What do we want? Heroes V. When do we want it? Later!

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What do we want? Heroes V. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Angelspit » 27 Jan 2006, 03:36

It didn't take very long for <a href="/http://www.saveheroes.org/">SaveHeroes.org</a> to be noticed by the press. The project has been mentionned at <a href="/http://www.evilavatar.com/forums/showth ... 203&">Evil Avatar</a>, <a href="/http://www.gametab.com/news/475605/">ActionTrip</a>, <a href="/http://www.bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/board. ... 92">Blue's News</a>, <a href="/http://www.rpgdot.com/index.php?hsactio ... >RPGDot</a>, <a href="/http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php ... playing</a>, and <a href="/http://www.tcmagazine.info/comments.php ... echconnect Magazine</a>. Not only is the amount of coverage beyond my expectations, but the reaction of the press and the Internet audience is very positive.

333 people have <a href="/http://www.saveheroes.org/petition/">signed the petition</a> by the time I write this. That is good, but that is not enough. Please contact your gamer friends, should they play Might and Magic games, Heroes or even Crusaders. Only the involvement of the community at large will make the franchise what it once was.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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What do we want? Heroes V. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Grishn » 27 Jan 2006, 07:51


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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 27 Jan 2006, 08:02

You might want to take the signing here (RT thread), or to the actual SaveHeroes petition. Provided you haven't already, of course ;)
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What do we want? Heroes V. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Gyx » 27 Jan 2006, 09:07

Ever since I bought my first computer, I mostly played Heroes (from number 2 to 4). It's the only game which I am consistently drawn to. Personally, I do not agree that Heroes 4 was a bad product, although it certainly wasn't flawless. It remained playable however. Now, with Heroes V nearing completion, I had to respond. I haven't participated in the beta, so I don't know any flaws in the game as we speak, but it is my opinion that when released, the game should be as flawless as can be. After all, that's why we consumers buy games. Otherwise, it would be like buying a car and having the steering wheel delivered some weeks later. I think, that game developers have the obligation to deliver a product that is completely enjoyable from purchase onwards. There simply are no excuses.

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What do we want? Heroes V. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Kilfire » 27 Jan 2006, 10:18

It's just possible that HoMM5 has just been saved.
I had a look at the BluesNews link attached to the article, and "Dev" has posted this:
The 3rd quarter report was posted today. It lists the expected titles to be published jan-march (4th quarter). HOMM isn't on it!!! So at the moment, they aren't counting its revenue in thier projected earnings. This is good news.
http://www.ubisoftgroup.com/resources/b ... 012606.pdf
Also, they've lowered the projected yearly income. This is also good news because it means they probably wont be counting on homm to give them a last minute small boost.
I've taken a look at the PDF myself (go to the bottom page), and it's true, no sign of HoMM5. At risk of being premature, Congratulations to all who signed!

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 27 Jan 2006, 12:45

Good news indeed- but no reason too forget about it. Hopefully, we'll get a new release date soon, and hopefully, it will give enough room for Nival to polish the game so that it will be as good as it deserves to.
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What do we want? Heroes V. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby schaf » 27 Jan 2006, 12:55

Eh, guys, when u activate the beta it says the key is valid from january till the end of april (26th i think) and if you ask me, they were planning on delaying long before open beta started. There is no use having valid key for open beta if there is retail box out. So if open beta is active till that date, there is definitely not going to be any release in march.

I don't know what's all the fuss about, it is not like they said at the end of march the is game ois going out no matter what. I don't even remember seeing official release date, retailers dates are useless here.

I know you are all afraid of homm4 story, but i believe they are too. Afterall they are developers, not bunch of geeky morons just staring at the screen all day. Tho, nothing can be lost if there is major panic about rushed game, hehe.

