Tribes of the East Announced

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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Caradoc » 05 Apr 2007, 19:57

Sounds good to me. Plenty of new content to justify the cost. No doubt the 'complete' product is to attract new customers now that the original Heroes V is no longer on the shelves.
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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Veldrynus » 05 Apr 2007, 20:01

Arveragus wrote:You can see some screenshots here:

You can also read on this page that this product is a 'fitting end' to Heroes V, so there will likely not be another expansion featuring the Naga.
Edited on Thu, Apr 05 2007, 10:49 by Arveragus
No, I am saying this since a long time. There will be no naga. Period.

The new faction has the ugliest units ever. :rofl:
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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby soupnazii » 05 Apr 2007, 20:12

yay, a stronghold! yay, alternative upgrades! ive been saying since before H5 came out that they need to make alternative upgrades, now they do it and dont even give me any credit... no im just kiddin....:)

"I personally am not one who is bothered by the amount of dragons, but would it be so hard to give us the Behemoth as this towns Level 7 unit?"

who said the Pao Kai is level 7? it miught be 5 or 6, or even 4 or something (*note: ive also been saying they need to make a low-level dragon for a while, but no complaints, its about time they did the sensible thing).

im really looking forward to the alternative upgrades, and i think i might actually buy it just for that (im not a big fanb of expansion, only own two - one as a gift (frozen throne) and another that my brother bought a long time ago (H3 Complete))

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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Angelspit » 05 Apr 2007, 20:15

soupnazii wrote:who said the Pao Kai is level 7?
The Pao Kai was the boss of all bosses in Dark Messiah, so it would make sense to give it the top spot in Heroes too.

Vel, did you really expect the Orcs to be... beautiful?

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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Gljivko a.k.a Vortex » 05 Apr 2007, 20:17

YES!!!! My wish that I was waiting since Heroes 3 (and hoping it would be in Heroes 4) has finally come true! Alternate upgrades! Probalby the best feature of the upcoming expansion.
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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby soupnazii » 05 Apr 2007, 20:18

yea well, wew'll wait and see what happens, AS. plus, i never played DM, so i wouldnt have known anyway.

*interesting note: in one of the pictures on the official site you can see - gollum, complete with the Orc's sword from the LotR trilogy; a topless native american; and a demon lord painted in orange. am i missing something here?
Edited on Thu, Apr 05 2007, 13:19 by soupnazii

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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Veldrynus » 05 Apr 2007, 20:23

Angelspit wrote: Vel, did you really expect the Orcs to be... beautiful?
These do not look like orcs. I mean, there isn't a single green unit. "Ugly" wasn't the right word. "Ridiculous" fits much better. ... cement.jpg

The guy on the right seems to have big tits.
Veldryn 15:15 And Vel found a dirty old jawbone of a walrus and put forth his hand, and took it, and in his unholy rage, he slew thirty four thousand men and children therewith.

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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Corribus » 05 Apr 2007, 20:25

Veldrynus wrote:The guy on the right seems to have big tits.
Heh, I was thinking the same thing: manboobs!

(but let's not go there lest you get some ideas....) ;)
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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Vokial » 05 Apr 2007, 20:29

Isn't the "guy in right" female :P I mean we have anothe female unit with bear head on hers head :P maybe this is an upgrade.

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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Angelspit » 05 Apr 2007, 20:38

Veldrynus wrote:These do not look like orcs. I mean, there isn't a single green unit. "Ugly" wasn't the right word. "Ridiculous" fits much better.
If they had sticked to the typical orc design, people would have complained about the lack of originality. I'm all for green orcs obviously, but I'm happy they are trying to make an orcish tribe of their own.

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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 05 Apr 2007, 20:54

First impression: LOL!!! :rofl: The fake expansion announcement was what, four days ago? You guys psychic, maybe? Lol. :D

“* New Orc Faction: First made famous in Dark Messiah of Might & Magic™, the brutal Orc faction now comes to the Heroes series. “

No, first made famous in HoMM: Strategic Quest. Good to see the Barbs back in one form or another anyway.

“This faction’s troops include Orcs, Goblins, Cyclops and the famed Pao Kais. “

’Scuse my language: NOT ANOTHER D*MN DRAGON!!!

Cycs Gobs and Orcs are a yay, where are the behemoth?

“Characters from Dark Messiah of Might & Magic will also appear to bring an unexpected twist to this multi-layered plot. “

I’ll be waiting to make the underground-surface joke once it comes out.

And how is it unexpected when (correct me if I’m wrong) DM happens after all of this and we know they’re in that, ergo logically they have to show up eventually? (Of course logically Freyda should have never shown up in HoF…:devious: ) Even if that weren’t true, they’re TELLING us, so it really can’t be unexpected, can it? Usual Ubival subtlety…

“In addition, Tribes of the East will feature 10 multiplayer and five single-player maps.”

