Campaign Update: Champions

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Unread postby protecyon » 02 Jun 2005, 12:41

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby jimbolium » 02 Jun 2005, 12:41

Yes indeed try it out, its been testet by lots of my friends and it works fine ! i spend many months on the map and i really think i have a nice game.

But i also need your opinion !

The Game is inspired by the "Settlers of Catan" and other board games i play ! I Designed the game to be played again and again ! I startet with a 4 player MP but the challeng came with 1 player SP. Teaching the AI was not easy ! I have taken random control of the map !

that means that there are a lot of random, artifact,ressources ect. but within my parameteres and looking around the map sites i think ive eliminated 87 %

(i had to guess :D ) of " things that can go wrong when making a map" and maybe 93 % of random mapmaking (quest)

it wont spoil the joy if you check it out in the map editor and check spells, artifacts ect. That will give you a good piture of my game.

life is full of choices and in my game likewise even though you get to know the map it will still be a challenge and there will be several ways to victory and defeat !

as Bob Marley would have said, you can fool some Heroes sometime, but you cant fool all the Heroes all the time !

please enjoy :D

and feel free to comment.

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 04 Jul 2005, 19:57

Ok, Crusard if you are reading this, I need help. I downloaded Champions, updated version, and played it, and it is awesome. And I say 'is' because I'm still playing it. I'm stuck. It's not that part with the sprites by the town or what I heard some others say. I'm on the 2nd map, Sands of Ranydal. I just killed the Commander outside that evil guys fortress. I ran around a bit looking for clues, but i got nothin. Every time i try to go in the fortress, it says its only ok to go in if its absolutely necessary, that's all. It does'nt let me in. I visited the cave to the northeast of the dwarf town, i cant pass. The pandora's box i cant open for the same reason as the pass. I did get the elder on my team. I don't know what to do. I heard there are many ways to win or lose. Is my game over? Could you help?( or at least give a hint if you dont want to spoil it.) :)
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 04 Jul 2005, 23:37

Obviously, I'm not Crusard but I've played through twice and am in the middle of my third game. The Campaign was created to be played twice. I've put some very minor spoilers below:

The first time through, you play without solving the puzzle in the first map; you'll get the solution at the end of the third map.

The second time through the campaign, you should plan on solving the puzzle in the first map; because it triggers events that don't happen the first time around.

There is a cave just north of the Fortress (the lever on the Idol of Fortune next to it). You can get an idea of what your second game will involve, although you don't get to do much the first time around.

Then you should be able to enter the Fortress through the front gate; but once you go in you can't leave until you get to the end of the scenario. Follow the underground maze through to the to the final portal of the map. That will take you to the last map.

Good Luck & Have Fun!
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