Male or Female..

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Are you a female or male

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Male or Female..

Unread postby RommeL_666 » 24 May 2007, 14:15

well i dont know has this post been before but I am interested how much female part of population play this game, do you know some female friend that plays neer you.How many are them in this forum?I dont know why females have this prejudice about games,and mostly beacuse this is type of game they could like,great story and etc.
I am in a good way to convince my girlfriend to start playing it ,what about you :D

do you like female or male heroes in the game?
Eruina my favorite :)
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jeff wrote:Me to, I usually hire the two best looking female heroes. Ok a bit of a sexist, but if I am going to stare a pictures all day, I might as well enjoy the view. :devious:

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Unread postby Elvin » 24 May 2007, 14:42

I do know some female homm players, at least 2 from here :D I don't think it's a prejudice anyway as female gamer numbers have increased recently according to a search(have no link, sorry!) but in any case most girls have other interests - it's not that they dislike games.

About female or male heroes it depends on the individual I'd say. My favourite is Jhora for instance.
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 24 May 2007, 14:59

I barely know anyone, aside from online, who plays Heroes of Might and Magic except for my best friend. I've tried to get him to join the Round Table, but he's not interested for some reason.
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Unread postby vulnevia » 24 May 2007, 15:11

I know at least one other girl IRL that plays HOMM5, and I know we're a bunch here at the forums, and I've seen lots of females at other forums talking about HOMM as well.

I also read about a search, of how many women played games online, and there's a lot more than ppls think. But many of those games were "small" games, like those windows XP built in games you can play via the internet.

Here's a page about women in the UK

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 24 May 2007, 15:19

I remember reading a study awhile back that said more women played videogames than men. The showed that more women played casual games, such as solitaire and popcap games. Men, not surprisingly, tend to be the more hardcore gamers.
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Unread postby RommeL_666 » 24 May 2007, 15:53

well some of them don`t want to say to others that they play games. Maybe because of opinion of other girls and etc.
If they put a little more bigger opinio trough forums like this maybe things will change,and question like my will be no more asked...
"There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people"
jeff wrote:Me to, I usually hire the two best looking female heroes. Ok a bit of a sexist, but if I am going to stare a pictures all day, I might as well enjoy the view. :devious:

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 24 May 2007, 15:59

I've noticed that lot's of women play adventure games, that require logic and puzzlesolving. There are fewer women gamers in the strategy/fps department. At least on forums.

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Unread postby MistWeaver » 24 May 2007, 16:07

And where is the option for dolphins?

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Unread postby Corribus » 24 May 2007, 16:40

Hold on... :checking: ... yup, still male.
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Unread postby hellnoodle » 24 May 2007, 17:40

i think im the only one playing HoMM in my hostel..and im a man.
most of girls wont play computer games at all..

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Unread postby borco » 24 May 2007, 19:09

I know lot of female players, only downer is that they all prefere H IV

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Unread postby Corribus » 24 May 2007, 20:10

I agree. Playing with girls with HIV really sucks. :devil:
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 24 May 2007, 21:20

Corribus wrote:I agree. Playing with girls with HIV really sucks. :devil:
I can assure you its not. Well at least I dont agree. I love to play H4 with my girlfriend.
Btw, its one of the games where her computer gaming experience starts . (others are Arcanum and Undying)

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Unread postby Corribus » 24 May 2007, 21:36

MistWeaver wrote:I can assure you its not. Well at least I dont agree. I love to play H4 with my girlfriend.
Hmm, read what I wrote again, very carefully this time. ;)
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 24 May 2007, 21:43

The last time I played a game with a girlfriend, it ended with her stormming off and not talking to me for a night because I mercilessly beat the heck out of her in Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 24 May 2007, 21:57

Corribus wrote: Hmm, read what I wrote again, very carefully this time. ;)
Ah.. damn.. Whatever

Omega_Destroyer wrote:The last time I played a game with a girlfriend, it ended with her stormming off and not talking to me for a night because I mercilessly beat the heck out of her in Super Smash Brothers Melee.
That why I play only "allied" maps with my. :)

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Unread postby Corribus » 24 May 2007, 23:12

Omega_Destroyer wrote:The last time I played a game with a girlfriend, it ended with her stormming off and not talking to me for a night because I mercilessly beat the heck out of her in Super Smash Brothers Melee.
That game rocks. I love it.

See now, O_D, did you gloat? Because most of the time they don't mind being beat. They mind when you laugh at them and gloat afterwards. :)
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Unread postby Elvin » 24 May 2007, 23:44

Omega_Destroyer wrote:The last time I played a game with a girlfriend, it ended with her storming off and not talking to me for a night because I mercilessly beat the heck out of her in Super Smash Brothers Melee.
Haha yes but on the other hand they prefer to be treated as equals and not to be taken lightly ;) It's funny when they react like that!

Nice one Corribus, I missed it the first time!
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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 25 May 2007, 00:44

Corribus wrote:I agree. Playing with girls with HIV really sucks. :devil:

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Unread postby winterfate » 25 May 2007, 04:20

Corribus wrote:I agree. Playing with girls with HIV really sucks.

I've yet to play any video game with girls.

The only possible exception (and you can never be 100% because you can't see the person) is D2 over Anyways, most girls will never admit it because they fear getting hit on...I've seen it happen...kind of funny the way some people flirt...:devious:

For the record, I'm male. ;)
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