Contest III - The Submissions

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Cast your vote for which ever entry you find most appealing - but hurry, the poll only runs for 2 days.

Poll ended at 17 Mar 2007, 16:35

Paulus1 - Rion
Veldrynus - Gauldoth
winterfate - Jenova
a55a55in - Melodia
Mystic Phoenix - Vesper
Kareeah Indaga - Gelu
Vhilhu - Styg
Oakwarrior - Solmyr
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Contest III - The Submissions

Unread postby RTO Manager » 15 Mar 2007, 16:35

While the judges finish judging the entries, we would like YOU to cast your vote as well in this poll.
The top 3 winners of this public voting will be awarded extra gems in the overall contest, but it will not change the outcome of Contest III (which will be decided solely by the judges).
The contestants are of course welcome to vote as well.



Early in his life, Rion devoted his life to the teachings of the clergy of Erathia. Showing much promise and devotion he soon raised within the ranks of the clergy, only to find the clergy – in his view – more concerned with politics and power than the spiritual health of the congregation.

Getting ever more disillusioned, he found a new devotion within a small, seclusive group in the clergy, the healers. Once initiated amongst the healers, Rion was most often found at the front lines against the enemies of Erathia, tending to and healing the wounded.

When his general was slain in battle against the Kreegans, Rion took command of the troops to prevent total chaos and defeat. He re-organized the troops and eventually emerged victorious. Upon request from Queen Catherine Ironfist he once again found a new way of life, now as a general in the armies of Erathia.



Famous political figure and governor of Nekross, the illustrious Gauldoth has been recently selected "The sexiest man half-alive" by the Necropolitan Weekly magazine. When asked about his secret, the half-dead replied promptly: "It is all about the conservation. I am using salt to slow down the process of rotting of my flesh. No magic, everything is natural here." This fearsome and cruel warlord surely knows how to enjoy the finer things in life. In his free time, Gauldoth enjoys hunting, fishing, baking and sewing. Not many people know that he is a real balletomane and a passionate fan of the local soccer team, the Nekross Undertakers.
In his younger days Gauldoth (born Uhm Tookoopatikletes) dreamed of becoming a famous bard, but he had little success with his little band aptly named Scream of the Filth. This painful disappointment made him join the business school, where he had discovered the art of accounting and necromancy. His life got a new direction.
Why he turned half-dead, remains a mystery. Some of his admirers say, it was a conscious decision, in an attempt to prove the old stereotype of evil undead wrong, while a few others claim that he was just drunk and screwed up a spell. Not many supporters of this later theory walk among the living, or the undead…



Jenova stands tall as an image of perserverance and strength. A ranger in the ranks of the Rampart forces, and later in the Preserves, she has seen the death of Erathia, and the many events that have occurred in Axeoth. While the spotlight has always been on other nature-loving heroes like Gelu and Elwin, Jenova nonetheless plays an integral role for her faction. Not foreign to wielding sword and shield, she is currently wielding a wooden shield and a magical Ice Runeblade. Clad in the strongest breastplate, enchanted with magics to make it lighter, she fights for the glory of her people. Recent rumors have placed her in the realm of Ashan, after a great battle in Axeoth caused a portal to appear, imploding the core of that planet and, with it, the rest of the planet as well. Where she is now, and who she's serving, are two questions that most ask, but few know the answer to. Some rumors place her in Talonguard, aiding Freyda. Others place her in Syris Thalla, protecting the Sylvan capitol while Findan is away. Wherever she is, she's sure to eventually make herself known. And when she does, her enemies better beware her wrath!



In the Elven Year: 962 (Summer), Little Melodia was raised by the mother and her grandmother: Ethilesse the Enchantress. Her father, an elven warrior met his ill-fated destiny - on the battlefield - when she was very young. However born under the stars of Kylmanaah: the God of Knowledge and Ellenia: the Goddess of Beauty, Melodia was blessed with unmatchable wits and astounding beauty. Not letting her gifted talents to waste, Melodia was trained in the arts of many Magic paths by the Great Enchantress and her lovingly grandmother, Ethilesse. Over the years her training has been 'fruitful' and her skills are very impressive, She was selected as a member of the Druid Circle in AvLee.

However, Melodia was hopeless on controlling her 'other' gifted talent. Even before her maiden years, she was chased by countless suiters that sometimes threaten to disrupt her concerntration on her magical practise session. She can fall in and out of love so quickly and with so many men (Elven and Human), till it is said that her emotions is as flightly as a sprite.
This issue had been an on-going discussion on whether Melodia is actually eligible to be a part of the Circle, which is the Elven's High Council.

