Zombies, beware!

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

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Zombie (H2)
Mutant Zombie (H2)
Walking Dead (H3
Zombie (H3)
Zombie (H4)
Zombie (H5)
Plague Zombie (H5)
Total votes: 103

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Unread postby MistWeaver » 11 Jun 2007, 12:06

Wolfsburg wrote:See what a fantastic waste of time:

* Independent of your enovative thickness theory you are hopelessly defending my point of view that zombies should be ressurected as soon as possible so they have more muscle on them (which would make them "thicker" an harder to cut).

* Which brings us to the point where we begun, after getting the whole audience to sleep.
Thats why wizards more wiser than necros. Why go through the hassle animating stinky dead meat, when stone/iron golems are so much better.. ;|

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jun 2007, 16:01

Wolfsburg wrote:>Independent of your enovative thickness theory you are hopelessly defending my point of view that zombies should be resurrected as soon as possible so they have more muscle on them (which would make them "thicker" an harder to cut).<
You're the one that had no idea what we were arguing about... i said you were wrong about why Zombies have more life then Skeletons and how Necros could use real life techniques like embalming (or some magic equivalent) to lengthen a Zombies unlife-span.
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 11 Jun 2007, 20:38

ThunderTitan wrote:You're the one that had no idea what we were arguing about... i said you were wrong about why Zombies have more life then Skeletons and how Necros could use real life techniques like embalming (or some magic equivalent) to lengthen a Zombies unlife-span.
The psychiatrist recommended not opposing the crazy. I shall follow the advice.
MistWeaver wrote:Thats why wizards more wiser than necros. Why go through the hassle animating stinky dead meat, when stone/iron golems are so much better..

You kiddin?! You know how much stone it takes to build one single HOMM5 gargoyle?! And after all of the trouble of carving it, spending meatloafs of magic to make the stone-block fly! ;)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 12 Jun 2007, 00:03

Yes, investing in self growing humans is the way to go... just wait 20 years and you're golden.

And the psychiatrist is right, you shouldn't oppose the crazy, but worship them. Now bow down insolent cur... :tonguehands: :P
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 12 Jun 2007, 10:32

You did good Orfinn, by not including the alternative zombies. I guess their stylish toupet with the spider web stomach scar wouldnt bring them much further in the polls anyways...

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Unread postby Orfinn » 13 Jun 2007, 19:25

And the psychiatrist is right, you shouldn't oppose the crazy, but worship them. Now bow down insolent cur...
Indeed. May I remind you of Newton and Einstein? They may have been wild and crazy with their ideas and theories but they were also geniuses!

Wolfsburg wrote:You did good Orfinn, by not including the alternative zombies. I guess their stylish toupet with the spider web stomach scar wouldnt bring them much further in the polls anyways...
Are you sure? Except the bad copy of Frankensteins haircut I think the rest of the disease zombie are cool. And the marks on it links to the spider marks in Dark Messiah :)

BTW should we wait till all the new alternatives are up to make new evo polls? Should we start from scratch, alphabetical. So also newer members may say they opinion? Or should we take an pure H5 way and only create evo polls about their basic and upgrades?

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 12 Jul 2007, 17:27

Mutant Zombie, from H2. It's just like what a zombie must look like, imo. It's not carrying any diffult-to-handle weapon, looks like a putrid human, walks slowly and limping, has flies around and attacks with bare hands, instincly. Nice. When upgraded, it gets more putrid, which is understandable and logical.

Heroes 3 was strange - kinda of too much organized...and they get their arms back when upgraded. It doesn't make sense.

Heroes 4 was a complete disgrace. Their head turn around?! That's a fun, but it's also ridiculous. And they walk with their hands raised...oh, boy.

Heroes 5 was kinda cools, but too Frankenstein for my taste.
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Unread postby Alamar » 26 Jul 2007, 21:10

I like the H5 Plague Zombie the best. To me it looks like a necro has really been experimenting with that body and looks "right" to me.

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Unread postby Wulfstan8182 » 11 Nov 2007, 00:11

i voted for H5 plague cause it's just that he looks like Frankenstein from a pretty good book. H2 ones look like sceletons with clothes on and looking at H4 zombie makes me feel bad for the female who died and apparently has to live forever now
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Unread postby parcaleste » 11 Nov 2007, 13:49

Mutant Zombie looks just like my buddy there - Jason :D I am realy adoring it :angel:

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Unread postby Suleman » 11 Nov 2007, 15:31

H2: Simple, straight to the point, not silly.

The others are trying too hard to be crotesque or funny.
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 23 Aug 2009, 09:30

Isn't this what you all wanted to see? The resurrection of an almost two years old thread? Yeah baby...

Well, jokes aside. I voted for the only female zombie found in the series, the tough-for-its-tier Heroes IV Zombie. I must confess that I used to forget quite a many time how strong they were in early game which lead to my humble forces being decimated and the hero being barely able to escape the battlefield alive.

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 23 Aug 2009, 10:19

Ooh... it's so long since I voted in this topic that I don't even remember what was my choice. Most probably H2 Mutant Zombie though. Not the best choice of name, but you gotta love those flies. :P
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Unread postby lotusreaver » 12 Sep 2009, 06:27

Old school love for Heroes II's Mutant Zombie.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 12 Sep 2009, 11:09

H5 plague zombie :), it just looks mean and nasty!
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Unread postby Ryv » 15 Sep 2009, 11:29

Wanted to vote for Walkin Death, but...melancholy won- Mutant Z. remind me ghouls from fallout series (that is f1&2). Heroes 5 just looks funny.

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Unread postby Coldy » 12 Oct 2009, 19:24

Heroes 2 zombie. He just looks like a proper zombie with flesh falling from his bones. :p

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