Harke Lives!

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Harke Lives!

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 12 May 2007, 20:22

I prefer the text boxes. Those I can take screenshots of and revisit whenever I want. The problem with cinematics is that if it's poorly done or repeated (such as when one restarts a map) it gets annoying. And it's harder for a mapmaker to find voiceactors and animate a scene then it is to write a textblurb about the same scene.
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Harke Lives!

Unread postby archcorenth » 13 May 2007, 19:24

You know the plot of the Elwin Sheera Campaign was okay, but it was so simple it was really mindnumbing.

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Harke Lives!

Unread postby asandir » 13 May 2007, 23:32

Well, I may be insane, but Elwin and Shaera has always been one of me favourite campaigns, so I find this very intriguing
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Harke Lives!

Unread postby Marzhin » 14 May 2007, 08:13

Hi everyone, thanks for the comments. So to answer some questions :

* Harke is the main character of Book 2.

* The story is told via text boxes (using Pitsu's great Text Box mod)

* Harke starts with the Luck skill and the Soldier's Luck ability. The screenshot shows a not-proofread version of the texts.

* Even if it is a sequel to H4's Nature campaign the tone is very different :) But some of the characters will appear (and some new ones too)

* The portrait of the hero is not done yet (or rather it is done but it still needs to be colorized)
Edited on Mon, May 14 2007, 03:55 by Marzhin
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 14 May 2007, 13:09

Angelspit wrote:I've seen worse love stories in games. :S
Can you post a list, so I can avoid those, too? The Nature campaign of Heroes IV had the single worst story of the original campaigns.

And it was atrociously written.

And Elwin was ugly. :)
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Unread postby Marzhin » 14 May 2007, 14:02

Bandobras Took wrote:And Elwin was ugly. :)
And had a silly hat :)

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Harke Lives!

Unread postby Akul » 14 May 2007, 16:06

And silly clothes!
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 14 May 2007, 19:25

You guys say that as it's a bad thing...
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Harke Lives!

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 14 May 2007, 21:07

I thought it was a bit cheesy that the entire country split like it did over a girl, and Elwin the self-admitted shirker was made king at the end, though part of that may be that I'm not in to romances much in the first place. But mostly when I played through it the first time I was annoyed there was so little background on what happened in the Reckoning, otherwise it wasn't bad. I'm looking forward to the next chapter however. :) Anything I can help out with this round Marzhin?
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 14 May 2007, 22:18

I for one really enjoyed the Elwin Campaign … even though he dressed rather foppish, wore a silly hat and got peed on by a White Tiger. :rofl: The Elvin Campaign was so much of a fantasy fairy tale, with all the elements of a truly sickeningly romantic storyline but I still enjoyed it a lot.

So Harke has escaped from prison, huh? I really hope that the storylines from the original Heroes IV campaigns could be continued and brought to some satisfying resolution.

Do King Elwin & Queen Shaera have any children who will become Elvin Heroes?

Does Lysander ever find happiness in anything else other than being King?

Will Milton have any more adventures now that he's an old married man?

Will Waerjak tame (or at least mellow out) the Barbarian bloodlust and be sucessful in creating their community?

Will Tarnum return once more?

After saving the world from Kallibar, will Gauldoth ever learn to forgive and find real peace?

Now that Tawni Balfour has found her true father, will she be able to give up being a ruthless pirate?

How can these questions be answered? Oh, by creating new maps and campaigns for Heroes V, in spite of the really crappy Map/Campaign Editor. ;|

Personally, I just as soon have these new maps & campaigns created for Heroes IV & Equilibris … but that's just me.
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Unread postby Marzhin » 15 May 2007, 08:48

More pictures can be seen in the forums :


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Harke Lives!

Unread postby aaelgr » 15 May 2007, 12:07

I never played Heroes IV. Is there anywhere where I could find out what happened in the campaigns? (I know there were some done for HV and HOF...)
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Unread postby arturchix » 15 May 2007, 12:28

You can always read the walkthroughs. :)

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Harke Lives!

Unread postby aaelgr » 15 May 2007, 16:02

I've had a look at the walkthrough. They say how to win, but don't say anything about what is going on in the campaign story-wise...
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Unread postby Elwin » 01 Aug 2007, 22:36

actually, to those of you who think that Elwin is ugly I found his hat to be disturbingly attractive, and that curly blond hair made him look very much like a lady's man. Shaera was ugly. Her face in the portrait didn't seem like the kind of girl that waits for the boy in shining armour to rescue her. Harke was okay, his portrait was better than I had expected because I thought he was fat.

Overall, the nature campaign in Heroes IV was one of my favourites.
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Unread postby asandir » 02 Aug 2007, 08:43

not sure I can agree with the attractiveness bits, but as for the campaign itself .... sure, it's probably my favourite as well
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Unread postby Elwin » 31 Aug 2007, 01:05

well, that's good enough for me.
In the diameter of the Universe, we are but a single flame. To say that we're insignificant is to give us....too little credit. But if the universe chooses you to be part of its plans, then you better let go because it makes it more fun when you don't know what's about to happen next!

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