Til å snakke engelsk ja, mn å skrive engelsk, så er vi nok noen kløppere til detKalah wrote:Med tanke på hvor dårlig de fleste nordmenn er til å snakke engelsk så tror jeg faktisk jeg har mitt på det tørre....
The foreign language thread
Inseamna ca n-ai priceput nimic din tot ce ziceam eu...Prefer "haz de necaz" pe langa impuscatu in scoli si alte prostii pe care le fac altii sa se simta mai bine.
Si oricum, dc chiar crezi ca o sa ne salveze turistii fara ca noi sa facem altceva decat sa ne blagoslovim patria io zic ca te inseli.
Pai nu esti tu cel superior si interesant... de ce nu bagi tu ceva nou... sau nu prea ai subiecte de discutie printre miile de remarci sarcastice si fara continut pe care le faci?Pai baga ceva mai interesant, particip cu placere la o discutie noua.
Anyway, mai bine zi-mi daca or sa fie chestii interesante de facut prin bucuresti pe la vara... ca sa stiu daca o sa mai infrunt caldura pe acolo.
Nordmenn har i forhold til gjennomsnittet ellers i Europa en eksepsjonelt høy engelskspråklighet, mye takket være TV og det faktum at engelskundervisningen begynner i 3. klasse. Allikevel er det akademiske nivået lavt. Nordmenn er dårlige i engelsk grammatikk, både muntlig og skriftlig. Vi er flinke til å gjøre oss forstått, men ikke å bruke språket korrekt. Med andre ord, vi har svært god "conversational English", men dårlig grammatisk.
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.
- winterfate
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Está bien...no me molesta.Wolfsburg wrote:El peor de todo es que despues tanto tempo de alemán no se quedó mucho de mi sencillo castellano. Pero, si no te ofende intentamos el portuñol, y nos quedamos ambos felices.
Y lo hablas bastante bien, de hecho.
Panda wrote:Pelo menos ainda consegue escrever. Eu entendo auditiva e escrita 100%, mas alguma coisa não me permite escrever em espanhol. Será que preciso estudar?
Jajaja...pero no tiene importancia Panda. El portugués y el español se parecen bastante...
Entiendo la mayoría de lo que estás diciendo.
The Round Table's birthday list!
Proud creator of Caladont 2.0!
You need to take the pain, learn from it and get back on that bike... - stefan
Sometimes the hearts most troubled make the sweetest melodies... - winterfate
Proud creator of Caladont 2.0!
You need to take the pain, learn from it and get back on that bike... - stefan
Sometimes the hearts most troubled make the sweetest melodies... - winterfate
ThunderTitan - Nu ai exagerat, nu ma refeream la tine, spuneam in general.
Okrane - Nu sunt certat cu TT, eram certat cu TT cand il credeam un "ignorant din vest care pune etichete".
Astept propuneri pt subiecte de discutii in cazul in care vreti sa ma includeti in conversatie.
Okrane - Nu sunt certat cu TT, eram certat cu TT cand il credeam un "ignorant din vest care pune etichete".
Astept propuneri pt subiecte de discutii in cazul in care vreti sa ma includeti in conversatie.
Where exactly does the rainbow end?
- Gaidal Cain
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mda, asta cam e eticheta pe care o punem noi americanilor in general."ignorant din vest care pune etichete".
Sincer, ma intreb oare, de ce la noi in tara exista aceasta utopie referitoare la Statele Unite, care face ca multi isi doresc cu ardoare sa plece acolo... in pofida mitului de prostie si ignoranta de care vorbeam.
- ThunderTitan
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Posibil din cauza baniilor?okrane wrote: Sincer, ma intreb oare, de ce la noi in tara exista aceasta utopie referitoare la Statele Unite, care face ca multi isi doresc cu ardoare sa plece acolo... in pofida mitului de prostie si ignoranta de care vorbeam.
Da, poti sa pleci pan la mare sau munte din el.Anyway, mai bine zi-mi daca or sa fie chestii interesante de facut prin bucuresti pe la vara... ca sa stiu daca o sa mai infrunt caldura pe acolo.
Simti nevoia sa vb despre modele de proiectare a posturilor, calculul necesarului de consum sau analiza cifrei de afaceri la 1000 de lei?sau nu prea ai subiecte de discutie printre miile de remarci sarcastice si fara continut pe care le faci?
