Any true simultaneous multiplayer option in sight?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Any true simultaneous multiplayer option in sight?

Unread postby Mamoru-kun » 26 Apr 2007, 06:38

Hi all!

my friend and I finally decided to stop playing HOMAM 5 together as long as they don't propose a true simultaneous multiplayer style (no more "turn by turn" as soon as the two players meet), as done for example in CIV4. Have you heard about such a possibility in the next patches?

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Unread postby BlackBeast » 26 Apr 2007, 06:58

U can use Ghost Mode. There's nothing about new things in multiplayer mode.

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Unread postby Mamoru-kun » 26 Apr 2007, 07:17

Thank you for your answer, but "ghost mode" is just a little to "tricky" for us. We'll wait then...:(

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Unread postby jorko80 » 26 Apr 2007, 11:42

Lol, whats your problem with the sim.turns ,they work really good, I play only multiplayer and have dozens of games played in sim. mode and like them a lot.

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Unread postby Madaxe » 26 Apr 2007, 12:14

I would like to second the request. I play mostly single player, but I also do play co-op multiplayer with my brother-in-law (and from what I can tell, many others play allied too). It would be great if, at least for allied games, the simultaneous mode never ended. For player vs. player, I can understand not wanting it, but for allied play, there really is no reason for simultaneous turns mode to stop. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to implement, so here is to hoping ;)

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Unread postby Apocalypse » 26 Apr 2007, 14:37

Or just let us view our allies' battles. It will get rid of the boring stuff and it won't be so problematic as simultaneous turns (say, you want to trade between heroes... how would this work in sim. turns?) and much more easier to do.
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