Player tactics

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Player tactics

Unread postby RommeL_666 » 10 May 2007, 14:01

Ok I dont know has this question allready has been here but I am interested about something, and that is unique player tactics, to be exact your tactics.

1.Your favorite skills for Heroes that you use the most
2.Your beginning in the game,playing carefull or losing but capturing the mines and resources.
3.Creature tactics,defensive or attacking, and when playing against human players.
4.Favorite Heroes and do you use second hero at the beginning
5.What is your building order when starting to play a game.
6.Some question that I miss...

"There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people"
jeff wrote:Me to, I usually hire the two best looking female heroes. Ok a bit of a sexist, but if I am going to stare a pictures all day, I might as well enjoy the view. :devious:

Ed Robinson
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Unread postby Ed Robinson » 10 May 2007, 17:13

Not to screw you up. Anyone answering is going to give you a personal, non objective answer. Here's mine.

The attributes are based, in my mind, on the race of the character. My favorites, and this'll open a can of worms, are Silvyn, Haven and Dark Elf in that order. If I had to pick a fourth it would be Academy.

I favor Attack, Defense, Logistics, Luck, War Machines and Light Magic. That said with Elves you get stuck with Avenger so work around it.

I build all lower tier creature dwellings first, then the Mage Towers, then the upgrades. In the casae of Elves I upgrade the Stone Circle and Hunter Lodges as soon as I can. With the Haven, I upgrade the Priest and Griffin first. I like the lower level archers shower of arrows.

I always favor distance hitters and use ground troops to protect them, this limits my losses.

Somewhere further along is a discussion of Experience vs, Gold, being the Treasure Chests. I go for the Experience exclusively until I'm around level 16 or higher. I then will take the Gold if the experience is only 500. I will always take 1500 or more experience. The 1000 experience could go either way depending on if I need cash. After you hit the level cap, take all cash as the experience does you not much good.

You'll find an extensive discussion further on with some very different opinions from mine, but last night when 25 Fallen Angels hit my stack of 50 Sqires and only killed 1, it was because I was a level 28 and my opponent was only a level 23. Experience does count.

Good luck and enjoy !!

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Unread postby RommeL_666 » 10 May 2007, 17:27

ok I see you are not interested in discoveding your tactics, maybe I should beggin first..

I play with Dundgeon all the time because their offensive tactics is just what I need, and maybe a little because of blood fury:) With their units yu can organize a nice attack and you can protect your units, well you allready know that. Putting assasin and shadow matriarch close or very far, I can always protect them with Minotaurs and Hydra, witch I muss give all credit, I hated Hydra in Heroes 4 but here she is excellent in defense, but it is killing her low iniative.

Prefering magic + attack is what I keep upgrading. The most tricky part is the beginnig, how do you manage to capture something without losses, blood fury allways gets heavaly damaged.Avoiding range units?

Is it good to buy another hero in the begginig just to help you around resources and etc.? Better dark rider or hydra upgrade at first?

ah this game is going to kill me, I played night and day Heroes 4 and 3 and now this, just great I ll probably fail this year from the university because of her:)

Sorry for bad english.
"There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people"
jeff wrote:Me to, I usually hire the two best looking female heroes. Ok a bit of a sexist, but if I am going to stare a pictures all day, I might as well enjoy the view. :devious:

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Unread postby RommeL_666 » 10 May 2007, 17:31

Ed Robinson wrote:
The attributes are based, in my mind, on the race of the character. My favorites, and this'll open a can of worms, are Silvyn, Haven and Dark Elf in that order. If I had to pick a fourth it would be Academy.
well I must agree that sylvan are great but maybe to great for my taste, master hunter+druid + trent in front of them,tough to kill. And even in attack green dragon + unicorn, little small but strong, sylvan could be little weaker. And they should make griffin a little stronger..
"There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people"
jeff wrote:Me to, I usually hire the two best looking female heroes. Ok a bit of a sexist, but if I am going to stare a pictures all day, I might as well enjoy the view. :devious:

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Unread postby Ascetic » 21 Sep 2007, 07:15

I tend to sit back for a few rounds and let my ranged and magic attacks whittle the enemy down. Destruction and Dark magic slow and hurt the enemy, while Light magic improves my initiative and attacks.

I tend to beat up the ranged and spellcasting enemy first - fireball is one of my best friends for taking out shooters and war machines.

Early game I get a second hero to ferry troops around (and to take their starting troops for my main hero). Even with a might character, I'll usually build a level or two of the Magic Guild - a few basic buffs can be a much better use of my hero's time than killing one or two of the enemy.

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