Actually, that cemetary is pretty old. Most of the stones in the area we were shooting in were marked for the mid 1800's. Sadly, many of the smaller ones are children. We found one for a little girl that was only 4 days old.

Over in the 'newer' section, there are at least two of these giant black obelisk shaped stones. They are at least 15 feet tall and about 4 feet square at the base, highly polished and quite impressive. My oldest son saw them and said "THAT is what I want when I die!" I told him to start saving up for it now, 'cause *I* wasn't going to pay for it.
OH - and the photographer gave me permission to give out the link to his pics. There are more pics of just the cemetary and more of the nifty Infra Red pics. The link below is a 'thumbnail' page, all in black & white to load quickly. You can mouse over the images to see the color and click on them for larger shots.
Some of the pics have the names 'changed' on the stones. One has me standing with a 'fire' that wasn't really there. I was jesturing over a sun dial and Bob put the fire in. Pretty nifty.