I'm in a strange situation from this pov. I can cook, lots of things, but I always get bored of it. I mean, I am doing it for over 10 years already. Whenever I cook, people love it, but somehow I don't enjoy it. I thought it'll pass, but no, I just don't get the fun of it: staying two hours in that kitchen to cook those vegetables, which anyway would have tasted better raw.
Because of that lately I switched to healthy salads & stuff, and left the main cooking for my wife. I still help around with the cutting and cleaning from time to time... but after the above, I just had to eventually accept that cooking it's just not my thing.
* * * *
Regarding the discussion on the previous page about some cultures prefering slim women, while others more... voluptuous let's say, it's because of several factors:
- first is what I said a couple of pages ago, the fobia against fat BECAUSE of an exagerate number of overweight people. If it wouldn't be for those, and people would be just moderately fat at the most, the fobia would also not be there.
- secondly, in some cultures, fat means (or meant) healthy. Indeed there are some deseases that can keep you in the hospital for like a month, during which you can barely eat sometimes. If your body doesn't have some resources, of course you have a higher chance of not surviving it. I had a grandfather who entered the hospital with 90 kg once, and came out with 50. I wonder if he would have survived if he would have had not more than 60 to start with.
- then it's the thing that in some cultures (in some African countries for ex), a woman with large hips symbolizes the capability of baring many children. So the bigger the better.
- and last but not least, men's expectations regarding women's silhouette, are also the result of women's expectations from us. In western - and many other cultures actually - it's considered "romantic" for the man to carry the women around (over water, the bride over the threshold, from the living to the bedroom when she falls asleep there etc). So well... I'm not saying I'm not ok with that. I'm doing my part playing with weights every week at fitness. But if she wants me to throw her up on the dancefloor or carry her up the stairs to the bedroom, then she better do
her part and loose those extra pounds. Either that or I'll start looking around for other girls willing to make it
easier for me, to be more romantic with
them - THAT's the reason why we men, tend to prefer slimmer and slimmer girls lately.