Improving HoMM4 AI

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Improving HoMM4 AI

Unread postby klir » 12 Jun 2007, 09:55

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Improving HoMM4 AI

Unread postby klir » 12 Jun 2007, 09:55

Very useful information.. thanks
I know I look pissed off in the picture but I'm usually not.

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Improving HoMM4 AI

Unread postby Caradoc » 12 Jun 2007, 17:52

Great work! I'm curious whether you looked at using the Eye of Magi to reveal the map to the AI.

One technique I found very useful was putting in AI checkpoints, not just outside a town, so that when an army passed a key juncture, a script ran to fix it up. Give the heroes the skills they will need, rebuild the army, give them some temporary troops to make them more aggressive.

Also a way to get the AI more interested in flagging resources is to put a weak guard inside them. The AI is always looking for easy battles.
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Re: Improving HoMM4 AI

Unread postby MistWeaver » 12 Jun 2007, 18:28

Caradoc wrote:>Great work! I'm curious whether you looked at using the Eye of Magi to reveal the map to the AI.
Thanks. Yes, Ive looked into EoM thing, but this "scouts" method is much better. Because
- all this exploring staff should disappear before first turn, and we cant remove EoM before we sure that all AI players have visited it. And they need at least one turn to do that.

- we need to force AI somehow to visit this building.

Caradoc wrote:>One technique I found very useful was putting in AI checkpoints, not just outside a town, so that when an army passed a key juncture, a script ran to fix it up. Give the heroes the skills they will need, rebuild the army, give them some temporary troops to make them more aggressive.
By "rebuild the army" you mean geting all creatures and giving them back to remove dublicating one creature type ?
As for making AI more courageous .. some time ago I thought this is a great idea, but Ive changed my mind.
You see, sometimes AI attacks army that can beat it (remember dead heroes lying near neutrals ?) So if we will encourage it, we will get more of such cases.
Caradoc wrote:>Also a way to get the AI more interested in flagging resources is to put a weak guard inside them. The AI is always looking for easy battles.
Interesting, Ill check how this effect AI on opened map. Thanks.

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