but I doubt it's the end .... that's been prophesised a few times ....
That's very addictive stuff.winterfate wrote:In my case, you can blame Diablo 2 for my reduction in posts.
there are some jerks that think that because they have no life and have 20,000 lvl99 characters that they can push you around...).
Look, grapes.Veldrynus wrote: Nah, such people really amuse me. I am always trying to imagine the harrowingly ugly, uber-fat (or uber-slim) nerd sitting in front of his computer writing intellectual messages like "omg!!!! u sux! rolf!", thinking that makes him cool.
Probably. She could let everyone know that she's alive thoughstefan wrote:Milla disappears like this on occasion, maybe she's busy with her house-hunting?
Veldrynus wrote:Nah, such people really amuse me. I am always trying to imagine the harrowingly ugly, uber-fat (or uber-slim) nerd sitting in front of his computer writing intellectual messages like "omg!!!! u sux! rolf!", thinking that makes him cool.
That is a vast understatement!stefan wrote:don't, it's a time killer!
In terms of addiction in general, or in terms of skill in UT99?Vel wrote:Well, at least there are a few worse players than me.
OD wrote:One of my friends may have lympathic cancer which is a drag.
Indeed! You can never lose hope...without hope you truly have nothing.stefan wrote:that is indeed very bad, a friend of mine had a form of cancer as well, the chemo was terrible, but he is still in remission which is good (12 years on) so there is hope!
Ooooo...what kind of pressies?stefan wrote:nothing out of the ordinary, but a nice easter egg hunt and opened some pressies
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