Fifteen whole maps. *deadpan* Yay. Note my lack of enthusiasm. *sarcastic clapping* Anyone want to bet several of them are the fan-map contest winners?

“New Upgrade Level: Every creature in the Heroes V universe will get a an alternative upgrade level, increasing the total number of creatures in the Heroes of Might & Magic V line to over 170!”

:skeptical: More Renegade-style repaints, I presume?

“combo-based Artifact Power Link”

==Combination Artifacts?

“Stand-alone Product: In order to allow both fans and newcomers to enjoy this dramatic conclusion to the Heroes V experience, Tribes of the East will be a stand-alone product – no previous Heroes game installations will be required to play.”

I wanted to be the first to say it, but Gaidal beat me to it. Oh well: SoD-clone, SoD-clone!

Thus giving me even less reason to want to buy it, because you can bet they’ll price it like a standalone, too, assuming the stores even stock it.

@Caradoc: I’ve seen HV on the shelves. What I haven’t seen is HoF.
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Unread postby vhilhu » 05 Apr 2007, 21:48

hmm. the models are rather ugly, except for the quite nice paokai. other units have too messy (the warcraft3 syndrome) look.

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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Justice » 05 Apr 2007, 22:04

Kareeah just saved me some time :) totally agree with what she says.
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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby finkellll » 05 Apr 2007, 22:27

wait so there will b another upgrade on top of the upgrades in Tribes? kinda crazy if u ask me

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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 05 Apr 2007, 22:38

Ok, alternate upgrade paths and a new orc tribe, that's cool!

I have a definite disliking of Heroes V as it is currently, but if Ubi pulls this expansion off correctly, I will change my mind.

Its in your hands now Nival. Please don't make me say that ever again.
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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Campaigner » 05 Apr 2007, 23:46

Angelspit wrote:The second Heroes of Might and Magic V expansion, <i>Tribes of the East</i>, will be released this Fall. Here is a list of features:

<b>*</b> New Orc Faction: First made famous in Dark Messiah of Might & Magic™, the brutal Orc faction now comes to the Heroes series. Savage, fiercely proud and resolutely independent, the Orcs put the “might” in Might & Magic®. This faction’s troops include Orcs, Goblins, Cyclops and the famed Pao Kais.
mm hmm....

Pao Kais is the indian to the right?
Angelspit wrote: <b>*</b> New Campaign: Experience the dramatic conclusion of the usurper Biara’s reign. Discovering the demonic influence that corrupts the Haven knights, the savage clans of the Orc will take up arms to eradicate the Inferno threat. Characters from Dark Messiah of Might & Magic will also appear to bring an unexpected twist to this multi-layered plot. In addition, Tribes of the East will feature 10 multiplayer and five single-player maps.
The coolest thing in that text is definetly Biara! Shes just soo cool :D

Why will the Orks (Warhammer spelling) save the Knights..?

New interesting....
Angelspit wrote: <b>*</b> New Upgrade Level: Every creature in the Heroes V universe will get a an alternative upgrade level, increasing the total number of creatures in the Heroes of Might & Magic V line to over 170! These powerful new abilities are sure to become an integral part of your combat tactics.
Let me get something damn straigt. Upgraded units does NOT count as a "new" unit! And the alternative upgrades are probably just recolorings. It's a good feature though.
Angelspit wrote: <b>*</b> Extra Content: Expand your arsenal and gameplay with new spells, artifacts, buildings and innovative features such as the combo-based Artifact Power Link and Battle Rage, the unique racial ability of the Orcs.
"Artifact Power Link" = Combination artifacts? Battle Rage....I think it's heavily offensively oriented and that the abilities associated with it makes the units better warriors.
Angelspit wrote: <b>*</b> Stand-alone Product: In order to allow both fans and newcomers to enjoy this dramatic conclusion to the Heroes V experience, Tribes of the East will be a stand-alone product – no previous Heroes game installations will be required to play.
Finally something good....

And where's the improved A.I, friendlier mapeditor and friendlier modding?
Last edited by Campaigner on 05 Apr 2007, 23:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby ThunderTitan » 05 Apr 2007, 23:47

Pao Kais?! Is that a new Tau commander?!

And i love how they kept their promise to outdo H3's number of creatures... :rolleyes:

But STRONGHOLD, yay. And the orcs should be gray with pig snouts. :P
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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Zamolxis » 06 Apr 2007, 00:55

Angelspit: <<Vel, did you really expect the Orcs to be... beautiful?>>
True. Although I admit I was also disappointed of their uglyness. Is it because I was expecting 'beautiful' orcs? No. I think it's more the fact that all creatures in the game are already either ugly, or evil, or fanatic & stupid. I guess I was just expecting to see sth refreshing, sth I could have liked in this game. I wanted to give a chance to the dwarves, but I found out the expansion was not only buggy, but even faction's Runic Magic didn't work - so I haven't tried the 1st expansion yet.

