Metathron wrote:probably smile but it's not my main priority. I play it for fun and because i like good stories, and not because some day i want to be the best.
I didn't mean it like that and I actually play for those same reasons. I meant becoming better in comparison with yourself, so that you'll be able to defeat the larger stacks on impossible difficulty, for example.
Well, i think, it would be possible to beat those stacks. But you need much potion of immortality
and luck.
Just think of this: The effreeti attack and kill Lysander. Lysander is restored by potion. The nightmares cast terror on one of the spellcasters. The medusas then kill Lysander again. Game over, even if i would be able to win that battle now. If Lysander or Proeto are killed in that scenario, even if they could be resurrected at the sanctuary, the game says "blabla is dead, all hope lost, blabla" and you lost the game. So if this army which is guarding the sword of the gods is able to kill right away 2 times, with just a little bad luck the game is lost.
Metathron wrote:
It changes.
Damn. I take it you've restarted the scenario then?
I guess luck is a factor here then as well. Though I think the potions aren't crucial, they do make your life a lot easier. But you do have guardian angel, no?
Not restarted. But i played that campaign several times now. And i think, yes, both spellcasters do have guardian angel. But the effreeti and the nightmares are faster. And guardian angel has to be casted
Metathron wrote:
Song of peace could come in handy. The other problem is the big stack of nightmares. With some bad luck they cast terror on 1 of your 2 spellcasters. My 2 combat heroes got life magic, so they could cast heavenly shield at the beginning, but even with heavenly shield, mass nature ward and mass bless it was not enough for the water elemental stacks faced towards the end of this scenario.
I'd advise you to hide the spellcasters out of the nightmare's line of sight. The best way to do that is to change the formation from loose to tight/square. Your might heroes probably have some magic resistance, and even if the 'mares manage to cast terror on them, you can vanquish it with exorcism.
Exorcism is no option since if i get the chance to cast a spell as long as Proeto and Lysander are both alive i'd cast Guardian Angel. If i do not cast it, the game is over then. And, as stated above, with some bad luck it may even be over when the first spellcaster gets to the point where he can cast something.
I think it would be possible to keep them out of the line of sight. But then (already tested) Lysander it terrorized. So when he then is killed by the Efreeti and restored by ths potion, after that he has no chance to get the next potion and is killed a second time by the Medusas. Game over.
In normal difficulty and one level more this army is not able to kill Lysander two times right away. So with some tricky spellcasting you can get through. And as soon as all the important spells are cast winning the battle is easy. The crucial part of the battle is the first round. And in that round, with a huge enemy army, you need luck to survive.
What i learned the last days is, that the first spell to cast is not Mass XX Ward, but Mass Fervor. This costs one action of one spellcaster, but gives another action for all actors in the first round, and that may get the crucial splls beeing applied
Still the pre-last army may be deadly, depending on what you get. I sometimes got Water Elementals, other times Genies. Both can be absolutely deadly, since they do ranged attack. If that stack is at least partly melee, then it's much easier.
But indeed these two fights are the worst in the whole campaign. There is only one more which is bad, too: The fourth scenario, where you have to beat the chaos hero. He has a very mighty spell. I think, it's Desintegrate, i'm not sure. Even with good HP and Heavenly Shield he [b9nearly[/b] killed Lysander in one strike. But luckily Lysander survived, so the applied spells where kept active. A killed and restored hero has no spells active. So then in the second round Lysander kept more HP, and then each round more, where the enemy only lost HPs. So this was winnable. And i don't think that this army grows with difficulty that much as neutral armies.