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
- Thelonious
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Huh? Ik heb denk ik even een woordenboek nodig... Alhoewel ik toch nog redelijk kan begrijpen wat er staat.Gaidal Cain wrote:Vem vill egentligen prata ett såpass konstigt språk som holländska? Det är i och för sig ett steg upp från danskan, men det säger ju inte så mycket.Thelonious wrote:Ook niet gezellig hier als er niemand Nederlands kan...
Entonces compreendes que solo hablamos tonterias...winterfate wrote:
Jajaja...pero no tiene importancia Panda. El portugués y el español se parecen bastante...
Entiendo la mayoría de lo que estás diciendo.
...Y además, Tar, siempre me han dicho que no se puede aprender castellano sin estudiar, pero creo que no sea bien asi. Para nosotros de idioma portugues es asi que se tienes ganas para aprenderlo, lo aprendes y punto. Sea con un profesor, o viajando, o mismo solito en tu casa. Las ganas de hacierlo son lo mas importante.
Intrebarea se referea mai exact la faptul ca toata lumea vrea sa plece in State. Bani sunt peste tot in vest. Chiar si in Romania se pot face bani cu putina inovatie... chestia e ca tineretul roman este fascinat de plecat in USA in primul si-n primul rand...Posibil din cauza baniilor?
Da, poti sa pleci pan la mare sau munte din el.
O, nu... nicidecum nu vreau subiecte despre ce studiezi la facultate... pt ca discuti despre munca ta, e totusi cam trist...Simti nevoia sa vb despre modele de proiectare a posturilor, calculul necesarului de consum sau analiza cifrei de afaceri la 1000 de lei?
@ South Americans...
Brazilian women are so HOT
Nu era o eticheta pentru americani, dar trebuie recunoscut ca sunt multi care cred ca Romania e o salata sau ca abia am coborat din copaci.
Fiecare tara are oameni si oameni...
Lumea vrea sa plece in general cand crede ca acolo isi va putea asigura un trai mai bun, conditii mai bune pentru copiii lor etc.
Te referi in general sau la fotomodelele celebre? (oricum are valoare de adevar propozitia)
Fiecare tara are oameni si oameni...
Lumea vrea sa plece in general cand crede ca acolo isi va putea asigura un trai mai bun, conditii mai bune pentru copiii lor etc.
Te referi in general sau la fotomodelele celebre? (oricum are valoare de adevar propozitia)
Where exactly does the rainbow end?
Ei, também falamos cultura!....cultura boba, mas falamos.Wolfsburg wrote: Entonces compreendes que solo hablamos tonterias...
...Y además, Tar, siempre me han dicho que no se puede aprender castellano sin estudiar, pero creo que no sea bien asi. Para nosotros de idioma portugues es asi que se tienes ganas para aprenderlo, lo aprendes y punto. Sea con un profesor, o viajando, o mismo solito en tu casa. Las ganas de hacierlo son lo mas importante.
Eu até tento aprender sozinho o idioma espanhol, mas escrever...bem, eu preciso praticar. Estou aprendendo japonês e, por incrível que pareça, não acho tão difícil assim. Acho que é porque acabei acostumando ou sei lá.
Exatamente.okrane wrote: @ South Americans...
Brazilian women are so HOT
*specially when you bake them*
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.
pai de ce neaparat in america si nu in, nu stiu, Finlanda sau Italia...
Ceea ce incerc sa spun este ca suntem foarte puternic americanizati in ultimul deceniu cel putin si asta se vede foarte bine. Chiar mai mult, am inceput sa renuntam complet la valorile noastre nationale, pentru a le imbratisa pe cele ale americanilor... si asta nu mi se pare normal.
O intrebare interesanta pentru tine care spui asta ar fi: Ce stii tu despre Zimbabwe de exemplu? - sigur crezi ca oamenii de acolo de abia au evoluat din maimute... nu stim multe despre tarile cu nivel de dezvoltare mai slab ca al nostru...
Sau nici despre tarile a caror influienta culturala nu ne afecteaza: de exemplu: Ce stii tu despre Africa de Sud, sau Iran. Pana nu am cunoascut niste iranieni aici la facultatea unde sunt nici macar nu stiam ce limba se vorbeste. Si daca tot vorbim de limba, interesant este ca o buna parte dintre francezi cred ca in Romania se vorbeste rusa...
In my university there are a few brazilian girls and they are all very beautiful(too bad they came here with their boyfriends...). I'm thinking about spending a few years in Brazil...
