Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
"A wallpaper image that I made from the Heroes V: Tribes of the East video. I redid the silhouette at the end in Illustrator so that it looks nice and clean for a wallpaper. The enclosed image is 1680x1050." Thanks Capt_Tripps.
If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link: ... php?id=292
If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link: ... php?id=292
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
Looks nice =)
- Metal Wolf
- Pixie
- Posts: 103
- Joined: 13 Jun 2006
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
Imo that looks bad.
You could have at least added the logo.
You could have at least added the logo.
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
yeah,but timing is hard to take snapshot to trailer fo wait logo
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
Pretty different from most heroes wallpapers and not in a bad way 

I, for one, am dying to find out what colour they paint Michael's toenails.
- Metathron
- Metathron
- Kareeah Indaga
- Archlich
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- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
- Capt_Tripps
- Peasant
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- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
Thanks. I was inspired by the bit at the end of the TotE video so I put this together for my wallpaper and thought I would share. Originally I left the HV logo out because the style contrasted with the look I wanted in Illustrator. After your suggestions, I did a bit of experimenting and came up with a version with the HV:TotE logo. The logo is done in the same glowing outline style as the figures.
Here's a small preview ... ogo_Sm.jpg
added: How do you add a working link?
Edited on Sat, Sep 08 2007, 16:23 by Capt_Tripps
Here's a small preview ... ogo_Sm.jpg
added: How do you add a working link?
Edited on Sat, Sep 08 2007, 16:23 by Capt_Tripps
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
I just posted the updated version. Enjoy, and thanks again Captain.
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
Seems fuller this way, earlier it felt as if something was missing.
I, for one, am dying to find out what colour they paint Michael's toenails.
- Metathron
- Metathron
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
It looks great on my desktop. Thanks.
rdeford, Mage Of Soquim
“Forgiving and being forgiven, loving and being loved,
living and letting live, is the simple basis for it all."
Ernest Holmes 1984
“Forgiving and being forgiven, loving and being loved,
living and letting live, is the simple basis for it all."
Ernest Holmes 1984
Tribes of the East Fan-Made Wallpaper
pretty groovy, but missing some funky graphix .... good if you like a clean desktop
Human madness is the howl of a child with a shattered heart.
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