Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

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Re: Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 10 Mar 2007, 15:11

Elvin wrote:Maybe someone should make a thread about it in the ubi forums...
I just did. I can't see why it would help though.

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Re: Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Sir Charles » 10 Mar 2007, 15:15

Grumpy Old Wizard wrote:
Equilibris greatly improved HOMM4.
A hammer could've greatly improved HOMM4. :O)
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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Veldrynus » 10 Mar 2007, 15:17

They are just trying to break all idiocy and incompetence records.
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Re: Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Sir Charles » 10 Mar 2007, 15:19

PhoenixReborn wrote:Sir Charles to suggest that messing with mods is tough and can screw with mp tells me that you haven't used them. It's a simple matter of pasting into the data file. You don't like the mod you delete that specific file. Very easy, or it was before this patch.
I wasn't saying that it DOES mess with MP, but I've certainly heard of that being a problem with some games. As for me using them, yes, you're absolutely correct. I haven't and I don't intend to. With the NWC games, it just felt "wrong" to use them. It felt like taking my favorite book by my favorite author and changing the characters names with a felt-tip pen. *shudders* But I have looked at these mods (WoG, Equilibris and the individual mods for h5) and none of them have made me even remotely consider cracking open the game-code to mess with it. Whether it's easy or not doesn't matter to me. It's a matter of taste, and it doesn't suit mine. Simple.
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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby addicted » 10 Mar 2007, 15:21

I too agree with Infiltrator and Sir Charles here especially with H-5 games put out by Nival since their track record of programming, bugs & etc..
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Re: Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 10 Mar 2007, 17:37

Sir Charles wrote:
Grumpy Old Wizard wrote:
Equilibris greatly improved HOMM4.
A hammer could've greatly improved HOMM4. :O)
Well, of course everyone has their own tastes. But IMHO HOMM4 with Equilibris is a great game. And Equilibris IS a great mod.

A lot of folks never gave HOMM4 a chance.

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Unread postby jeff » 10 Mar 2007, 17:57

I am sort of in the middle on this, mods before the game is mature (i.e. the company is done patching) are not going to be subject to the whims of the company. Other the the cheats, I've not used any of them. Now once the game has matured, then like Equilibris they can be very useful. Just hope that UBI isn't vindictive and modify H-IV so it can't be used. Though they already have messed with it a little.
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Re: Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Sir Charles » 10 Mar 2007, 22:11

Grumpy Old Wizard wrote:
Sir Charles wrote:
Grumpy Old Wizard wrote: A lot of folks never gave HOMM4 a chance.
That's very true, but I wasn't one of them. I played that game nearly non-stop for over 6 months....it was quite painful. But with the NWC logo on it....I just couldn't bring myself to the realization that it was as bad as it really was.
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Unread postby jeff » 10 Mar 2007, 23:48

Well H-V is so much like H-III that it should have driven a stake in it, but the poor execution of the map editor which unless they fix it so more people can use it, we'll still be playing H-III and H-IV long after H-V is thrown on the junk heap (too bad as it can be a good game). Why, simple the best maps have always come from the fans, and many of the great maps have come from people who already have said they will not use the editor in its current form. I do not claim to be in that group, but I am in the group that won't use that editor. Which getting back to the thread topic, to continually make changes forcing mods to be reworked just alienates more people. Bad choices following bad choices.
Last edited by Anonymous on 11 Mar 2007, 02:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Avalon-Eternal » 11 Mar 2007, 01:49

This is just really lame...

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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Zamolxis » 11 Mar 2007, 09:22

< Well it seems Nival/Ubi likes to shoot its own foot. It's hard to come up with even more dumb move than that. >

< Unfortunately, for them to come up with a dumber move is very easy. They just have to make a move ;) >

Edited on Sun, Mar 11 2007, 01:23 by Zamolxis
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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Caradoc » 11 Mar 2007, 15:33

I still can't get the 'Wait' button mod to work. Has anyone had any luck with this?
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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby asandir » 11 Mar 2007, 22:18

what a pak of monkeys!!!

they just try and make things difficult for the people who are trying to fix their game .... and yet when they try to break it it still takes only a short time for the community to get around their stupid ideas .... pathetic
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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby 1979 » 12 Mar 2007, 03:29

I don't generally use mods, but I do think it's ridiculous that Nival has done this. User-made content can really encourage people to play the game more, and that makes them more likely to buy the expansion packs and future versions of the game. I can't see how they think that making it more difficult to change things in the game is a good idea...

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 12 Mar 2007, 04:45

Therein lies the problem: they weren't thinking.
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Unread postby asandir » 12 Mar 2007, 05:30

well, it is my sincere hope that they weren't thinking when they did this, if it was deliberate then it is even worse ....
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Re: Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Jolly Joker » 12 Mar 2007, 09:13

alx516 wrote:4 Marzhin :

I simply copy the modded directory in data - NOT DATAa1 folder .... Even If You have HoF installed !!!!

This Works for my mod ... can't tell about the others, since I dindn't try ...
The problem seems to be that no one is reading posts and prefers to complain instead.
As far as I know all mods work - but you have to put them in the data folder and NOT in the dataa1 folder.

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Heroes V no more mod-friendly since 2.1

Unread postby Marzhin » 12 Mar 2007, 09:29

@ JJ : Show me one post that explains it, here on the Round Table, please...
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 12 Mar 2007, 09:44

What do you mean?

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Unread postby Marzhin » 12 Mar 2007, 09:56

You wrote : "The problem seems to be that no one is reading posts and prefers to complain instead. "

Oh wait, you were reffering to alx516's comment ? When I read "post" I think "posts in the forums", not "comments", so I thought someone had already explained the mod issue in the forums and I was wondering where...

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