News Supression Pact

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News Supression Pact

Unread postby Angelspit » 29 Jan 2006, 14:14

As of 2pm GMT today (Sunday 29th) administrators of the major Heroes of Might and Magic fan sites around the world have signed a News Suppression Pact in protest to a premature release of Heroes of Might and Magic 5.

The pact was signed by Age of Heroes (International), Archangel Castle (France), Behemoth's Lair (Poland), Castle Gobs (International), Celestial Heavens (International), Drachenwald (Germany), The Genie's Lamp (International), Guardian's Grove (International), Heroic Corner (Russia), La Torre de Marfil (Spain) and The Oracle League (International). All other HoMM websites are also invited to join this pact.

As representatives of the online HoMM Community, we, the pact members, strongly believe that Heroes of Might and Magic 5 will not be of sufficient standard and quality if the release is rushed for March 2006. As admirers of HoMM series and supporters of the current Heroes 5 potential, we will not tolerate a blow delivered by the release of an incomplete and unbalanced game.

As an action of protest, following this announcement, no news or updates will be posted on our web sites. Additionally, Heroes of Might and Magic 5 information will be removed from our web sites. We request that Ubisoft officially confirms that the release date of Heroes of Might and Magic 5 will be delayed past March 2006, for a period of time sufficient to develop a balanced and fully functional game. We do not regard the announcement made on Gamespot as true until Ubisoft issues official confirmation.

As an indication of support for our protest, the Petition has been signed by over 1500 people in less than three days and received 30000 unique visitors. During the last week our web sites received more than 150000 visits.

We encourage all Heroes of Might and Magic fans to join our cause by signing the SaveHeroes.Org Petition and to stop posting on the official Ubisoft forums and to use our forums instead.

Additionally, you can help our cause by inviting your friends to sign the petition, by e-mailing Ubisoft and by notifying the media and game retailers about this situation. For more ways to help, see SaveHeroes.Org.
Last edited by Angelspit on 29 Jan 2006, 14:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Labyrinth » 29 Jan 2006, 14:34


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News Supression Pact

Unread postby Wildbear » 29 Jan 2006, 14:36

No more "wait and see" strategy?
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News Supression Pact

Unread postby NurDas » 29 Jan 2006, 14:42

Isn't it a bit offensive? I mean not posting the news regarding Heroes V and blocking the official forums and even removing Heroes V info from the websites? I don't think it's in the fans best interest. If we wan't Ubisoft to play honestly then we should as well. Do you really think such measures will help?
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Unread postby Wildbear » 29 Jan 2006, 14:48

Since things have to be fixed, current informations about the game may change in the future. You don't want them to display wrong informations, do you?
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Unread postby Friend_of_Gunnar » 29 Jan 2006, 14:59

hmmm....interesting strategy
if we pretend that HOMM5 doesn't exist then we can never be disappointed.

So, when was the next release of WOG coming out?

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 29 Jan 2006, 15:09

I don't think this is a good idea. If info is restricted, so the fans can't get anything, then interest will drop off, and it will encourage a release ASAP to get what they can before all interest is gone.

Let's see what has happened in the last week:

1) open beta released in (apparantly) a very poor state (I do not have the open beta, so I can only go based on reports)

2) A petition is started to encourage a delay in the game

3) The Ubi quarterly report indicates the game has been delayed (whether due to the petition, or an already-in-place plan is debatable, but irrelevant for this post, as my conclusions will show)

4) The fan sites decide to shut down all info.

These actions tell me two things:
1) if the fan petition had any effect, then this is a case of "You gave us what we want, now we will punish you anyway!"
This will reduce the likelihood of fan input being listened to in the future.

2) if the petition didn't have an effect, or a negative one, then this will simply reinforce their view that the fans just want to complain about everything.

In either case, I feel that no good can come of this. :disagree:

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News Supression Pact

Unread postby NurDas » 29 Jan 2006, 15:26

I agree with Qurqirish Dragon. As he pointed out there are hints that the game is delayed and I think it should be clarified if this is the case or not. I can't really see any reason why Ubisoft should hide that information. Then if the delay should be confirmed we got what we wanted. If it's not and Ubi declares the release will be as planned, maybe then such rush actions will be justified. As for now we should wait, and yes, ask for an official answer to this question and act accordingly afterwards.
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Unread postby igoraki » 29 Jan 2006, 15:31

well,i believe the opposite Qurqirish Dragon

while signing the petition is ok,this is the real action

on the every non-homm forum i visit,never saw link posted to official sites or forums whenever new info about h5 is released out,because to tell the truth there is not much infos on those sites

so we,community and fan sites are doing their job by promoting the game so they deserve this,if they continue to ignore all those ppl and refuse to post official note if delay is planned or not
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Re: News Supression Pact

Unread postby Ethric » 29 Jan 2006, 15:32

NurDas wrote:I agree with Qurqirish Dragon. As he pointed out there are hints that the game is delayed and I think it should be clarified if this is the case or not. I can't really see any reason why Ubisoft should hide that information.
Indeed. So why haven't they said anything?