Ceea ce incerc sa spun este ca suntem foarte puternic americanizati in ultimul deceniu cel putin si asta se vede foarte bine. Chiar mai mult, am inceput sa renuntam complet la valorile noastre nationale, pentru a le imbratisa pe cele ale americanilor... si asta nu mi se pare normal.
asta mi se pare normal. O data pentru ca romanii nu fac nimic sa promoveze imaginea tarii, ceea ce ne aduce la discutia de mai inainte. Si a doua oara din cauza diferentei de cultura si nivel de trai.Nu era o eticheta pentru americani, dar trebuie recunoscut ca sunt multi care cred ca Romania e o salata sau ca abia am coborat din copaci.
O intrebare interesanta pentru tine care spui asta ar fi: Ce stii tu despre Zimbabwe de exemplu? - sigur crezi ca oamenii de acolo de abia au evoluat din maimute... nu stim multe despre tarile cu nivel de dezvoltare mai slab ca al nostru...
Sau nici despre tarile a caror influienta culturala nu ne afecteaza: de exemplu: Ce stii tu despre Africa de Sud, sau Iran. Pana nu am cunoascut niste iranieni aici la facultatea unde sunt nici macar nu stiam ce limba se vorbeste. Si daca tot vorbim de limba, interesant este ca o buna parte dintre francezi cred ca in Romania se vorbeste rusa...
I don't know what you people call baking... but that's not what I would do to them...*specially when you bake them*
In my university there are a few brazilian girls and they are all very beautiful(too bad they came here with their boyfriends...). I'm thinking about spending a few years in Brazil...
Ah, é? With their boyfriends? Generally, they go out with friends...well, I suppose the trip lasts long enough.okrane wrote: I don't know what you people call baking... but that's not what I would do to them...
In my university there are a few brazilian girls and they are all very beautiful(too bad they came here with their boyfriends...). I'm thinking about spending a few years in Brazil...
Come to Brazil, but choose wisely where you want to spend your time, and who you're going to spend your time with. Ah, and learn a bit of Portuguese, please.
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.
Gladly. For Latinophones is not that difficult learning the other languages. Italian I understand 60% and Spanish 40% without ever taking any courses.Come to Brazil, but choose wisely where you want to spend your time, and who you're going to spend your time with. wink Ah, and learn a bit of Portuguese, please. smile
Still, the Portuguese the Brazilians here speak, it's not that easy.
The problem is that I do not have the time. I took up German this year and I'm having major problems progressing, because I don't find the time to study.
I hope I will be spending time with the Brazilian friends I've made here... that if they will return to their country... If not, well, we'll see... Still, this is a long term plan, because presently with school and all, I am pretty caught up.
I've heard that, a couple of times, and that might be the matter that they start getting that foreign-kind of speech in their own language. We notice when some of our friends come from another country which they know the language - they speak somewhat different, sometimes spelling things wrong or pronuncing funny.okrane wrote: Still, the Portuguese the Brazilians here speak, it's not that easy.
That's life. If I were you, I'd spend a time with foreign friends to learn from them not only languages, but things about the other country. If you have the opportunity to know different people from a same country, i.e., that come from different parts, you'll notice some interesting point of view from each person - like me and Wolfsburg, for instance. He's from Rio de Janeiro, city that everyone calls a paradise and stuff. I just see violence on TV, but that doesn't mean that Rio is just that, although I don't have the feeling to go there anymore. But he might happen to tell things I don't know from there that could change my mind, other prospects. I'm from Brasília, but I can't stand that place for certain reasons, although my family loves that city...well, ask those Brazilians as many things you can, and ask them about other places, if they know about their own country. Then, you could share that with us.I hope I will be spending time with the Brazilian friends I've made here... that if they will return to their country... If not, well, we'll see... Still, this is a long term plan, because presently with school and all, I am pretty caught up.
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.
Well, as I'm a Romanian in Paris I can say I spend all my time with foreign friends. I have actually had some discussions with the Brazilians here.
One told me about the Rain Forest in the Amazon where native people still live and that occasionally the government has trouble with administrating their villages, or with giving them medical assistance. Also I heard that this place is pretty marvelous.
In foreign language classes, I've seen presentations of some cities, Brasilia too, which I heard is quite new and it was utterly built from scratch. Also that the star above the diameter of the circle in the Brazilian flag, represents this particular city.
So yeah, I do what you say... and I find it really interesting. Still, I would like seeing these places with my own eyes...
What's Florianopolis?
One told me about the Rain Forest in the Amazon where native people still live and that occasionally the government has trouble with administrating their villages, or with giving them medical assistance. Also I heard that this place is pretty marvelous.
