Round Rable Battles - Heroes V

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Round Table Battles - Heroes V

Unread postby Psychobabble » 30 Apr 2007, 12:19

Bah, you're right, i got names mixed up...

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Round Table Battles - Heroes V

Unread postby Psychobabble » 11 May 2007, 09:43

Here is Khan's walkthrough of the first map, fury of the elements. thanks for submitting it Khan!


I am very proud winning the first round of our map - contest, and first of all, congratulations to all other participants, who worked on this map, solving it with some great results.

If anyone is interested in, how I managed to finish this map within 19 days, here is a detailed walkthrough.

First of all, I played with HoF 2.1 on "heroic".

At the beginning I chose "random artefact" and got the evercold icicle

Day 1:

Build Blacksmith in Elyysia

Alaron moves back into town, purchasing an ammocart and first aid tent. He also picks up the wardancers and pixies out of the garrison. Alaron goes straight east, using the teleporter. At the exit he defeats 61 Footmen (losses: 1 Pixie), picks up 3 crystals and 2 treasure chests (1500 EXP, 1500 EXP).


basic Logistics


advanced Logistics

Day 2:

Build Mageguild Lvl. 1

Alaron visits the crystal monument (wisdom +1), refills his spellpoints at the magic well, goes west and defeats 55 Vindicators (losses: 3 Pixies, Ballista, 53 pixies join his army), picks up 600 Gold, 33 Hunters join, recruits 7 Hunters out of the Hunter Cabins on the way west and moves on that direction.


expert Logistics

Day 3:

Build Mageguild Lvl. 2

Alaron moves west, defeats 43 wardancers (no losses), picks up 7 Orcs, fights 27 Blood Maiden (no losses), takes sawmill, picks up two piles of wood (4, 7), wents through teleporter near the sawmill and ends 2 steps before the Air elementals.


basic War Machines

Day 4:

Build Mageguild Lvl. 3

Alaron defeats 23 Airelementals (no losses), moves west (Airelementals Quest solved), 16 Hunters join, recruits 7 Hunters of second Hunter Cabins, moves west and defeats 53 Iron Golems (no losses), picks up treasure chest (1000 EXP), moves west, fights 47 Spectres (no losses).



rain of Arrows

basic Enlightenment

Day 5:

Build Town Hall

Alaron visits Learning Stone, goes east, defeating 10 of each elemental in the elemental stockpile (losses: 9 Hunters, 8 Unicorns join his Army), getting 6 of each resources. After that fight he moves into the southern teleporter, where the exit is west from Elyysia, moving straight in the direction to town.


advanced Avenger

Day 6:

Build Hunter Cabins

Alaron moves into town, buying Ballista and 7 Hunters, learning spells. Then he moves through the western teleporter, at the exit through the northern teleporter, at the exit stops before the arena.

Anwen arrives at end of that day.

Day 7:

Build nothing

9 Hunters guarding the sawmill in west of town join Anwen, he takes sawmill, 34 Pixies join him and he visits windmill, getting 3 sulfur. then moves backwards to town.

Alaron defeats 57 Hellhounds (no losses), visits arena (+2 Att), goes east and defeats 39 Minotaurs (no losses), goes east, defeats 69 Cerberi (no losses), moves east.


advanced Leadership

advanced War Machines

Beginning of week 2: Week of Honor

Day 8:

Build Marketplace

Anwen moves to the windmill (gets 3 crystals) and goes back into town. Alaron defeats 102 Grim Raiders (losses: 2 Pixies, 12 Treants join his army). Then he moves into the teleporter, at the exit he goes west, defeating 33 Dark Raiders (no casualties). After that fight he visits the crystal monolith (Wisdom +1), picks up the treasure chest (1000 Gold), and moves forward west.

Also caravans were sent from both Hunter - Dwellings to town.


basic Luck

Battle Commander (10 War Dancer join his army)


Day 9:

Building City Hall

Anwen picks up the available army in town, moves through teleporter in the east, then teleporter in the north, at the exit, teleporter north. There stands Alaron, and Anwen gives the troops to him.

Alaron goes west, defeats 37 Battle Griffins (Casualties 10 War dancers), moves west, defeats 102 Griffins (no losses).


expert War Machines

advanced Luck

Day 10:

Build Fort

In the further game, Anwen only will pick up resources, which are reachable. Alaron picks up the Artfakt (Dragon Wings Mantle), goes through the western teleporter in this Region, at the exit he defeats 35 Blackbear Riders (no losses), goes through teleporter in the west, defeats 82 water elementals (losses: 2 Unicorns, 6 Treants, Quest Waterelementals completed), defeats the elemental

Stockpile (5 of each elementals, no losses, 4 of each Resources).


expert Avenger

Day 11:

Build Citadel

Alaron goes through the teleporter next to him, at the exit through teleporter next to him in the north, then he moves west, defeats 22 Deep Hydras (no losses), picks up 600 Gold, goes west, defeats 86 fire elementals (1 treant lost, 4 green Dragons join his army), defeats 89 fire elementals (1 treant lost), then he moves further west and 13 Treants join his army.


