Might and Magic II Certificate

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Sir Charles
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Might and Magic II Certificate

Unread postby Sir Charles » 24 Jul 2007, 14:53

Getting something signed by JVC isn't a rare thing you know. He's a VERY approachable guy. I've met him twice in person and he's extremely easy going. He loves talking to fans and discussing his babies (that's what he calls his games...his "children"). When I got a tour of NWC back in the early 90's he was even the "tour guide" for part of it. :O) Great guy.
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Might and Magic II Certificate

Unread postby infael » 24 Jul 2007, 15:15

@ elvin: sure! Had the cert for MM2. I don't remember if MM3 and 4 had a cert. :)

Perhaps MMX should have a cert for old times sake.
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Might and Magic II Certificate

Unread postby Orfinn » 24 Jul 2007, 20:54

Sweet, from the big boss himself :D Take !really! good care of that throphy!
Edited on Wed, Jul 25 2007, 15:48 by Orfinn

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