King's Bounty: Legend Coverage?

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Would you like the new King's Bounty to be added to the games CH covers?

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 06 Apr 2007, 02:39

danijel1990 wrote:Voted yes of course! :-D
Same here. :)

This game has its roots in the Heroes 0-1-2-3 universe same as Heroes 5 does. The only thing that H5 has and the new KB not, is a producer who owns the "rights" on the Heroes brand. But that's just a matter of money actually, which is definitly not the point here.

The developers of this game probably (most certainly actually) love the old Heroes/KB universe even more than Nival (Warhammer fans, who often gave the feeling Heroes was for them nothing more than "just a contract"). That makes the game very promissing.

They might not have the resources Ubi+Nival had, so I'm not expecting a game which will top H5 on all aspects. But I do expect it to bring back some things dear to me that lack in H5. From what I've seen in the screenshots, I'm already happy with:
- the return of the hex grid.
- the return of the H3-like spell book, with 6 spells per page (i/o 3 in H5) for a more efficient use and with a nicer graphical aspect.
- the return of the friendly-looking Elven/Nature alignment, not the vengeful alien one in H5.
- nice, decent 3D-graphics. I'm not expecting them to beat H5, but then again, strategy games are not mainly about graphics. It's the gameplay I'm looking for.
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Unread postby King Imp » 06 Apr 2007, 05:11

Voted Yes as well. I look forward to this game a lot and would like to be kept abreast of it's development.
Zamolxis wrote: - the return of the hex grid.

I'm not liking the size of their battlefield though. Looks a bit small to me.
Remember how a lot of us fought to get the Heroes 5 battlefield increased because it was way too small? I hope the people they are in touch with who are/will be testing this game echo that sentiment as well.

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Unread postby Dalai » 06 Apr 2007, 11:47

Zamolxis wrote: - nice, decent 3D-graphics. I'm not expecting them to beat H5
I am. It looks so much nicer and smoother! And colour pick is almost perfect, comparing to almost random colours in h5.
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Unread postby Zamolxis » 06 Apr 2007, 14:55

All for the better then. As my expectations are not even too high on this matter, one more reason for me to enjoy it when it's out. ;)

About the size of the battlefield, indeed it's a kind of "back to H2". I hope they rethink that. Maybe *they* will dare introduce the variable sizes. :p
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Unread postby watcher83 » 06 Apr 2007, 19:39

the game looks great. a nice competitor for hommv. can't wait to see the complete list and pics of all the creatures,spells,heroes,abilities etc.(there are some on the russian site but i think there will be more)
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Unread postby WhiteRider » 07 Apr 2007, 15:05

here is some translation from the russian site (thanks god my russian has not rusted in the last 10 years :))
1. 5 races: humans, elves, dwarves, undead and demons and a bunch of neutrals, the most remarkable I think is the giant turtle that takes 6x3 squares on the battle field (all other creatures even the dragons and the archdemons take 1x1)
2. Creatures have initiative and movement. Initiative determinates the order they can act, movement value is how long they can pass on the field.
3. Action Points - a creature can take more than one action in a turn, for example an archer can move a few steps back and than shoot.
4. Some abilities need time to recharge, the venom cobra needs 4 turns before it can poison again.
5. Heroes at this stage can choose the path of the warrior, the paladin or the mage. 1C staff says they think on more classes in the future.
6. Each hero has a leadership ability which determinates how many creatures you can have in your army, the warrior can lead the biggest armies and the mage the smallest. For example an imp (level 1) takes 15 leadership, a black knight (level 4) - 350 and a bone dragon (level 5) - 800. Some abilities and artifacts enable to hire some creatures for half the leadership points (priests are mentoined).
7. Rage is another ability that could be used as a substitude of spells. Battles give you more rage points and with them you can summon spirits of rage to fight for you.
8. There are 3+1 magic schools: magic, mind, spirit and travelling
9. All heroes can use magic scrolls to cast a spell once without mana and without skill.
10. The hero can earn nobility ranks (earl, lord, baron...) which increase their leadership

Personaly I am very satisfated with many of these "new" things. I had a long posts in heroescommunity months ago (actualy I made these project after Heroes IV came out) in which I suggested the same leadership system (warriors with biggest army and ranks from soldier...captain...general...field marshal), guild masters/noble lords with mediocore army and ranks from lord, baron, viscount, count, duke, marquise and prince and spellcasters with least army and magical ranks. This is an excelent way to balance heroes without and with spells. :-D

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Unread postby icesensemadness » 08 Apr 2007, 04:00

i voted yes :D if there is even a slightest hint that it would be better than hommv then why not? if it's not too much trouble of course ;) we shall see.. 8|
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Unread postby watcher83 » 08 Apr 2007, 20:10

the thing I like about what I've seen so far is that there are no upgrd. creatures, just like in homm4. I dislike upgrd, basicaly the same thing as the unit with different skin and one two new abilities,but a good reason for producers to brag about the number of creatures.
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Unread postby Campaigner » 08 Apr 2007, 20:48

Thanks for the info WhiteRider.

