Balance Between Factions In HoMM 2-4?

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby Banedon » 18 Apr 2007, 15:32

Well I would still say you should concede. Some of the most frustrating things in chess happen when your opponent has no idea when to resign. He could, for example, be in a King + Bishop + Knight vs. King situation - a situation where a forced checkmate is possible, but it takes very many moves - and still refuse to resign. It wastes a player's time. I can understand if you think the winner should have the pleasure of mauling the loser on the battlefield, but if I win I do not desire that pleasure.

We're off the point though; ethics on when to give up should be done in another topic. The point is: no matter what happens, you do not hole up in your last castle with Titans, waiting for your opponent to put you out of your misery.

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Jolly Joker
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 18 Apr 2007, 15:50

Depends on the map. If you don't gain by "owning" the map (for example, it's a simple one-on-one map and everything has been built), you may. This is possible in H 3, not so much in H 2, at least not with Titans because the town in itself doesn't earn enough money to hire out.
There are situations possible, when one opponent has the better hero, so that the other is reluctant to face an open field battle (fearing to lose) and holes up - without the map having anything to improve the situation (further) for the better hero. In that case you either have a forced draw or you'll have to attack the town, and better at a time your catapult is not in danger to be destroyed.
That's why I said you do well to play a map that will always offer something to improve the situation for the party dominating the map.

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Unread postby Pacifist » 18 Apr 2007, 16:04

Hehe, speaking about chess. If I play a master or grandmaster I'm sure he will find the win with Knight+ bishop vs King alone but many players still don't know how to do it in less than 50 moves :). I had to prove twice to my opponent in competition games that I knew how to mate him. Some things are not so simple as they may seem. Look for example at Knight vs Queen, you could say, pff he could give up with his lone knight, what can he do with a knight vs a queen, he is losing my time...but try it for yourself vs the computer for example, it's not as easy as it seems. You have to prove you can approach your king, do the right moves or you'll suffer the hilarity from spectators :). One of the things in chess that is particulary important is to win winning positions. The winning side , if not well concentrated will relax, play moves, but not the best and suddenly there is no more win, he can even try to force things then and even lose the game, not realising until too late that he has gone too far. Lose a winning position due to laziness (it's a common error of chess players of all levels). In Heroes I think it's the same, if there is hope why not continue? The winning side has to prove his skills till the end. If he his a veteran, the side that is trying to resist will feel a sense of hopellessness and give up soon enough but otherwise, surprises can arise :). Again, never a general rule, each game is unique, to each one his degree of energy he wants to put in resistance. There is a saying in chess : you'll never win a game giving up! :)

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Jolly Joker
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 18 Apr 2007, 16:34

Man, I really like your style! :)
I have to agree completely yet again.

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