Computer controlled armies always retreat

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Computer controlled armies always retreat

Unread postby Domingo » 25 Feb 2007, 04:15

I just started playing Heroes again after taking a break for a couple of months. I installed the latest patch and was all excited about getting back into the game. I was pretty let down though, it seemed that everytime I met up with an enemy hero and engaged in a battle, he just retreated.

Comparing the army of my hero to the computers I'd say I probably had an advantage, but at least some of the battles should have been close.

So I went a whole map, without a single decent battle between me and another army. How boring. Has anyone else had this experience?
Last edited by Domingo on 25 Feb 2007, 04:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby winterfate » 25 Feb 2007, 04:18

I have...many times.

Takes the fun out of the game, IMO! (and if you play Heroic, they won't retreat...but good luck trying to win a map at that difficulty :().

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Unread postby myythryyn » 25 Feb 2007, 04:24

ahh yes, the constantly fleeing AI heroes.

it has been reported that this is bugged. if you play on hard or higher, the AI never flees.
but if you play on normal or lower, you are stuck with a cowardly AI and you hardly ever get to finish a battle with the death of the enemy.

ive played maps where it gets so bad that the AI flees right at the start of battle before i can even move one troop. its like the game punishes you for having a large army and you never get to fight a battle.
to me, that is totally annoying and boring.

what is the point of playing HOMM V if every battle the AI army flees?
i completely undestand the tactical logic of fleeing, but, the AI flees way too much in my opinion and ruins the game.

so either you increase your difficulty to hard so the AI never flees, or you do what I do.

open your console,
then type in this magical command
@GiveArtifact("heroscriptname", 7);
youll have to find out the scriptname of whatever hero you want to give artifact too. heroscriptnames can be found here ... ames.shtml

this will give your hero the shackles of the last man, which prevents AI fleeing.
then youll never have to see the "enemy has fled" screen again.
you can have the satisfaction of fighting your enemy to the death :)

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Unread postby Domingo » 25 Feb 2007, 05:52

Wow, thanks for the fast responses, and the tips!

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Unread postby winterfate » 26 Feb 2007, 00:07

Anytime! ;)

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Unread postby Caradoc » 26 Feb 2007, 18:01

How are those shackles supposed to work, I wonder. Before the battle, do you ask your opponents to kindly slip these around their legs?

I would think this would make for a good spell.
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Unread postby Starbatron » 26 Feb 2007, 19:24

That is a great tip, and something I will try. I am a casual player, but it is quite annoying when the AI always flees. Perhaps Ubival can replace this annoying bug with a less annoying one (probably the best we can hope for :lolu: )

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Unread postby AllanPoe » 26 Feb 2007, 20:56

Yes, but if you have the shackles of the last man you also can't flee which in some cases narrows your options.

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Unread postby borco » 26 Feb 2007, 21:43

AI never fled on me, I have all patches installed and HoF 2.1...
but I ask my self different question Why he didn't flrd when he was obviously weaker then me ( I easy beat his best hero took all artifacts and later on blue was out of the picture, same hapened for all 4 AI players... so I 'am saying its good ai flees but its boreing if he does it in first two turns of battle when he maybe have chance to beat me/you )

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Unread postby myythryyn » 26 Feb 2007, 23:58

AllanPoe wrote:Yes, but if you have the shackles of the last man you also can't flee which in some cases narrows your options.
flee? i never flee :D
plus that is what save and reload is for....

and yes Caradoc, thats exactly what you do, you politely ask your enemy to put the shackles on....make sure you say please too.
the only problem is those genie heroes without legs...but then i have no idea how they ride an elephant either.....

and also make sure they sign the legal forms that prevent them from sueing you afterwards for damages to their legs from use of the shackles...dont want any costly lawsuits....
or at least put a large sticker on the shackles that says - Warning, improper use may cause injury, numbness and or loss of the foot....

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Unread postby winterfate » 27 Feb 2007, 00:08


That was priceless, myythryyn!

Or perhaps it magically shackles the heroes to each other? That would make some sense in the game...
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