KB and D3 Interviews from E3

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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Angelspit » 01 Aug 2007, 12:57

Slaughter from StrategyCore sends word that he posted two interviews that might be of interest to the Heroes community. The <a href="/http://www.strategycore.co.uk/e3/pg/07d ... >Disciples III Q&A</a> is an update to a discussion from a year ago, with new info about the status of the project. The <a href="/http://www.strategycore.co.uk/e3/pg/07k ... ty">King's Bounty interview</a> with 1C's Anatoly Subbotin is a bit longer. We learn that players will be allowed to get married:

"Yeah, this is a possibility that you do not often have in a game, you can have a wife and she’s actually put in a special slot in the hero's screen. If you have a wife then she gives you additional opportunities, it gives you additional slots to put items in. So its very good to marry in this game."

Both articles were written by Mike Nino, who met <a href="/https://www.celestialheavens.com/402">Fabrice Cambounet at E3</a> back in 2005.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 01 Aug 2007, 13:22

"SC: What are the minimum and recommended specs of the game?

The code haven’t been optimized yet, but I should say that this game is not the type of game that requires high end hardware. I would say that it will probably run okay if you have 1 gig of RAM and a Nvidia 6800. This is definitively not the type of game that eats a lot of resources. "

That's good news...I think.

"SC: What are the current release dates in North America and Europe?

Right now we’re aiming at a beginning of 2008 release. We want to do it simultaneously around the world. "

W00t! :-D I hate it when entertainment gets released on eight different days depending on location.
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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby waffen » 01 Aug 2007, 13:26

"Yes, we plan a demo maybe in 2-3 months."

That are good news about Kings bounty. Hopefully it is true.

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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 01 Aug 2007, 14:37

The wife thing reminds me of defender of the crown.

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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Zamolxis » 01 Aug 2007, 23:13

Well, I guess it's good to know that if I ever have a quarrel with my RL wife again, now there's always a second wife to turn to for 'comfort' ;-)
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Unread postby jeff » 01 Aug 2007, 23:55

Well is there an alimony and child support penalty if you later decide to drop her from your army. :D
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 02 Aug 2007, 00:15

@jeff: Lol. :-D
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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Daystar » 02 Aug 2007, 01:54

Does it always have to be a wife? what if your hero is gay?

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Re: KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby jeff » 02 Aug 2007, 02:41

Daystar wrote:Does it always have to be a wife? what if your hero is gay?
We won't ask, so you don't tell! ;)
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Re: KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 02 Aug 2007, 13:45

Daystar wrote:Does it always have to be a wife? what if your hero is gay?
How do you need to ask this? They said a wife, butthey never said your main character had to be male :devil:

But (more) seriously, I think a lot of people will be annoyed if they don't have the female option for the player. This is not an RPG, where the gender of the character may be important for the storyline.

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Re: KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby jeff » 02 Aug 2007, 14:03

Qurqirish Dragon wrote:
Daystar wrote:Does it always have to be a wife? what if your hero is gay?
How do you need to ask this? They said a wife, butthey never said your main character had to be male :devil:

But (more) seriously, I think a lot of people will be annoyed if they don't have the female option for the player. This is not an RPG, where the gender of the character may be important for the storyline.
In Wizardry 8 there was a quest that required a male in your party to become the mate of a She-devil, well the developers anticipated the fact some might create an all female adventure party, so they allowed for that possibility. If your party was all female, then one of them could become the She-devil's companion. Of course the creators of Wiz 8 where extremely talented, something that is sadly missing in most game creation teams today.
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Re: KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 03 Aug 2007, 14:52

jeff wrote:
Qurqirish Dragon wrote:
Daystar wrote:Does it always have to be a wife? what if your hero is gay?
How do you need to ask this? They said a wife, butthey never said your main character had to be male :devil:

But (more) seriously, I think a lot of people will be annoyed if they don't have the female option for the player. This is not an RPG, where the gender of the character may be important for the storyline.
In Wizardry 8 there was a quest that required a male in your party to become the mate of a She-devil, well the developers anticipated the fact some might create an all female adventure party, so they allowed for that possibility. If your party was all female, then one of them could become the She-devil's companion. Of course the creators of Wiz 8 where extremely talented, something that is sadly missing in most game creation teams today.
There have been several games where your character's gender had an effect. In all the Wizardrys, female characters had stat modifications.
In Might and Magic 1, one town had traps that harmed all male party members.
In some of the Ultima games, your relationship with some NPCs affected your karma rating - and the proper action depended on gender.

But in any event, I wasn't even thinking of a game-effecting change. Just the option to have a female character with a husband, rather than a male character with a wife, is not (or shouldn't be) that hard to implement.

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KB and D3 Interviews from E3

Unread postby Daystar » 04 Aug 2007, 02:01

especially with the alpha hero, the hair looked right for either genders.

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