Could have sworn I saw a spell belonging to Order....oh well just they make it good and balance the classes. Tired of Warrior being so powerful....

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Unread postby watcher83 » 12 Apr 2007, 20:22

Can anyone translate this pls, cause I can't understand a word in Russian

Человеческая раса начала свою историю с кровопролитных войн против всех и вся, и неоднократно люди были на грани вымирания, однако, вовремя сменив кровожадность на хитрость, а воинское искусство на торговлю и дипломатию, люди не только смогли избежать уничтожения, но и уверенно закрепились на Эндорской равнине, создав свое государство.

Бывшие враги стали добрыми соседями и торговыми партнерами, но постоянные внутренние конфликты вынуждают королей Эндории содержать внушительную и хорошо подготовленную армию. Благодаря своей выучке и немалому опыту, человеческие воины-наемники ценятся повсюду. В бою люди нередко используют прирученных ими созданий – грифонов или лошадей. Мало кто способен устоять перед натиском тяжело вооруженной конницы.

В сравнении с древними расами, люди только-только начали осваивать магию, но именно они превратили магическое искусство в науку, подведя под тайные знания теоретическую базу, активно изучая и используя законы магии. Особенно пристальное внимание люди уделяют магии, которую можно применять в бою. Человеческие маги свысока относятся к запретам и предостережениям, благодаря чему немало позабытых и запрещенных знаний снова пришли в этот мир. Лучшие некроманты и демонологии получаются именно из магов-людей.

Равно как и лучшие истребители нежити и демонов! Великолепно обученные храмовые воины-жрецы не знают равных в искусстве истребления порождений тьмы. В храмах готовят неплохих магов, уповающих не столько на силу заклинаний, сколько на божественное вмешательство. Поставить богов себе на службу – такое могло прийти в голову только людям.
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Unread postby waffen » 13 Apr 2007, 08:55

I tried my best, here you have main idea about humans:

Human race started human history with bloody wars against everyone. There were times when humans were near extinction because of that. But in right time they changed bloodthirst to smart, warcraft to trade and diplomacy, humans not only were able to escape extinction, but were able to establish their own realm in Endor.

Former enemies became good neighbors and trade partners, but regular inner conflicts forces kings to sustain well armed and trained army. Experienced human mercenaries are well respected everywhere. Not rarely they use griphons and horses in combat. There are few enemies who can withstand against heavy armored cavalry.

Compering to other races, humans recently started to study magic, but they changed this from art to science. Especially they study part of magic, which can be used in combat – battle magic. Human magicians do not care much about old prohibited spells, because of that not small numbers of long forgotten and forbidden spells came to this world. Best necromancers and demonologists came from human magicians.

And best destroyers of undead and demons came from humans to! Well trained warriors-priests from temples do not know equals when dealing with monsters from darkness. In temples are trained not bad magicians, who are more concerned with divine intervation rather than spell power. To make gods servants – this idea can came only to human head.

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Unread postby watcher83 » 13 Apr 2007, 15:16

thanks, a lot of very important info.
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Unread postby » 17 Aug 2007, 18:16

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Aug 2007, 20:33

I'm pretty sure QftDBS was just KB for the PS2... and i think i could find other examples of PC games being ported to consoles under different names.
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Unread postby » 24 Sep 2007, 07:39

New interview with Katauri on and some new screens (but without 4-th Rage Spirit)


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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 11 Oct 2007, 14:52

I think the game should be covered on CH.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Oct 2007, 15:47

But lets wait until it comes out... less work that way...
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Unread postby Meandor » 11 Oct 2007, 16:49

Only after it comes out and if it`s any good.

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Unread postby Angelspit » 11 Oct 2007, 17:05

I'll stick to a general news coverage for now, unless any volunteer offers some help.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Oct 2007, 17:38

Meandor wrote:Only after it comes out and if it`s any good.
I tend to think that's always implied in my posts...
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