Very nice solution, Scarlett

They do - they're just icky and molded and rotten.... dare I say, fermented? It's really quite gross.DaemianLucifer wrote: I didnt know that undead have minds
Well, actually, recent studies had found out that, almost 60% of undead creatures have minds. In the case of the higher level undead beings like liches, this percentage is over 85%. So trying to get in Ethric's mind might give some results.DaemianLucifer wrote:I didnt know that undead have mindsVeldrynus wrote:A more elegant and profitable solutuion would be using our psychic powers to get into his mind
There's probably some people somewhere who consider fermented brains a huge delicacy. Of course, there's probably about 100 million people for every one of those that like it that just find it gross.Corribus wrote: They do - they're just icky and molded and rotten.... dare I say, fermented? It's really quite gross.
Wow, i bet that lead to some very sore thumbs.Kalah wrote: 6. The highest measured post rate belonged to Tarmaskas; 12,013 posts/day.
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