Most poweful party for MM7

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Most poweful party for MM7

Unread postby mongerman » 11 Mar 2007, 06:47

What is the most powerful party in MM7? One that will allow me to decimate everything easily

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Unread postby arturchix » 11 Mar 2007, 07:47

I think, the default - knight, thief, cleric and sorcerer.

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Unread postby mongerman » 11 Mar 2007, 08:32

The default party is strong in the sense that it is the most balanced. I'm looking for for a powerhouse party, like Sorc/sorc/sorc/druid in MM6. Will the same party work in MM7? And is it just me, or does mm6 look way better then mm7? (i just got mm7)

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Unread postby Apeman » 11 Mar 2007, 09:57

The only thing you definately need in any party is a cleric or a paladin if you go might based. The one essential spell is protection from magic! For the rest three sorcerers will kill anything in the later stages of the game.

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Unread postby Phobos » 11 Mar 2007, 11:23

Apeman wrote:The only thing you definately need in any party is a cleric or a paladin if you go might based. The one essential spell is protection from magic! For the rest three sorcerers will kill anything in the later stages of the game.
Agreed. I always pick three Sorcerers and a Cleric if I want to outpower everything. The beginning is a little difficult, but in the end, the game gets really easy. Four Sorcerers are harder to manage as they offer no Merchant skill, which gives a huge advantage when buying spells and can be used along with Enchant Item to make money, or Protection from Magic, one of the most important spells.

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Unread postby Century » 11 Mar 2007, 11:49

Yes you really need GM (or is it M?) Protection from Magic, otherwise the end of the game will obliterate you. It stopped my pure might party dead in its tracks... literally!

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Unread postby mongerman » 11 Mar 2007, 14:53

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm kinda struggling with the graphics for mm7 now. They look kinda washed out after mm6.

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Unread postby arturchix » 11 Mar 2007, 15:14

I'd say MM7 has improved MM6 engine so theoretically it should look better. ;)

One thing though - if you have played only MM6 and never MM7-MM9, be aware that you can't improve all of the skills up to master anymore. Each class can reach certain mastery level of each skill and no further. To get expert of any skill you still need to have it at level 4, all master skills at level 7 and all grandmaster skills at level 10.

Cleric is the only character that can get Merchant GM - buy and sell items at their true cost so that's what you might want to improve first, up to level 7. For my thief the first skill I give first is always Disarm Trap up to level 7, the sorcerer - air and water expert, then Water Master ASAP. Also, comparing with MM6 for part of the master skills you will need to complete the first promotion before you can get it, which might be a little tricky for sorcerer-wizard promotion which for the first time might be a bit hard.

Anyway, I wish I could play MM7 once again for the first time. :)

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Unread postby Century » 11 Mar 2007, 15:54

arturchix wrote:Anyway, I wish I could play MM7 once again for the first time. :)
Hell yeah :D

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Unread postby Secret_Holder » 11 Mar 2007, 23:31

Century wrote:Yes you really need GM (or is it M?) Protection from Magic, otherwise the end of the game will obliterate you. It stopped my pure might party dead in its tracks... literally!
Yep, without Protection from Magic, Tolberti and Robert the Wise are unbeatable (although you could just use a thief with invisibility).
Tunnels to Eofol also are tricky without PFM ;)

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Unread postby Justice » 11 Mar 2007, 23:49

I've never used Protection from magic when fighting them and only stolen it once, decided to kill him anyway afterwards ;| and always just use invisibility and run in the tunnels :D

The first times I didn't know how much protection from magic, bless, heroism and all those helped, and nwo they make the game too easy :creative:

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Unread postby JMK » 15 May 2007, 18:07

I've completed M&M 7 6 times, and the best party for me was knight, monk, cleric and sorcerer.
i chose the monk, for GM bodybuilding/unarmoured, beacause this makes him indiffitable later in the game!
And the rest just balences....

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Unread postby dcinroc » 13 Sep 2007, 17:40

The most powerful parties I ever had were Knight/Monk/Thief/CLeric for the Light Path and Sorcerer/Sorcerer/Cleric/Cleric for the Dark Path.

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 13 Sep 2007, 18:28

Secret_Holder wrote: Yep, without Protection from Magic, Tolberti and Robert the Wise are unbeatable (although you could just use a thief with invisibility).
Bollocks, I mauled Tolberti in 4 seconds with my Knight/Knight/Archer/Paladin team without protection from eradication.
Pure melee power!

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 13 Sep 2007, 19:54

It may not be most powerful but I'm having fun. I'm using

Knight, Monk, Cleric, Druid

and I'm kicking myself for not using a sorcerer instead of a druid. I made the same mistake in mm 6 in my single playthrough, using a druid instead of a sorcerer.

Concerning the graphics, the mm 6 monster graphics are better, everything else is better in 7. I also prefer the skill limits and extended races and story in 7.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 13 Sep 2007, 22:37

UndeadHalfOrc wrote:
Secret_Holder wrote: Yep, without Protection from Magic, Tolberti and Robert the Wise are unbeatable (although you could just use a thief with invisibility).
Bollocks, I mauled Tolberti in 4 seconds with my Knight/Knight/Archer/Paladin team without protection from eradication.
Pure melee power!
Did your Paladin paralyze him? What level were you at? Skills?
Apeman wrote:For the rest three sorcerers will kill anything in the later stages of the game.
A room full of Medusae? :)
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 13 Sep 2007, 22:49

Bandobras Took wrote:
Did your Paladin paralyze him? What level were you at? Skills?
I made a save game just for that fight. On my first try, yes, I did paralyze him, but I can easily kill him ultra quick regardless. Sometimes Tolberti manages to eradicate 1 guy before dying. (Big deal... and there's a scroll of resurrection that always shows up in the chest in his house anyway!)

Level 56. Not unreasonable considering it's a late game quest. It's not like I'm powerlevelling. I'm playing normally, by doing every quest, emptying every dungeon.
Paladin was skill level 14 in mace, GM. But the 2 knights did most of the damage. Each one strikes for about 110 damage, about 2 times per second.

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Unread postby jeffh » 14 Sep 2007, 01:31

My party, with no Grandmaster magic skills, killed Tolberti fast without doing anything fancy either. (I was using Ranger - Monk - Thief - Druid, I think, with the Monk being easily the combat MVP by that point in the game, as others have suggested.) Blood Titans were a huge nuissance, but otherwise lacking GM Pro-Magic was annoying, but by no means the end of the world.

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 14 Sep 2007, 02:06

I agree with the previous poster... ONLY Blood Titans proved somewhat of a problem. And then, they don't eradicate, they only kill, so as long as they don't hit my paladin, he could "raise dead" anyone as long as he had mana. If my paladin DID get hit, my archer would quickly town portal to harmondale.

The highest level minotaurs could kill too, but they died quickly enough to my party's brute force.

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 14 Sep 2007, 02:13

So what's a general finishing level for mm 7? I finished mm 6 around 90-93. in mm 7 my guys are around 30 now.

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