Gotp and the 2nd expansion

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Gotp and the 2nd expansion

Unread postby Thelonious » 23 Apr 2007, 15:35

t's been quite a while since I've been around here, but after reading some of the news I thought I'd just mention something.

The 2nd expansion will feature alternate upgrades; which will likely mean that the 'Renagade' units from Heaven will be the alternate units for the Heaven line-up.

With this said the whole Sanctum falls apart; I mean, it's just the alternate line of Heaven.

Also great job on the modding and all, and just one extra question; will you make the mod compatible for the 2nd expansion as it comes, and if you do so will it still be playable under Hammers of Fate?

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Re: Gotp and the 2nd expansion

Unread postby Metathron » 23 Apr 2007, 16:00

Thelonious wrote: The 2nd expansion will feature alternate upgrades; which will likely mean that the 'Renagade' units from Heaven will be the alternate units for the Heaven line-up.

With this said the whole Sanctum falls apart; I mean, it's just the alternate line of Heaven.
Those have been my thought as well. No need to waste time and effort on redundancies. Better to concentrate on what is really lacking.
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Unread postby Akul » 23 Apr 2007, 20:41

Nobody said that Renegades will be Havens alternative upgrades. Even if they are, Sanctrum could just get a name-change. Or mod could give Haven new alternate units.
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Unread postby Metathron » 23 Apr 2007, 21:25

Somehow, I doubt Nival are diligent enough to produce an additional set of creatures.

In any case, there is no "Sanctrum". It's either sanctum or sanctorum.
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Unread postby Vokial » 24 Apr 2007, 05:50

This is no problem for GotP. I don't think that Nival will use the Renegades as
alternative Upg, not only then the Zealot has Blindness, but they are bad guys in the game story and Haven fight against them, I don't think that we'll see them in Haven.

Also when we have TotE and All stuffs with it we'll be able to use many new trics ;)

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Unread postby Thelonious » 24 Apr 2007, 15:04

Still in campaigns it'll be easy enough for Nival to disable bulding the renagades in Haven campaigns and the other way around for Renagade campaigns.

I'm betting that they won't make an additional set of creatures, also because they'll get corny quite fast and Nival has proven to be quite lasy.

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 24 Apr 2007, 16:38

Vokial wrote:I don't think that Nival will use the Renegades as
alternative Upg, ...
If I'm not mistaken, there was already sb from Nival on a Russian forum confirming there won't be a new set of upgrades for Haven.

Moreover, the official TotE announcement says the alternate upgrades and the new faction will bring the total number of H5 at "over 170". Now let's do the maths:
8 towns x 7 lvls x 3 creatures = 168 already !!!
If you add the neutrals, you already get to 178 (if I'm not missing sth)
So the only way to not go over 180, is to assume the Renegades are the Haven alternates. Otherwise they would have just said "over 180".

On a side note, I just realized that - if that "over 170" is correct and then we will have less than 180 creatures - there is no chance for any more neutral creature to make it into the game. Surprisingly enough though, that doesn't bother me this time. :p

To get back to the topic - I believe that if we put together what transpired so far from Nival & Ubi, with what we already have and a bit of common sense (3 different Haven upgrades could be quite boring) - it's becoming quite clear that Renegades are definitly the alternates.
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Unread postby Thelonious » 24 Apr 2007, 19:04

See, Zamolxis was right before and I think he's right this time aswell.

I don't want to be a party pooper, but please guys, just wait for the 2nd expansion to bring the 2nd upgrades and balance the 2nd expansion; or make it an HoF only mod.

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 25 Apr 2007, 00:21

Nhah... They already gave it a separate section of the forum. Want it or not, it has to be a mod of the last expansion, if it wants to stand up to its WoG & Equilibris predecessors. ;)
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Unread postby Angelspit » 25 Apr 2007, 11:35

Vokial, we should try to put you in touch with Ubival regarding this, otherwise you run the risk of wasting a lot of your time.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 25 Apr 2007, 14:30

Though I doubt that Ubisoft will cooperate in this case, it could at least be usefull to try and gain more knowledge on the changes in the expansion; making lists of what needs to be fixed and what not.

Also it might be a good idea to make a list of all the popular mods (such as the treeant modd) that are around these days and incorporate those in one blast.

So I suggest that you'd wait a little longer with the balancing and the unit changes untill you have a copy of TotE and make the modd from that 'platform', because as Angelspit said; you could end up wasting loads of time on balancing / adding feature that'll allready be incorporated/done.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 28 Apr 2007, 13:47

Im agree with Thelonius here. Wait to fully finish GotP until the last expansion namely TotE are realesed. Or there will be too much dwindling in fixes, corrections if GotP only works for Hof for example.

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