But the time had come to prove herself at the day of destruction: The Reckoning. Melodia was entrusted to bring her Elven people safely to another world while Elders sacrifices themselves to create a barrier and preserve the forest to give the elves enough time to evacuate. Melodia did her best when save her kind, using all her might to create a portal to distant, but it wasn't not enough as her mind was interrupt by her current love: Jenmanath, one of the elders. In the end, the portal was not enough for everyone to go through, and the Reckoning had taken more than half of her people.

Now in the new world, Melodia is now only a simple druid, as her failure isn't forgotten and will never be. Despite her failure, she stand strong in protecting her people she saved with her deadly skills of Magic. The words of her mother: "Failure only occurs when you do the same mistake again." will always be in her mind.


Mystic Phoenix

Hello wanderer,

Let me tell you a story… a story about the past. I remember back the old time ins Enroth. Oh those happy days. But wait a second, maybe I should introduce myself at first. My name is Vesper and I am a warlock. You might probably have heard of me before. I was very successful in the services of Mystic Phoenix, a great leader of the past. He told me, I was the first hero he ever used in his services. Why I was his first servant, he couldn’t remember, I might just have been pure coincidence.
Mystic Phoenix planned a strategic quest, where I was of great use and I helped him as well in the Succession Wars some time later. In the good old days things were simple. Not all that upgrading stuff they did in Erathia. Basic and core recruiting of creatures was what I liked, although in the Succession Wars I found a way to make my minotaurs and dragons stronger. But what use is there in upgrading centaurs or gargoyles… and speaking of centaurs and gargoyles… they abandoned me and my warlock fellows, and so did the griffins. Those were the creatures I miss the most, but the knights of Erathia might have bribed them in a way. Dealing with nasty harpies and evil eyes was not my style… and I still wonder what drove hydras into the swamps and into the services of the beast masters. I think they got a promotion there, that might be the reason.
But not only recruiting was easy those days. I and my warlocks colleagues had scouting and that was ok. Not all those things to bother with, like navigation or eagle eye, although in the Succession Wars I couldn't resist learning some skills. But scouting as an ability like in the strategic quest was ok for me. I was very proficient in terms of spell power and had some quite good knowledge, too. That helped me casting Armageddon several times in close battles, when I relied on my cute little dragons. I always had an affinity to some destructive spells, as you can in my picture, even in my younger days I liked dealing with flames… you can see the blue flame of cold ray here. Battles were easier in general in the good old days.. why should you wait in combat, when you can attack as well? Fliers dominated the battlefield, shooters could be easily blocked by my griffins and gargoyles on their first turn.
In Erathia they seemed to be very proud of their specials… but who needs specials, anyway? Those wimps… they could only wield one sword or one shield. I could use several of them, if I wanted to, too or wear more than one crown. I clothed myself in red robes, on the picture of me, where I was in my younger days I wasn’t allowed to, since I was an apprentice back then.
After the Succession Wars I retires and in Mystic Phoenix told me in his letters, that he was quite successful in Earthia as well, but he missed the adventures with me, so once in a while he returns to Enroth and has some quests with me, exploring unknown lands created by friends of him. Adventures are still as exciting as they were back in the past, I can assure you..
At current I’m dealing with creating a spell… a spell so powerful that it can open a portal to new dimensions. When I’m successful,. I might be able to travel to Ashan one day. I’m looking forward to this exciting yet dangerous trip, but the chances to be united again with Mystic Phoenix in the new age are worth the risk.



Kareeah Indaga

Gelu was found as a baby by Morgan Kendal around the year 1150 AS (est.). He joined the Forest Guard early in life, and received his captaincy prior to the Restoration War. He was described by Tarnum as being charismatic and stubborn, and he is well known for his part in the Demon War and the Reckoning.



Image - not made by me, its the ingame picture, for reference

On the ingame portrait, she has a necklace. On the necklace, there are eyeballs. Maybe they arent eyeballs and im looking at them all wrong, but i like to think of them as eyeballs.

Now why would anyone have a necklace with eyeballs? MAGIC? Get real. Magic is always just a cheap plot excuse. Like, in some fantasy book, 100 giants attack the protagonist, its a really intense moment, and boom - the character suddenly develops magical abilities and kills them. We all hate such plot twists, so NO MAGICAL EXPLANATIONS TO ANYTHING. EVAR. It isnt cool at all. The REAL reason for having eyeballs is, naturally, that they make her look cool. 5 eyes. Now isnt that scary. And as a witch, she MUST be scary. All traditional witches must be crazy scary hags, everyone knows that.