In foreign language classes, I've seen presentations of some cities, Brasilia too, which I heard is quite new and it was utterly built from scratch. Also that the star above the diameter of the circle in the Brazilian flag, represents this particular city.
So yeah, I do what you say... and I find it really interesting. Still, I would like seeing these places with my own eyes...
What's Florianopolis?
That's somewhat correct. If you could do something for me, I'd like to know from where they come from, would you? Btw, I've been living in Rondônia, located next to Amazônia, or pretty much on the borders of it. Rainforest is really beautiful indeed and there are many issues regarding its safety, because of illegal sawmills, foreign scientists going in there to 'steal' species, and, of course, drugs that come and go freely to Venezuela, Colômbia, Bolívia and Peru. One of the most impressive things in Amazônia, is the river, Rio Amazonas, when it comes to its formation: you know, two great rivers make Amazonas, and they are called Negro and Solimões. When they find each other, they don't mix themselves at first, so you have a side with dirty water, and another with dark water. It's really amazing.okrane wrote: One told me about the Rain Forest in the Amazon where native people still live and that occasionally the government has trouble with administrating their villages, or with giving them medical assistance. Also I heard that this place is pretty marvelous.
Quite right again. Brasília was made in a attempt to increase population towards to inner parts of the country. So far, Rio de Janeiro was the capital. It started being built by JK (Juscelino Kubitschek) around 1960-64, with design and architecture directed by Oscar Nyemeier. You see many beautiful buildings in Brasília, which is airplane shaped. On the flag, that star, alone, means Distrito Federal, not only Brasília. We have states and a federal district, where Brasília is settled, along with many other smaller cities called satellite cities.In foreign language classes, I've seen presentations of some cities, Brasilia too, which I heard is quite new and it was utterly built from scratch. Also that the star above the diameter of the circle in the Brazilian flag, represents this particular city.
As well I do when it comes to Europe. There are many places in Europe I'd like to meet, but I realized, a while ago that I'd like going there to visit people in first place, then going in a tour to see places. Country is people, imho. There's no fun going in there if you don't meet anyone.Still, I would like seeing these places with my own eyes...
Florianópolis is the city where I live. It's located on a southern state called Santa Catarina, first populated by Portuguese (some people here seem to have come from Portugal only by the way they speak), Greek and other European folks. Florianópolis is the capital, with around 380 k inhabitants, chained with several other cities in a total of 1 million inhabitants. It's the city with the highest percentage of People Per Car in this country (for each 1,6 people, there's 1 car), so we have some traffic here. Florianópolis is on an island, with a small part on the continent, connected by two bridges, but only one is working, although the oldest of the two is a postcard called Hercílio Luz Bridge. Florianópolis has neighborhoods that are spread all over the island, becoming a city full of green areas, where you can have trackings, swimming, eco-tours in general and so many beautiful places. It's also known because a tenist called Guga lives here, and also because has many good beaches for surfing and finding really awesome chicks. And, of course, has its problems with corruption and environment issues that are always on the news.What's Florianopolis?
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.
Despre Zimbabwe nu stiu mare lucru, dar stiu ca nu e o salata si nici nu imi bat joc de cetatenii sai.
Ca fapt divers - Cand eram in Franta m-a intrebat unu daca la noi sunt frigidere?
Chiar si in Croatia multi erau uimiti ca desi sunt roman vorbesc engleza si ca sunt student(la momentul acela) si mai ales ca nu fur sau mai bine spus ca sunt acolo in vacanta si nu la furat.
In Italia, nu mai vorbesc....
Nicaieri pe unde am fost in Europa nu am fost bine privit doar pentru ca sunt roman.
In final vreau sa spun ca la Budapesta nici n-a vrut sa-mi vanda la o piata un kg de piersici doua fete; a trebuit sa ma duc la alt comerciant.
Ca fapt divers - Cand eram in Franta m-a intrebat unu daca la noi sunt frigidere?
Chiar si in Croatia multi erau uimiti ca desi sunt roman vorbesc engleza si ca sunt student(la momentul acela) si mai ales ca nu fur sau mai bine spus ca sunt acolo in vacanta si nu la furat.
In Italia, nu mai vorbesc....
Nicaieri pe unde am fost in Europa nu am fost bine privit doar pentru ca sunt roman.
In final vreau sa spun ca la Budapesta nici n-a vrut sa-mi vanda la o piata un kg de piersici doua fete; a trebuit sa ma duc la alt comerciant.
Where exactly does the rainbow end?
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