All will be well, you shall see. :)

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 27 Jan 2006, 13:12

The march 31:st date appeared in several previews of the game this month. Since it's also the end of Ubisoft's fiscal year, the chance of it being pushed through the final stages of development to meet that deadline, coupled with the damage we knows that the brand would take if it would happen, would more than warrant being worried if you ask me. Hopefully, you're right and I'm wrong, but I'd rather make sure that if it's the other way around, we'll have acted in good time to prevent the worst consequenses.
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What do we want? Heroes V. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Prayer-Loynis » 27 Jan 2006, 14:14

Many people (including myself) will have to PLAY the beta first before signing the petition!

Please bear in mind that open beta is "really" open from now on since fileplanet offers it now to ALL (i.e. not only to subscribers).

Play - see for yourself - and afterwards make your own decision!

Ubisoft people will also make up their minds on that...

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 27 Jan 2006, 16:46

Tycho at Penny-Arcade made some comments on the Beta and the petition: http://www.penny-arcade.com/. It's the "A Field With Virtually Unlimited Potential" topic.
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What do we want? H5. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Veldrynus » 27 Jan 2006, 20:34


... oh, right ! SAVE HEEEEROES !!!!
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What do we want? H5. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 27 Jan 2006, 23:10

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Unread postby Veldrynus » 28 Jan 2006, 09:48

Save Heroes number Five, or I'll bite my wings and horns off and send it to Ubisoft as a sign of my outrage ! If Heroes 5 comes out before 21'th december 2043, I will do other radical moves as well : I will beat the shit out of some guys*, and I burn some flags**!

* The first 2 or 3 guys, who I meet on the street at night, and who are MUCH weaker than me. This will teach them and Ubisoft a lesson.

** It doesn't matters wich countrie's, organization's, town's or sport team's flag is it. It will burn like hell. This will teach those flag's and Ubisoft a lesson.

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What do we want? H5. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Orfinn » 28 Jan 2006, 19:56


Wow you are pathetic, you cant even be "evil" in the right way. *sigh* Evil, theres the meaningless word again along with mr.good. No theres no evil, no good. Theres instinct, love and intelligence, sadly you seems so corrupt that you dosent fit in either.

But enough of this, this is about Heroes 5 not your pathetic influence, get a life or be doomed in your small wretched life, get a life ;)
Edited on Sat, Jan 28 2006, 12:57 by Orfinn

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Re: What do we want? H5. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Veldrynus » 28 Jan 2006, 20:00

Orfinn wrote:@Veldrynus
Wow you are pathetic, you cant even be "evil" in the right way. *sigh* Evil, theres the meaningless word again along with mr.good. No theres no evil, no good. Theres instinct, love and intelligence, sadly you seems so corrupt that you dosent fit in either.
Huh? Whatareyatalkinabout? :|

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Re: What do we want? H5. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Corribus » 28 Jan 2006, 20:04

Veldrynus wrote:Huh? Whatareyatalkinabout? :|
I'm a little confused about this one as well....
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Re: What do we want? H5. When do we want it? Later!

Unread postby Veldrynus » 28 Jan 2006, 20:11

Corribus wrote:
Veldrynus wrote:Huh? Whatareyatalkinabout? :|
I'm a little confused about this one as well....
Of course, understanding this one, requires at least an IQ of 70...

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Unread postby Corribus » 28 Jan 2006, 20:16

No, no, I meant I'm a little confused about Orfinn's post as well, not yours. ;)
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Unread postby Wildbear » 28 Jan 2006, 21:03

It's easy, it's the story of a guy with 224 posts on a forum who tells another with 42 posts on the same forum to get a life. :D
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Unread postby Corribus » 28 Jan 2006, 21:06

Wildbear wrote:It's easy, it's the story of a guy with 224 posts on a forum who tells another with 42 posts on the same forum to get a life. :D
Remind me how many posts you both had on the Round Table before it moved. ;)
"What men are poets who can speak of Jupiter if he were like a man, but if he is an immense spinning sphere of methane and ammonia must be silent?" - Richard P. Feynman

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