Please help me with this darn thingy... C3M5 HoF

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Zehir the 1'st
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Location: Sweden, Stockholm

Please help me with this darn thingy... C3M5 HoF

Unread postby Zehir the 1'st » 26 May 2007, 14:40

Well now ive ran into a big problem with the above campaign.

I can make my way up to Horncrest without problem and sieze the attack in progress but then after like 2days theres a demon lord running right into one of my heroes and totally dooms him/her to oblivion.

That darn Demon Lord got a ridicolously strong army compared to my armies...

what or how am i supposed to do?

Please HELP! :mad:

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Unread postby Orfinn » 27 May 2007, 23:33

Can you give details of how your hero are built up and troops strenght etc?

Zehir the 1'st
Posts: 10
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Location: Sweden, Stockholm

Unread postby Zehir the 1'st » 28 May 2007, 08:09

i finally made it B-) thx though appreciate it

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