So, her description tells us that she is the 11. daughter of the Tatalian King Trallosk, and having no hopes to inherit the throne, she picked up magic and became a hero. WHY A HERO? I mean, Tatalia was a kingdom after all, right? She could live in luxury even without power, being of royal heritage. BUT NO. She is a hireable hero for any faction. What a slut. Naturally, the reason behind this is that she wants to kill all humans to get their eyeballs to her necklace. Because then she would look REALLY scary. As witches should be.

It was fun making the picture. Making pin-ups is always fun. Especially if they are kinda weird. As all lizardpeople are.




Solmyr has brown, pretty long hair, tanned skin, brown eyes. He wears steel armor.

He was born into a wealthy farm in the village of Yorksford. In his youth he pretended to be a knight and play with swords and shields as a boy, and have imaginary battles with his friends.

As he grew, his parents taught him how to live as a farmer, but Solmyr desired to be a valiant knight, just like the other boys in the village!
His parent's really-really didn't like the idea. Solmyr, giving up in his parents' will, spent the first 19 years of his life as a farmer-boy. Then war came to Enroth. The land was in chaos. The war between the 2 brothers Roland and Archibald, sons of King Ironfist was grasping the lands...

And then came the time when Yorksford was attacked by Archibald's minions. Solmyr showed initiative to the village's population by rousing them to fight. Of course, the people thought he was stupid, because almost the village hadn't any considerable equipment to wage war. They did have a blacksmith who was capable of making weapons. Solmyr kept on telling the villagers to fight back against the marauding horde of Archibald.

After a few minutes into his speech, the marauders launched their full attack on the village, burning houses and fields. Well, that certainly rallied the villagers to say the least. The blacksmith of their village gave what he could to the villagers. A bloody battle was held. Ultimately, the villagers won, but with casualties
Many of the people lost their parents or children. The villagers cheered when they saw the marauding scum run to the forests with their tails between their legs like the dogs they were! Shortly after their victory, one of Roland's knights with his army arrived in the village, saying their scout saw smoke and fires on the horizon. As usual, the backup arrives late

He congratulated the villagers for the seemingly impossible thing they managed, and asked who led their small band of warriors. Solmyr was the man! Solmyr asked the knight if he could some day be like him (only with better timing of course). The knight said yes, and asked him if he would want to be his squire. Solmyr of course accepted, and was very happy

He departed Yorksford, with good, and bad, memories. He said he will avenge the deaths of the villagers one day. The knight and Solmyr fought in many-many battles against Archibald's minions. Eventually, he was knighted by Roland himself, and was given his own army to command against Archibald. And here he is, give it up for... SOLMYR!!! :D


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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 15 Mar 2007, 16:48

Nice Styg over there ;)
And and interesting back-view of Gelu :| :)
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Unread postby Oakwarrior » 15 Mar 2007, 17:00

Eek. My pic :ashamed:

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 15 Mar 2007, 17:13

It was a really tough choice but my vote went to Winterfate. I simply couldn't resist the rosy cheeks, the bumpy sword and the giant pizza slice she's holding :D :applause:

Paulus1 comes in at second place for impressing me with his drawing skills and for giving the pony seriously huge eyelashes. I'm sorry it doesn't count though ;)
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Unread postby okrane » 15 Mar 2007, 17:27

Ehm... I can't believe u people took the time to draw these things...

What is this ... kindergarden show and tell... at least the drawings look like they've been drawn by little kindergarden kids... :D

The best is by far Veldrynus' drawing... It's really subtle and with a good touch of humor.
But still... I did not believe someone would actually draw these...

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Unread postby Oakwarrior » 15 Mar 2007, 17:31

okrane wrote:<evilRant>
Ehm... I can't believe u people took the time to draw these things...

What is this ... kindergarden show and tell... at least the drawings look like they've been drawn by little kindergarden kids... :D

The best is by far Veldrynus' drawing... It's really subtle and with a good touch of humor.
But still... I did not believe someone would actually draw these...
I think it was made with a south park character-creator and photoshopped, but it looks very nice B-)

I only took about 5 minutes on mine so it's not much to look at :|

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Unread postby Metathron » 15 Mar 2007, 19:03

I think I'm gonna go with vhilhu's Styg here, great job overall and I especially like her somewhat coquettish pose.

Kareeah's Gelu is a stunning rendition of this peculiar character as well. The accompanying description is a bit sparse, however.

