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Unread postby Mytical » 11 Mar 2007, 07:21

Get in line *grins*. I will have to comfort them first.
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Unread postby Vlad976 » 11 Mar 2007, 07:27

Not unless I first take action according to the International Dibs Protocol. Dibs. :devious:
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Unread postby Mytical » 11 Mar 2007, 07:32

Um taking this discussion to music, so to distract everybody...*Points to a distance* look it is the abominal bunny of fluffy doom!
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 11 Mar 2007, 07:33

These are random thoughts. I don't think we really have to worry about topic constraints, so long as they don't get really politcal or anything.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby Veldrynus » 11 Mar 2007, 12:01

Mytical wrote:Random Thought. Why is every female in any 'serious' movie either 1) A sidekick. 2) Evil. 3) A temptress. 4) In love with, have a crush on, or otherwise be pining for somebody. 5) A deviant. 6) Waiting for some guy to rescue her, or 7) A nerd? Or some combination of the above.

That's Hollywood. It mainly uses stereotypes. Nothing different for men.
Veldryn 15:15 And Vel found a dirty old jawbone of a walrus and put forth his hand, and took it, and in his unholy rage, he slew thirty four thousand men and children therewith.

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Unread postby ScarlettP » 11 Mar 2007, 15:28

Actualy, I'm getting rather tired of "Kick ass" fems. Side kick or main charactor... it just seems that EVERY movie has to have some bad ass woman in it. I don't want to go back to the old days when Bogart went down the river on the African Queen complaining "It's one thing to go into danger, it's another to take a woman along." I had more respect for charactors like Scarlett O'Hara who was a strong woman when it was socially inapproprate to be a strong, outspoken female with head for business.

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Unread postby okrane » 11 Mar 2007, 23:09

I believe hollywood is lacking interesting subjects right now, and everything new on the market just wants to shock people... i.e. to sell properly...

Women heroes there are not that many but there are films where kick-ass woman has the main role. Personally I miss intelligent films where a subtle idea made the whole film interesting, and not just tons of fighting, special effects and a cheap plot.

These movies are becoming more and more rare.

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Unread postby asandir » 11 Mar 2007, 23:15

christ, that was some spamerfic work OD and winterfate!! :D I'm proud of you guys, though a little disappointed no one commented on my efforts!
Stefan was posting like a fiend until he just had to go and have a kid.
and is again, though the weekends as per usual tend to be stefan free
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Unread postby Veldrynus » 11 Mar 2007, 23:16

Maybe you should try foreign (non-hollywood) or older films too.
Veldryn 15:15 And Vel found a dirty old jawbone of a walrus and put forth his hand, and took it, and in his unholy rage, he slew thirty four thousand men and children therewith.

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Unread postby okrane » 11 Mar 2007, 23:24

That's what I am watching right now.... I've started seing old american films (black and white I mean) which I find really interesting. I mean it seems to me that all good films in our present time are just remakes of those classics. and that is great.
I also watch french and some german films... still time is one thing I lack presently...

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Unread postby asandir » 11 Mar 2007, 23:59

having seen a few of these I can appreciate the acting and storylines, but find I don't really enjoy them
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Unread postby okrane » 12 Mar 2007, 00:05

American old films you mean?

Frankly I think hollywood is starting to be a big repetition of the same stories.
The old films, even though they are not so shocking by their flashy special effects or the dinamics of the conversation, they have a certain romantic side , that allows you to think and imagine more about the story.

I find them to be more realistic than present films. Don't get me wrong I have many favored films among contemporary ones, but I do find that the old ones have a certain flavor that was lost in the meanwhile.

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Unread postby asandir » 12 Mar 2007, 00:45

yes those are the ones .... and while I kinda agree with what you're saying I find that I just can't really get any enjoyment out of them
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Unread postby ScarlettP » 12 Mar 2007, 01:07

The problem with Hollywood these days seems to be the cash flow problem. It costs SO MUCH to make a movie, destribute and advertise it... that they don't seem to want to gamble on a 'new' idea. They just keep remaking the same movies or old TV shows that were popular once before. So, it really IS the same old crap over and over.

I wish they would look more to popular books for stories. Of course, the movies are NEVER as good as the books, but it might get people looking into such things. At the same time, I have NO IDEA why they made a movie out of Erogon (whatever) - if they wanted to do a story about a Dragon Rider, they SHOULD have done PERN!!! If they want a good desaster/Appocolyptic movie - I'd suggest "Lucifer's Hammer" by Purnel & Niven. Sword and Sorcery, try David Eddings. There is ALWAYS good material lying about if someone will just LOOK for it!

You know, I'd like to see more movies or books about fairy tales from other countries. I mean, here in the US, almost all our children's stories are from the Brother's Grimm. SOME children at least get a taste of Aesop's fables. I read Kipling to my son - which may not be true Austrailan stories (How the Kangeroo got his legs, the Rhino his Skin, etc.) but at least it's not the motherless Princess who needs to be saved by the handsome Prince stuff that came out of eastern Europe. The REST of the world has GOT to have some old stories. Let's hear them!

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 12 Mar 2007, 01:10

stefan.urlus wrote:having seen a few of these I can appreciate the acting and storylines, but find I don't really enjoy them
Arsenic and Old Lace... are you telling me you don't enjoy that one?! Definitely flying down under as soon as i can.... :flame: :gun: :flame: :beheading:
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Unread postby asandir » 12 Mar 2007, 01:17

don't pretend that the reason would be to kill me because of my taste in movies TT ;)

and Scarlett, our stories are the best
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 12 Mar 2007, 01:32

On a unrelated note:

Oh frell, why would anyone feel the need to show that damn pic just before bedtime?! Is this what work does to ppl? Dammit.
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 12 Mar 2007, 01:56

I really don't know what happened to irratate her Fate. Guess it wasn't worth talking things through.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby winterfate » 12 Mar 2007, 01:58

Hmm...or perhaps she just wanted to leave the forums semi-permanently but needed an excuse.

It's always been my little theory that DL was intentionally trying to get kicked out of the RT...

I find it hard to believe that one human being can be so spammerific, 24/7 (or perhaps it was something deeper? :))
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Unread postby asandir » 12 Mar 2007, 02:02

I doubt that winterfate .... I think it was a cry for attention :)
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