The Ranger - The Defense

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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The Ranger - The Defense

Unread postby wzrdmstr » 25 Sep 2007, 07:11

I have been stuck on the completion of this game for a week now...rescued Talanar & Dirael, completed the requirements to stock the garrison...switched out each hero and even hired a new one as defender of the Sylvan fortress. The game played the cutshot of what i thought was the end of that segment (announcing that the freed heroes will defend the city in Findan's stead) Am I truly dense and missing something? Or have others had this problem as well? Anyone have an answer to being able to move on? [/b]

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Joined: 15 Oct 2007


Unread postby bkush » 15 Oct 2007, 03:26

How do you get to rescue the heroes? I can't get enough armies built up to take out the necro hero! And the purple heroes never stop coming...

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