has anyone played the last Ranger Mission in 1.4?

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Joined: 12 Aug 2006

has anyone played the last Ranger Mission in 1.4?

Unread postby loran16 » 08 Mar 2007, 22:49

Im curious, has anyone played the last ranger mission in 1.4 with the necro changes?

It was my favorite mission ever in 1.0, since it was so ridiculously challenging and you felt like you were going up against epic opponents.

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Location: Zabrze, Poland

Unread postby Boromir » 09 Mar 2007, 10:16

I've finished this mission (on 1.4) several days ago - and yes, it was quite hard. On heroic level Necromancers collect extreme numbers of skeletons. It was fun to have a fight against a lvl 33 hero with 25500 Skeleton Archers, more than 100 Spectral Dragons, more than 300 Wraiths, 350 Arch Liches, 600 Vampire Lords, 1900 Spectres and 1500 Zombies, while my army was 3 times smaller (the Avenger skill rules, however). :D I have lost 2/3 of my army and the opponnent had another hero with an army comparable to the one presented above. I had no chance to stand against him, so I simply found Nikolaj and killed him - his army was almost next to nothing.
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