Heroes II Game...

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Heroes II Game...

Unread postby gmars3yp » 09 Jun 2007, 08:42

Hey all, I'm a looong time Heroes fan who still loves to play Heroes II & III. What's the chance that I might be able to find & play via the internet someone here in Heroes II? I rarely ever play because it's so hard to find anyone who still plays these old games. Thanks.

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Unread postby Metathron » 09 Jun 2007, 10:14

Welcome, see my signature. :-D
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Unread postby gmars3yp » 10 Jun 2007, 00:09

Hey, thanks so much! :D I just installed it and even played a game! It was great. Your help is much appreciated.

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Unread postby MistWeaver » 10 Jun 2007, 00:46

Thats a funny coincidence. That was me who played with gmars3yp. And .. well .. Ive lost :D

That was the first time playing over hamachi for me. It works ok, however there was one issue, first 2 times game crashed on my side on 2nd turn. My guess its because I didnt turn on Win95 compatibility mode, or because of my firewall .. or because we changed the map..

Anyone had something similar with H2 (version 2.1)?

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Unread postby Metathron » 10 Jun 2007, 10:22

The game just crashes for some people, and not for others, there doesn't appear to be any obvious reason behind it.
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 10 Jun 2007, 11:15

Metathron wrote:The game just crashes for some people, and not for others, there doesn't appear to be any obvious reason behind it.
Can you say a bit more about these crashes? For example my H2 never crashed while playing SP or HotSeat. So, maybe thats because of hamachi, or some inner TCP/IP MP bug when game is running under XP..

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Unread postby Metathron » 10 Jun 2007, 11:31

Yes, I was talking about crashes during multiplayer games over Hamachi. Windows just reports an error with the heroes2w.exe application and that's it. I think all of the people I played with have Windows XP SP2 installed, and Win95 or Win98 compatibility enabled (I have the second), but still the crash happened for some (and quite often, too, which was very annoying), while not for the rest of us. Therefore, I guess the problem lies elsewhere, but I figure a large amount of knowledge and effort would be required to find and solve it.
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 10 Jun 2007, 17:59

I see.. thanks. I guess the best way to find source of it, is to try method of exclusion

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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 10 Jun 2007, 18:16

I am back playing heroes 2 for a while as well. Im getting my butt kicked so bad! It is insane how many creatures cross the battle field in one round. And how much damage the shooters inflict (by no distance penalties). The lack of a Wait option in combat also makes the choices somehow even more complicated.

And the goddamn daily gold! Good luck hiring troops with 1000-1250 gold/day with some miserable financial boost structure.

It would deserve even a topic on that. After Heroes IV for the first time and Heroes V Deconstucted there should be Heroes II Relearned.

No easy task I must say.

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Unread postby Campaigner » 10 Jun 2007, 21:26

Is none of you using a modded rebalanced version? Was a project like that on this forum but it went down the dripper since we couldn't figure out how to change some things (and one guy didn't want to share how to change one thing which was paramount to me!)

I'm in to start playing. Would be fun :)

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