:18

That's a fantastic report, thanks for that. It's good to get confirmation of the buzz surrounding the game from a player! I'll be interested to see where the game goes on general release, something to keep an eye on for sure by the sounds of it.

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Unread postby grimogre » 26 Aug 2005, 21:08

Good news indeed.Maybe there's hope for Heroes of Might & Magic action figures.

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