Good work, all!
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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 15 Mar 2007, 20:04

@Vel: “sexiest man half-alive” :rofl:

And…is it wrong of me to snicker that no one drew an Ashan-only hero?
theLuckyDragon wrote:And and interesting back-view of Gelu :| :)
He did end up looking a bit like an Egyptian hieroglyph, didn’t he? Hopefully the pose will make more sense when I finish the rest of it.
Milla aka. the Slayer wrote: the giant pizza slice she's holding :D :applause:
o_O …

They have diamond-shaped pizza slices where you live, Milla?
Metathron wrote: The accompanying description is a bit sparse, however.
If I had known everyone else was going to write a novel, I would have made it longer. o_o I just figured everyone already knew most of the important stuff…

Oakwarrior wrote: I only took about 5 minutes on mine so it's not much to look at :|
Five minutes? FIVE MINUTES? I—you—GARR!!! *stomps off in a huff*

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Mar 2007, 20:25

Kareeah Indaga wrote: And…is it wrong of me to snicker that no one drew an Ashan-only hero?
That's only because i didn't have enough time to make that stick figure Biara... :( :devil:
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Unread postby Robenhagen » 15 Mar 2007, 21:08

ThunderTitan wrote: That's only because i didn't have enough time to make that stick figure Biara... :( :devil:
Yeah, what happened to that? I was looking forward to seeing it :D

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 15 Mar 2007, 21:10

Me too B-)
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Mar 2007, 21:57

My bro playing SupCom, me playing M:UA and forgetting to pay my tuition... it was a fun week.
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Unread postby Campaigner » 15 Mar 2007, 22:46

That Elf woman is a great candidate and almost had my vote (didn't think I was gonna find anyone better). Those old famous heroes are automatically disqualified for being unimaginative.

Vesper wins the day :-D Pretty unknown guy that I still remember how he looked. And the story was good too :) Liked that complaining over the upgrades and differences between Enroth and Erathia.

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 15 Mar 2007, 23:00

It's so frustrating that I could give my vote to only 1 of the contestants... ;|

While Mystic Phoenix's drawing impressed me the most, followed closely by Vhilhu's - wich was also quite funny I must add :) - in the end I had to give my vote for a55a55in. While the drawing is very nice and expressive (ok, not colored... but who said it should?), it's actually the story that comes with it which made me the edge and influenced my final vote.

@Oak: Nice drawing and story... but why Solmyr? :sceptic: The mighty wizard, my favourite H3 Academy hero, reduced to a poor peasant. Why? :P

@Vel: Nice. Heroes meets South Part, with a touch of Terminator (or whatever)... :lol:
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Unread postby winterfate » 15 Mar 2007, 23:05

Milla wrote:It was a really tough choice but my vote went to Winterfate. I simply couldn't resist the rosy cheeks, the bumpy sword and the giant pizza slice she's holding
Why thank you :D.

Fear the Giant Pizza Slice of Shielding Doom! :devil:
Nah, just kidding! ;) It's supposed to be a wooden shield...

Time to vote :D. Let's see who I think has the best characterization. picked Melodia? Wow, she is so....[censored for PG's sake ;)]

a55a55in gets my vote. Good work to all. I really enjoyed those descriptions (especially Vel's...:rofl:).
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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 15 Mar 2007, 23:21

Zamolxis wrote: @Oak: Nice drawing and story... but why Solmyr? :sceptic: The mighty wizard, my favourite H3 Academy hero, reduced to a poor peasant. Why? :P
H2 PoL Solmyr. I think. Haven’t played H2 much.

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 15 Mar 2007, 23:28

I thought so. I also didn't play H2 enough to know all heroes (and I'm not even sure if I played PoL). Anyway, for me the only Solmyr out there is the one Google returns if you run a search. :p

Don't you hate it when they change the personality of a hero from one sequel to another so much? ;|
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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 15 Mar 2007, 23:48

Zamolxis wrote: Don't you hate it when they change the personality of a hero from one sequel to another so much? ;|
Yeah. That may not be the top reason I’m not too happy with H5, but it’s certainly up there. And I even got a bit annoyed with the bio alterations in H4 for the random hireables. Especially about Ignatious—it was originally dealing with his nasty temper, remember? Then somewhere down the line (H3 Complete? A patch? One of the expansions?) it got changed to something more unremarkable (being afraid the Kreegan wouldn’t need him anymore, I think), then in H4 it referenced back to his temper. @_@

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Unread postby Metathron » 16 Mar 2007, 00:02

Zamolxis wrote:Anyway, for me the only Solmyr out there is the one Google returns if you run a search. :p

A pretty "bleh" hero, so I tend to block this one out when thinking of Solmyr and visualize only the beloved blue fella from later games.
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Unread postby Zamolxis » 16 Mar 2007, 00:06

Not "bleh". He's actually quite a nice guy. I just cannot associate it with Solmyr.

(and I adming it's just me: gotta play more PoL to get used to I guess) :p
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