No, I think this is a good move. It is a way for the customers to excercise some power, and show that we won't be content with whatever is thrown our way, and won't sit idly by while some suits muck up the whole game with bad decisions.
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News Supression Pact

Unread postby dragonn » 29 Jan 2006, 15:36

No, I think it is to much. I know Ubi bought the game franchise knowing how big responsebility it is, but I think that fans are to harsh. Just think about it: developing a game, while so many people watch your every move, and every mistake may cause a great wave of unrest among the fans. Just think how stressful it is for Nival... Not to mention that I'm not a betatester, and I'm not planing to be one. How can I live without some fresh daily information on H5?
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News Supression Pact

Unread postby Fallen Angel » 29 Jan 2006, 15:47

While I do agree that this action by the fansites is too harsh and could possibly lead to some very unfortunate miscommunication, I do understand where it's coming from. All the fansites want is an official statement like, "We've decided to postpone the game in order to allow for a much higher quality product upon release. There is no official release date at this time." I don't think that would be too difficult for Ubisoft to make happen.

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News Supression Pact

Unread postby Sir Charles » 29 Jan 2006, 15:51

Just remember, this is only until they say something official. That financial statement Ubisoft posted was not information about the release of was a LACK of information about the release of h5. This step was only so they would step up and SAY SOMETHING! ANYTHING! So, IMO, this will be a short-lived strategy. *crosses fingers*
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Unread postby Arzang » 29 Jan 2006, 15:55

I like it, a lot.

It's nice that big sites take a responsibility instead of claiming neutrality. Goes to show that the homm sites are run by fans, not journalists.

and that's how it should be. the hommunity should be run by the fans, for the fans. and to those who say it's too harsh all I have to say in response is:

it's better to be safe and sorry than just sorry. AFAIK no release date has been announced which can be both good and bad (good if it's a late release, bad if it's rushed) and until we know we need to take precautions.

and with we I mean all the fans. even those who haven't played the beta. I can understand that you want news but if this many people are sceptical, can't you be sceptical as well?

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News Supression Pact

Unread postby NurDas » 29 Jan 2006, 15:55

quote: "All the fansites want is an official statement like, "We've decided to postpone the game in order to allow for a much higher quality product upon release. There is no official release date at this time." I don't think that would be too difficult for Ubisoft to make happen."

Exactly, and that is what we should demand. But throwing threats on Ubi with it is a bit immature.
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News Supression Pact

Unread postby socketboy » 29 Jan 2006, 16:05


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Unread postby Corribus » 29 Jan 2006, 16:08

People would do well to remember that we're dealing with a business here. This is not your friend whose artwork you are critiquing. This is a product you're going to buy. There's no such thing as "too harsh". You're not going to "hurt their feelings". And if you do, so what? What are they going to do, say, "Well fine, they don't like it? Then we're not going to make it!" That line does not exist and therefore cannot be crossed. Ubisoft is going to make the game and they're going to do what they feel gives them the best chance for financial success. This may very well piss them off, but so what? The business-customer relationship works IN YOUR FAVOR. You have the power because you have the money. They are trapped by the fact that they need to sell something to you. If you demonstrate to them that they're not going to get your money, then they will acquiesce to what you want. You can't go too far. The worst that can happen is they don't listen and put the game out anyway, and what have you lost by being aggressive? Nothing.

The only downside I see to this is, as Qqd pointed out, by boycotting information and news you unavoidably also hurt the fanbase, especially casual gamers who have no other source of information. Is it the course of action I would have chosen? I probably would have given the petition more time. But that's just me, and I certainly am not afraid of Ubisoft being mad at us. It's a business.
Last edited by Corribus on 29 Jan 2006, 16:10, edited 1 time in total.
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News Supression Pact

Unread postby Xsi » 29 Jan 2006, 16:09

Let me give you an example of how ubisoft communicates about releases:

gr2 for pc.

This game was scheduled for release in november 2004 along with the ps2 and xbox versions, shortly before november it was pushed back till the beginning of 2005 and on release of the xbox and ps2versions a statement was made: "pc-news will be released after christmas." The next news received was in march 2005: "The game is cancelled, it doesnt meet our expectations."

Not getting release date confirmation is normal at ubisoft. This "ban on news" wont change that and is simply a childish action: Gimme what I want, NOW!!!

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News Supression Pact

Unread postby LordLightning » 29 Jan 2006, 16:22

This is stupid.

1. The participating sites hurt themselves most because releasing news about Homm is why they exist.

2. I never signed the petition (but im not against it either): first because i had no indication that UBI is willing to release an unfinished product, they never even announced the release date for christs sake. Second the closed beta testers never made a compelling enough case why they think the game needs an overhaul. Balance doesnt have to be perfect on release (even blizzard patches for years until they achieve balance). The AI is always one of the last things to be finished and the testers are not even suer if they saw the real deal.

3. This is premature and aggressive. Im convinced UBI is willing to clear this matter this week (its only been days since open beta and the petition) and if they do it wont be because of this boycott. If anything it will hurt the "community leaders" relationship with ubi and the casual fans

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Re: News Supression Pact

Unread postby Robenhagen » 29 Jan 2006, 16:23

Xsi wrote:Gimme what I want, NOW!!!
No this is all wrong, it's quite the opposite: Gimme what I want, when it's READY!!!
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