But that aside, here are my first impressions:

1. "New" Orc Faction - no surprise, as there were already enough hints. But don't get me wrong. It's actually more welcomed than a real "surprise" would have been (we learned not to like Nival's surprises). I'm happy to see them, as Orcs somehow complete the Heroes universe (only grosso modo speaking). In terms of creatures and races, I can't complain there are things still really lacking in the game - just still my old complaint about things being twisted: some creatures in the wrong alignments, some alignments really missing some core creatures (ie: Behemoths as uber creature at Stronghold) and no "feel good" alignment watsoever.

2. "First made famous by DMoMM" - am I the only (H)MM old fan who feels that sounds half insulting, half ridiculous?
(edit: I just noticed Kareeah post meanwhile - nice to see I'm not alone) :p

3. "Savage, fiercely proud and resolutely independent, the Orcs put the “might” in Might & Magic" - exactly what I like to hear about them! :)
(see, I'm not only complaining) :P

4. "Orcs, Goblins, Cyclops" - welcome. Trolls would be nice too.

5. "Pao Kais" - whatever. However, if we get another dragon, with behemoths having to pay the price for that (downgrading to lvl.6 would be as insulting as removing from the universe), I might find it harder to like the new intruder.

6. "New Campaign: Experience the dramatic conclusion..." - again, whatever. If they didn't change their story writer and didn't hire some real actors to do the voices, the 'big words' won't get them far.

7. "New Upgrade Level: Every creature in the Heroes V universe will get a an alternative upgrade level" - finally! I came with this idea like 2 years ago - soon after the official forums opened in 2005. I tried to lobby it and people seemed to like it - especially because I was proposing a working system that would solve the annoying incompatibility in H4 - one of the reasons why many H3 fans never embraced H4. Hope they implement that as well, otherwise we just have a lot of creatures, but also a lot of problems...

8. "Extra Content: Expand your arsenal and gameplay with new spells, artifacts, buildings and innovative features such as the combo-based Artifact Power Link..." - all welcome, if done smart. ;)

9. "Stand-alone Product" - I don't care how much I have to pay for it, as long as it's good. I don't mind paying 50 bucks for a good game, but I wouldn't pay even 10 for a bad one. I never bought HoF, even if it was sth like 20 bucks, just because I don't like buyin' games that still need "n" patches to run correctly. Plus I don't like it when they become less "mod-friendly". Whatever they do, I hope mods like the Cleric or the Treant one will still work in TotE.

10. "10 multiplayer and five single-player maps" - will there be German or Russian tanks "hidden" in them this time? :p Seriously now - I'm sure some will complain about the small number of maps. As I always said, that's never the problem. What they need to invest in - more than they think - is a good RMG and a very customizable Map/Campaign Editor. That's gonna keep the game alive more then no matter how many standard maps they put in there.

11. Screenshot 1: mixed feelings. I saw the words like "ugly" and "ridiculous" above. "Corny" is more the word I would use. It's like they tried to make some of them "as cool as possible" more than they should have. More than they have the talent for maybe. Aside from that, half of them are ok. Centaur I really love - pity though that this is not the right alignment for them.

12. Screenshot 2: Nice, I guess. Somehow makes me think of H4.

13. Screenshot 3: The bull is probably the perfect choice as a vehicle. A very nice screenshot anyway - reminds me of the best part of this game: the graphics. :)

14. Screenshot 4: Breasts again. :p Double (ivory here) long knives again. Let me guess... 2nd lvl creature? Well... at least no high heels anymore.

15. Screenshot 5: That "corny" feeling again, combined with the repulsive reaction at the sight of soupnazii's "gollum" (well, I know it's from DMoMM). Aside from that, I like the bull again - or yak, whatever - and the background, as always. :)

Conclusion: I don't have one. I'm gonna wait till the game is out and see the first reactions. If - after 4 years of working on this project - they finally manage to deliver a bugless product, and I hear the people are happy with how they implemented the new features, I guess I'll give it a chance again.

Zam. B-)
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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 06 Apr 2007, 01:17

Zamolxis wrote: I wanted to give a chance to the dwarves, but I found out the expansion was not only buggy, but even faction's Runic Magic didn't work - so I haven't tried the 1st expansion yet.
Hmm, It's your choice of course, but the runes work fine in 2.0 and 2.1 for me and I have encountered very few bugs. I found that the added artifacts and monsters provided much needed variety. This will only get better with the second expansion.

Did you have a particularly buggy time with original heroes v?

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Re: Tribes of the East Announced

Unread postby Zamolxis » 06 Apr 2007, 01:27

PhoenixReborn wrote:<<Did you have a particularly buggy time with original heroes v?>>
I guess you can say that. :P
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