Of. Mă rog. Dacă n-ai chef de discutat...ThunderTitan wrote:Lasa...
The foreign language thread
- theLuckyDragon
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- ThunderTitan
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Nepoate, asteapta mult si bine....
Ce inseamna communication?
Ce inseamna communication?
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
- theLuckyDragon
- Round Table Knight
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Comunicare. Nu mă pune să definesc exact termenul pentru că nu am făcut asta nici la curs, şi trebuie să recunoşti că are o accepţiune foarte largă.
Dacă vrei, uită-te aici ca să vezi ceva ce am făcut.
Dacă vrei, uită-te aici ca să vezi ceva ce am făcut.
"Not all those who wander are lost." -- JRRT
- ThunderTitan
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Nu, def deja a dat-o okrane (desi ar trebui sa o limiteze la continut vb). Era o intrebare retorica, menita sa clarifice intentia avuta de mine cand am raspuns la raspunsul tau. (pretty professional, n'est pa?)
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
- theLuckyDragon
- Round Table Knight
- Posts: 4883
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Probabil că ţi-ai imaginat tonul retoric, dar în scris nu l-ai notat printr-un ?... sau ceva de genul, aşa că mai şlefuieşte-lThunderTitan wrote:Era o intrebare retorica, menita sa clarifice intentia avuta de mine cand am raspuns la raspunsul tau.
Aici ai folosit componenta de comunicare:
Asta-i varianta profesională: "N'est-ce pas"(pretty professional, n'est pa?)
"Not all those who wander are lost." -- JRRT
- Milla aka. the Slayer
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- ThunderTitan
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Makes the joke even better....theLuckyDragon wrote: Asta-i varianta profesională: "N'est-ce pas"
Si am avut un "?".... si nu tin minte ca sa existe un ton retoric, sarcastic poate, desi cele mai tari sunt alea fara nici un ton, da care sunt ridicole singure. the look on ppl's faces...
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €
imi pare rau dar am cam pierdut firul coerentei sub de care vb... cred ca are ceva de-a face cu TT dar nu sunt sigur :p
si 2... glumeam doar... u know... good humor, trying to be friends... stuff like that... u do know right?
bizar cum imi zici tu nepoate si sunt ceva mai in varsta ca tine... bine... presupun doar, ca nu ti-ai dat varsta pe nicaieri...Nepoate, asteapta mult si bine....
si 2... glumeam doar... u know... good humor, trying to be friends... stuff like that... u do know right?
- Milla aka. the Slayer
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Alle andre end mig er bare bønder! Muhahahaaa...som omPaulus1 wrote:så er det jo godt vi har dig, til at lyse op blandt alle os andre bønder (og hvad du nu ellers kaldte os)
Og jeg mente altså de andre der, hvis sprog, jeg efterhånden har pænt godt fat på
This minor magical charm captures the viewer's attention and distra... ooo, pretty...
- Dragon Age Origins
- Dragon Age Origins
Oh no! What have I done?!okrane wrote:bine...
[asta doar asa sa mai cresc post-countul... ca zicea Zamolxis ca ma iei pana weekendul care urmeaza. Daca o faci... iti pun praise pe threadul ala, daca nu ... astept praise de la tine ]
'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former' - Albert Einstein
'Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind' - same guy
'Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind' - same guy
relax... nu o sa ma vezi pe mine spammand forumul asta .... like never... just teasing the kid... in fact... ma gandesc sa-l cam parasesc...Zamolxis wrote:Oh no! What have I done?!okrane wrote:bine...
[asta doar asa sa mai cresc post-countul... ca zicea Zamolxis ca ma iei pana weekendul care urmeaza. Daca o faci... iti pun praise pe threadul ala, daca nu ... astept praise de la tine ]
Last edited by okrane on 15 Mar 2007, 23:46, edited 1 time in total.
- Milla aka. the Slayer
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- Location: Where Luna is: in the jacket
- Milla aka. the Slayer
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- Location: Where Luna is: in the jacket
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