advanced Enlightenment

expert Enlightenment


Build Treant Arches

Alaron moves to the teleporter in the north of that region, defeats 76 Mages standing nearby (1 Treant loss), goes through that teleporter, then through teleporter next to him east, goes west and defeats 66 Shadow Witches (4 Treants lost). Continues west, defeats 106 fire Elementals (1 Treant lost, objective fire elementals completed), defeats the guards in elemental stockpile (5 of all elementals, 4 of all Resources), moves west and 34 Elder Druids join him. Then he visits green keymaster´s tent.


expert Luck

Imbue Arrow

Imbue Ballista

Day 13:

Build Stone Ring

Alaron uses the teleporter he came from. goes east and defeats 75 Thanes (no losses) and picks up the Unicorn Horn Bow, visits the star axis (+1 Spellpower) and moves east, defeats 57 Pit Lords (losses: 6 Unicorns, 6 Treants), visits the arena (+2 Att). Then he moves through the teleporter, reaching the Dragon region. There he moves east. He defeats 55 Wraiths (no losses), picks up Dragon Scale Armor.


Triple Ballista

Day 14:

Build nothing

Alaron moves east, defeats 121 earth elemental (no losses), defeats the guards of elemental Stockpile (10 of each elemental, no losses, 6 of each resources), he moves forward east.

Dirael arrives, leaves her troops in town and moves east to the orc pit.


expert Leadership

Beginning of Week 3: Week of the Hunter

Day 15:

13 Blade Dancer in front of the orc pit join Dirael, she takes the orc pit, and goes back into town. Alaron moves east, defeats 109 earth elementals (no losses), 123 earth elementals (no losses), goes forward and recruits all the creatures waiting at the dragon altar. Then he visits Sylanna´s Ancient, uses teleporter nearby.

A caravan is sent from Hunter dwellings.


Magic Resistence

Day 16:

Build Stone Circle

Alaron defeats the Phönixes (losses: 9 Treants), picks up the Armor of the forgotten Hero, and uses the teleporter to the South. He visits the Sylanna´s Ancient, passes the green border, visits Fountain of youth, moves on eastern.


Soldier´s Luck

Elven Luck

Day 17:

Build Hunters Lodge

Alaron moves to the blue Keymaster´s tent, visits the Hill Fort, and upgrades 10 green dragons to emerald dragons, upgrades all hunters, pixies and treants. Then he moves through the first blue Borderguard.

Day 18:

In town, all Master Hunters are recruited an Hunters upgraded. Alaron summons all available creatures. Then visits the stables, and goes in direction of the magic well.

Day 19:

Alaron visits the magic well, and then he defeats Vorandalar.

--Mission´s End--

Last Stats:

Alaron, Lvl. 28

Att: 17, Def: 19, Spellpower: 6, Wisdom: 24


22 Emerald Dragons, 13 Green Dragons, 9 Ancient Treants, 40 Silver Unicorns, 47 Elder Druids, 171 Master Hunters, 397 Sprites

The last battle is a little bit funny, because of the "Phantom - Phönix - rises – as - invisible - Phönixes - out - of - ashes" - Bug, so one of the best strategies would be, to block the tiles of the battlefield around the phönixes with your emerald, green Dragons, Sprites, so Vorandalar isn´t able to cast "Phantom" – spell on his Phönixes, until they are decreased to 1 or 2. Next round, defeat the 1 or 2 Phönixes and then immediately kill the raised Phönixes, and so the rest of the battle will be very easy.

One thing: I tried to do this Walkthrough very carefully and correct by looking all my saves i had. If there is any question about it, or questions like "How could he win this or that battle without any losses" or something else unclear, please post it, so i can answer your questions and i´m always ready for any discussions on it. I think, that´s only fair, and so it should always be.



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Round Table Battles - Heroes V

Unread postby plindhag » 11 May 2007, 21:59

For the third round, what version of the map are we suppose to use?

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Round Table Battles - Heroes V

Unread postby Psychobabble » 11 May 2007, 23:08

You're right, it's probably best if everyone plays the same version. Please play the original version. i've updated the news post, thanks.

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Round Table Battles - Heroes V

Unread postby chioru » 13 May 2007, 11:58

One minor suggestion: in the section "Past Maps and Scores"/"Overall Standings" if you save the images as GIF or PNG instead of JPG/BMP it will look much better (than JPG at least) and use less space.

For example, the 98KB score2.bmp for Round 2 becomes a 3KB GIF or a 1KB PNG (2bit) and it looks the same.

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Round Table Battles - Heroes V

Unread postby phinex » 13 May 2007, 13:56

One question,how many weeks will this round last?

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Round Table Battles - Heroes V

Unread postby Psychobabble » 14 May 2007, 00:46

Approximately 4 weeks. And i'll keep that in mind about the images, thanks.

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