The King's Bounty

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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The King's Bounty

Unread postby saugeen » 09 Aug 2007, 22:05

There has been some talk about the King's Bounty on CH lately. Is this game a revised and updated version of the orginal? As I understand it is that The King's Bounty is a predecessor of the HoMM series. Which was long before I started playing HoMM, infact I didn't even have a computer back then. I am not even familiar with HoMM 1 & 2. Is the game play similar to that of Heroes 3 & 5? When is it going to be available? And is it going to be available in Canada and the U.S?

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Re: The King's Bounty

Unread postby darknessfood » 09 Aug 2007, 23:03

saugeen wrote:There has been some talk about the King's Bounty on CH lately. Is this game a revised and updated version of the orginal? As I understand it is that The King's Bounty is a predecessor of the HoMM series. Which was long before I started playing HoMM, infact I didn't even have a computer back then. I am not even familiar with HoMM 1 & 2. Is the game play similar to that of Heroes 3 & 5? When is it going to be available? And is it going to be available in Canada and the U.S?
Well, Kings Bounty was made by the same company (new world computing) and has set the basics of what Heroes is today. Same gameplay, only thing was that you can walk freely on the map.
On your question if HoMM 1&2 are similar to HoMM 3&5 the answer is simple. YUP, the basic stuff is the same, in each version things work better. In heroes one you don't have a spell system (only a amount you can cast), in Heroes 2 the new thing was upgradable creatures (some of the dwellings) and in heroes 3 i found that the skills were better. So in the basics, every HoMM game gets better, but they keep hanging on the strong basics they created :)

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More questions about King's Bounty

Unread postby saugeen » 10 Aug 2007, 00:41

Now the version of King's Bounty that is coming out early 2008, Is it a revised &/or upgraded version of the original? Do you know if the game play will be similar to Heroes 3&5? Do you know who the publisher of this game is? I will prpbably come up with more questions as time goes by.

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Re: The King's Bounty

Unread postby Darmani » 10 Aug 2007, 00:59

darknessfood wrote:So in the basics, every HoMM game gets better, but they keep hanging on the strong basics they created :)
Since it seems the majority of HoMM fans do not have #5 as their favorite, that's obviously not true in the eyes of the majority.

Anyway, to answer the actual question, Kings Bounty has some of the same gameplay as Heroes of Migth and Magic. Play them, and the similarities are definitely there.

There are some major differences. First and foremost, it is an RPG, meaning you control one hero that walks around, hiring troops from the King and creature dwellings. Depending on your class and how far into the game you are, you can have a certain number of spells, each of which must be bought separately at a town. In other words, every fireball you cast means you've decided the effect is worth 1000 gold. Even more, since each town only sells one spell, to restock you need to go there and back. Luckily, there are teleportation spells available to hasten the trip.

The basic story is that Arech Dragonbreath stole the Scepter of Order, buried it, and ripped the map into 26 pieces. To reclaim those pieces, you need to go to a town, set your target to a villain, track that villain down to the castle he chose to garrison, and siege it, in order to get the bounty on the villains and his map piece. At the beginning of the game, by capturing enough villains, the King will also let you hire better troops at his castle.

Combat is pretty similar to HoMM, except that it's on a low-resolution square grid. Other differences exist, such as the fact that you can move and shoot on the same move (which leads to some interesting battles between slow walkers and fast shooters. In HoMM, it is possible to do that kind of thing, but more difficult due to the need to stop).

Another major difference is that the number of hit points a stack can have is determined by your leadership, e.g.: If your leadership is 3000, you can have 100 of a unit with 30 hp. If it goes over that, you lose control. For example, I once rendered a castle unconquerable by assaulting it with ghosts. By attacking the defending peasants and then the other defenders, my 25 ghosts became 1200. At that point, I lost control, they defeated my army, and then stayed behind as permanent defenders to the villain holed up in the castle,

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Re: More questions about King's Bounty

Unread postby Darmani » 10 Aug 2007, 01:02

saugeen wrote:Now the version of King's Bounty that is coming out early 2008, Is it a revised &/or upgraded version of the original? Do you know if the game play will be similar to Heroes 3&5? Do you know who the publisher of this game is? I will prpbably come up with more questions as time goes by.
No, yes, no, yes, respectively.

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Unread postby Swordmaster » 27 Aug 2007, 18:54

I hope they will fix the (very) bad english you can read at those screenshots, hehe.

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