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Unread postby protecyon » 24 Jun 2005, 20:27

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby ToweringAmishPlumber » 24 Jun 2005, 20:27

"In general, these answers give some specific examples of the game's overall shift back to Heroes III, confirming the removal of such Heroes IV features as caravans, alternate dwelling build system, distinct melee and ranged attack types, and armies without heroes."

What a shame - the only good news seems to be the random map generator. But since the rest of the game sounds terrible even that

doesn't really matter. Oh well, I think I'll skip Heroes V and just continue to replay Heroes IV scenarios/campaigns again (and again).

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Unread postby doma » 24 Jun 2005, 20:47

"the removal of such Heroes IV features as caravans and armies without heroes."

No matter how hard I try, I cannot see the reason for doing this. I dont see how the game is better without them. The only reason I can think of is that they want to remake h3 in 3d.

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Unread postby jeff » 25 Jun 2005, 00:07

Since I play very few single map scenarios, I am concerned with the comment that a campaign editor has yet to be decided. That will be a major minus if it is not included.
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Unread postby Blueman » 26 Jun 2005, 10:05

I agree with doma on this....I like H3, but to take out EVERYTHING H4 introduced, it's just too brutal...(still, convenient for the designers)

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Unread postby lpatenaude » 26 Jun 2005, 15:07

You 4 should go back to play pure and simple RPGs and RTS games just like all the "T"een rated games on the market out there.

HoMM4 was and still is a major disappointment in general strategy gameplay(no reality approach to siege combat or even battlefield combat proper fighting results, no matter what/which is the creature stack used into the current war-like conflict).

HoMM4 was so slow(even on a very small map) that I had to reserve myself an entire day to play just one game.

To me, HoMM4 looked like a perfect version for an absolute sore-loser like moron.

Besides, if you've got time to lose at making your own map or series of following maps in order to make a personalized type of campaign, you should shutdown your PC system, go out and, get a descent life of your own. Maybe, you would get an idea of how real life is supposed to be like on an everyday basis.
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Unread postby Sir Charles » 26 Jun 2005, 15:36

Let's not jump the gun there Blueman. As it is right now we have VERY limited information about h5. And to assume that they're leaving EVERYTHING from h4 out is a bit of a stretch. From a marketing standpoint alone, you should be able to see why they've been focusing on the similarities to h3 right now. They're trying to separate themselves from the bad rap that H4 generated for the M&M brand-name. I'm certain you'll see more and more similarities to h4 as we go along. Just show a little patience.
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Unread postby Sikon » 26 Jun 2005, 16:54

Heroes games were also rated T, and some even E, which is a less-restrictive rating.

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Unread postby ToweringAmishPlumber » 26 Jun 2005, 21:14

To Ipatenaude.

Wow! "...absolute sore-loser like moron." and "Maybe, you would get an idea of how real life is supposed to be like on an everyday basis."

I thought we were talking about a computer game - what's with all the

personnel (and nasty) comments?

Anyway, the key to me is the fact that instead of bitching about Heroes IV, why not use a little ingenuity - you CAN play Heroes IV like

Heroes III. If you really like "touching" your mineral generators to get minerals on Day 1, just take hero(s) out, with an army of course, and "touch" all your mines, mills, etc. Never take armies out without a hero and vice-versa. DON'T BUILD CARAVANS in your castle(s), etc.

In other words, don't use any of the Heroes IV features whereever

possible. The problem is, of course, you CAN'T play Heroes III like

Heroes IV.

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Unread postby Blueman » 27 Jun 2005, 11:35

@Sir Charles:

I believe Nival & Ubisoft will do their best to set the Heroes game back to where it belongs. In the meanwhile, we are all just expressing our preferences - in a more or less moderate way.

I do not assume, I hope for the best.

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Unread postby kurios » 29 Jun 2005, 19:38

Such hostility over video games. I really liked HOMM4. I had never played any games in the series and a friend of mine showed my HOMM4. I thought it was great. then i looked at HOMM3 and 2. They look pretty god but i dont think the gameplay is nearly as fun. I do not see your arguments that HOMM4 was real strategy where HOMM4 lacks in it. They both have elements of strategy and tactics. But the integral part of tactics and strategy is knowing what you troops can and can't do. Just because you have a smaller selection bper town does not lessen the tactical possibilities. The fact you have to choose among the different levels of monsters inb HOMM4 means you have to apply siome strategic reasoning. You can't just make all of your towns produce the same tropps. Each troop has its strengths and weaknesses in offense and defense. For example in Life towns, balistas are not feasible to put into a main hero because of the limitations of movement making monks a better party troop. But balistas are great when you have to hold a pass or guard a portal from incursions of the enemy. They can be a devastating weapon when your town is used as a citadel of defense. So please stop the attacks on people that like HOMM4 better than the others.

Sure your old tactics and strategies that you learned from long and hard work on HOMM3 do not work in HOMM4. But that is not the games fault. HOMM4 was a excellent turn based strategy game. I would be very dissappointed if HOMM5 was not actually a completely new and innovative game instead of rehashing an old game to appease some hardcore fans.

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Unread postby Marzhin » 30 Jun 2005, 12:58

To kurios

I couldn't agree more.
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