Has anyone beaten 'THUNK'?

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Has anyone beaten 'THUNK'?

Unread postby Derek » 09 Feb 2006, 18:25

I am thinking about giving it a go, but it would be nice to hear what anyone has to say about this seemingly impossible HOMM II map. For the record, I have beaten the prelude to THUNK, I cannot remember the name at the moment.

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Unread postby Corribus » 09 Feb 2006, 18:27

I've beaten it. :D

Here is the entire campaign, if you're interested:

Last Hope
Toran Rift
Cave of Dreams
Abode of Evil

The H3 WoG version is in the works, but we're only up to map 5.
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Unread postby Derek » 09 Feb 2006, 20:31

Good show, good show indeed! :applause:

Any advice as to how to win this map? Because if you load it up in the editor...it just doesn't even seem possible at first glance.

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Unread postby Corribus » 09 Feb 2006, 20:50

Well first let me say that to beat it convincingly, you need to be aggressive. In fact, some very astute players figured out that Corribus does not need to wait on the island for his sister to rescue him. If you are quick, you can take Corribus over the continent and do a lot of damage with him before the AI really gets going. I could be mistaken but I believe I eventually fixed this exploit in a later version of the map, and in any case I think playing the map in this way sort of spoils it a bit.

Still my advice is to be aggressive. Don't just wait around for the AI to come to you, or you'll get clobbered. It's not an easy map, although I personally feel its easier than Nosferatu or Abode of Evil, which I consider my hardest H2 maps (although its hard to judge your own work, because you know where everything is in the map :) ). As for the THUNK - you just need to run if he comes close. You cant beat him until you've got a LOT of troops. He's got about 35 for all stats and is impervious to magic.

Best of luck! (and btw when I said we have maps 1-4 done for the WoG version, I do mean they're done - you can download them at CH). So you can play the H3 version of THUNK as well.
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Unread postby Corribus » 09 Feb 2006, 20:53

By the way, if you're looking for tough H2 maps (and I can give you lots of H2 recommendations), if you can track down a map called Dark-knights, it was always one of my favorites. Simple in premise, but a real challenge.
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Unread postby Pacifist » 10 Feb 2006, 08:39

One way to beat the THUNK in H2 is by using the 2 hex attack of the cyclopses vs his own troops. The lack of magic in this case is his downfall :) If you want a clearer (spoiler) solution I can be more precise....

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Unread postby Derek » 10 Feb 2006, 17:15

You know what, now I just feel stupid that I forgot the name of the hero from that map. If I had known it was Corribus... :S

Either way, I think I'll try out your suggestions about how to deal with this bizzare map. Always wanted to give it a go but it always just seemed impossible in the viewer.

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Unread postby Corribus » 10 Feb 2006, 17:28

Derek wrote:You know what, now I just feel stupid that I forgot the name of the hero from that map. If I had known it was Corribus... :S
Contrary to popular belief, I am not so vain as to make a map about myself. :-D I took my handle from the main character (Corribus) in a that map when it was still in a very early version, because I needed one when I joined the AW Quill a long time ago.
Either way, I think I'll try out your suggestions about how to deal with this bizzare map. Always wanted to give it a go but it always just seemed impossible in the viewer.
You shouldn't be looking in the editor before playing a map. ;)
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Unread postby Derek » 10 Feb 2006, 19:12

Corribus wrote:
Derek wrote: Either way, I think I'll try out your suggestions about how to deal with this bizzare map. Always wanted to give it a go but it always just seemed impossible in the viewer.
You shouldn't be looking in the editor before playing a map. ;)
I'll have you know that I tried the map about 6/7 years ago and I was completly destroyed by THUNK. I loaded it up in the editor to see what happened, and it all began to make some sense... :)

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Unread postby Corribus » 10 Feb 2006, 20:01

You would also be well-served to stay away from portals. The THUNK has a tendency to "just appear" when you are standing right next to one. If he does, you're SOL.
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 10 Feb 2006, 20:09

My short experience with this map started very optimistically. A hero with a large army sailed close to a important city and debarked on a nearby island (I can't remember which city, it was a long time ago). The funny thing (I really laughed a lot after doing it) was that one of my heroes was conveniently in range to cast Scuttle Boat. And that's how that hero with an enourmous army got stuck on a tiny useless island.
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Unread postby Corribus » 10 Feb 2006, 20:12

LD are you referring to the H3 version or H2 version? This was a problem in an early release of the H3 version, and so Fnord figured out a script that prevented the THUNK from ever boarding a boat. I still don't know how he did it, but it worked.
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 10 Feb 2006, 20:20

The Heroes 3 version, but it wasn't the THUNK who was on that ship. If I remeber correctly, it was just a Fortress hero with an army large enough to scare me at that point of the game.

P.S. My abbreviation is tLD, or someone will start thinking I'm still possessed by him... (DL/LD, big difference?) :-D
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Unread postby Corribus » 10 Feb 2006, 20:26

Sorry tLD - wouldn't want people to confuse you with a certain someone's alter-ego. :D

To be fair, I think the H2 version was more difficult than the H3 version, if only because Fnord was able to use scripts in the H3 version to reign the THUNK in a little bit.
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 10 Feb 2006, 20:30

Nonetheless, it was a fun map. While it lasted, that is. Note the fact:
theLuckyDragon wrote:My short experience
... if you get what I mean.
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Unread postby Corribus » 10 Feb 2006, 20:35

What, did you get your butt kicked? :-D
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 10 Feb 2006, 20:39

Essentially... yes. :D
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Unread postby Corribus » 11 Feb 2006, 01:26

And you gave up? C'mon, sport - you can't quit that easily! :-D
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 11 Feb 2006, 10:08

Whatever. :tongue: I don't like it when it gets too difficult for me: I play for fun and relaxation. :)

BTW, where can I find the complete Heroes 2 campaign?
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Unread postby Corribus » 11 Feb 2006, 14:49

theLuckyDragon wrote:BTW, where can I find the complete Heroes 2 campaign?
I believe they can be downloaded from maphaven. If not, I can probably dig them out of my own backups. Just let me know.
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